

Shalene Gupta 2014年06月26日


    2013年是农历里的蛇年。而对于凯特•丝蓓(Kate Spade)来说,2013年则属于狗年。因为在这一年中,它推出了以毛皮大衣和雨衣为特色的新产品系列。让爱狗身无片缕地漫步于公园和大街也许是曾经的时尚,但现如今还是趁早打消这种念头吧!现在还有谁不给宠物狗戴块头巾就出门呢?看来我们得赶紧掏钱包,不过好像大衣这一系列的产品现在已经停产了。虽然凯特•丝蓓没有回应我们的诉求,但我们的话已经放出去了。另外,我们还想再多问一句,这种黑白相间的派克大衣款式能不能做成适合人穿的?

    5. Kate Spade

    For the rest of the world, 2013 was the year of the snake. For Kate Spade, it was the year of the dog, with its launch of a new product line featuring parkas and raincoats for the furry. Was there ever a time when dogs wanted to roam through parks and yards bare-skinned? Perish the thought: who would want to when they could tuck a hood about their ears? We whipped out our wallets, but it seems like the line has been discontinued. Kate Spade didn't return our calls, but we say bring it back. Also, can we get the black and white parka they made in human sizes?

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