

Jonathan Weinberg 2014年06月16日





    巴克洛夫特和他的同行们不同,专攻那些大家必点的内容,更多的是老少咸宜的“奇幻大自然”或者“今晚娱乐”,而很少涉足晚间新闻类节目。当CNN在报导“25年后的天安门”时,巴克洛夫电视台的主打标题却是“潜水员差点葬身鱼腹”。CBS 新闻台一周内仅在YouTube上发布了两个视频,而巴克洛夫特发布的视频数超过200个。



    按照巴克洛夫特的规划,明年公司投放在YouTube 和包括MSN、雅虎屏幕(Yahoo Screen )、中国的优酷网(Youku)等平台上的视频内容会赚得10亿多次的浏览量。它曾经将制作的成品视频卖给《卫报》(The Guardian)、《纽约邮报》(New York Post)、《邮报在线》(Mail Online)和《电讯报》(The Telegraph)这样的合作伙伴;巴克洛夫特公司创始人说,如今它自己的电视产业部门已经非常受欢迎,完全可以用来发布这些视频。

    “‘2013年谷歌时代思潮’(Google Zeitgeist for 2013)收录了我们的一部影片之后,我们意识到,当初为了向电视和广播媒体宣传我们的视频,我们创建的这个YouTube频道实际上已经自行发展成为一种B2C模式了。”这位曾在一家全国性报刊担任摄影师的公司创始人说。“我们制作的短片正在创造一个全新的模式,使观众可以不通过其它中介网页,直接看到这些短片。”





    By mastering the viral video, a British media startup has become a Top 10 YouTube channel. It has its sights set on far loftier goals.

    Ten years ago, Sam Barcroft decided to start a media company out of his North London flat. Today, Barcroft Media is responsible for a Top 10 news channel on YouTube , with hundreds of millions of views—more than the channels for CNN, Al-Jazeera, or CBS News.

    How? By mastering the dark art of viral video.

    Unlike its established peers, Barcroft specializes in must-see clips that are more at home on the Animal Channel or Entertainment Tonight than the evening news. In contrast to CNN’s “Tiananmen Square 25 years later,” Barcroft TV serves up “Diver Is Nearly Swallowed By A Whale.” In a week where CBS News publishes two YouTube videos, Barcroft publishes more than 200.

    Though many of its videos are indeed serious—”CDC: We were wrong on Illinois MERS case” reads one—the company’s mix of highbrow and lowbrow content and its sheer metabolism leave professional news agencies lagging behind.

    All this, despite just 50 employees and no outside investment.

    Barcroft projects that its videos will be viewed more than a billion times over the next year on YouTube and the other platforms on which it distributes them, including MSN, Yahoo Screen , Dailymotion, and China’s Youku. The company once worked to sell its videos to partners like The Guardian, New York Post, Mail Online, and The Telegraph; today, its TV arm is popular enough to be a destination in its own right, its founder says.

    “When one of our films was included in the Google Zeitgeist for 2013, we realized this YouTube channel we had set up in order to advertise our content to TV shows and broadcasters had actually developed a business-to-consumer life of its own,” says the company’s founder, a former national newspaper photographer. “These short films we were making were creating a whole new opportunity to reach an audience directly rather than solely through other clients’ pages.”

    The company is moving quickly to take advantage of its growing online revenue, even though it isn’t nearly enough to supplant its other revenue streams. It recently announced a partnership to bring its videos to the Japanese market.

    “Online is the fastest-growing area of our business, but the online economy is still far smaller than the broadcast economy,” he says. “If we were the No. 2 broadcast news network in the world, I’d be driving a much nicer car than I am. When the market values our content highly, we will get our rewards from it.”

    Barcroft has 20 journalists working out of the U.K. capital, as well as in New York and Delhi. Many came from a print background and were retrained with digital skills. “A lot of them still had to completely relearn their trade and how to produce content for different mediums,” Barcroft says.

    Some have criticized Barcroft’s content as “click bait” and categorized the company as part of a recent wave of viral media outlets that include Buzzfeed and Vice that take advantage of the Internet’s current social distribution model. Barcroft insists that his company’s content is always “balanced and well-reported”—even as he admits that it targets the “shocking and sensational”—and welcomes the comparison.

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