评论称海外现科技泡沫:警惕虚假繁荣 抓住“酷”公司

评论称海外现科技泡沫:警惕虚假繁荣 抓住“酷”公司

Adam Lashinsky 2014年05月16日

    冒着让大家觉得我已经老了的风险,我要说的是,以前我也见过这种局面。以前的科技泡沫时期,也有一些叱咤一时的科技媒体,比如Upside和《红鲱鱼》杂志(Red Herring,像今天的一些新媒体一样,这两家媒体背后也都有知名风投的资助),以及CNET新闻、《行业标准》(The Industry Standard)等,另外《华尔街日报》和《泰晤士报》(Times)也大量出炉科技类报道,当然还有走下坡路的《圣荷塞信使报》。










    At the risk of sounding old, I've seen this before, too. Back in the good old days, there wereUpside and Red Herring magazines (each notable, like some of today's new outlets, for being backed by some of the venture capitalists they covered), as well as CNET News, The Industry Standard and robust coverage in the Journal, Times, and -- bless its diminished soul -- theMercury News.

    The fact that most people reading this post won't have ever heard of some of these publications should sufficiently explain how it all turned out for them. And some of the news organizations that I listed above that are in existence today won't survive the demise of the current bubble. Some will, of course. That's how bubbles work.

    I can also gauge the tech bubble by the flow of dinner, drinks, and other social invitations in my inbox. The PTA at my daughter's school is hosting a really neat fundraiser this week in San Francisco, the kind of event that appeals to an audience far beyond our school community. I personally know of no fewer than four other significant functions happening that night elsewhere in San Francisco, and that's not counting straight-ahead business functions. I could easily dine out four nights a week on the dime of some public relations firm that is hosting a dinner in an attempt to drum up publicity for its client. And I'm not invited to nearly the number of swanky gatherings that my younger, more receptive colleagues are.

    This isn't new, either. During the last bubble -- when I was younger and had fewer responsibilities outside of work -- I pretty much stopped going to tech-related dinners because they were all the same. The stories were the same. The people were the same. The restaurants? The same.

    After the bubble popped, the invitations slowed down dramatically. It was a relief.

    I'll conclude with one caveat and one lesson learned.

    The caveat is that I have no idea when this game of musical chairs will end and who will be left standing. I just know that it will end.

    The lesson involves how I intend to behave differently this time around. Before, I was so exhausted from the trajectory of it all -- first the giddy run-up, then the monotonous exuberance, and finally the depressing collapse -- that I had a hard time getting excited about the technology business for a while. For a short period of time, it blinded me to legitimately cool companies that were still grinding away on interesting businesses. I remember visiting Google (GOOG), for example, during the depths of the tech downturn and being simultaneously excited by its optimism and unimpressed with its business model. (Oops.)

    This time around, I plan to keep my eyes open for the interesting companies and entrepreneurs that are sure to survive this strange period. Because the tech bubble is upon us -- and I fully expect it to burst.

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