

Erik Heinrich 2014年04月17日
Facebook以20亿美元天价收购Oculus VR后,过去几十年一直停滞不前的虚拟现实技术一夜之间变得炙手可热。这项技术真的是科技界的下一个大事件吗?还是说,扎克伯格这次又看走了眼?

    弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)分析师詹姆斯•麦克奎维说:“Facebook收购Oculus似乎更多的是出于恐惧,而非真正的业务需要。Facebook错过了向移动技术的转型,感觉Facebook的高管们似乎发誓绝不再错过任何重大转型。然而,与移动技术不同,虚拟现实永远只能是小众技术,即便它最终能发展成非常令人兴奋的小众技术。”



    这已有先例:10年前,林登实验室(Linden Lab)推出的第二人生(Second Life)游戏为玩家们营造了一个3D虚拟世界。用户在这个世界里可自定义角色,还能进行社交活动。林登实验室本身和它的理念一时间备受关注,但这款游戏在鼎盛时期也仅有10万玩家同时在线,最终未能被普遍接受。





    "Facebook's acquisition of Oculus seems motivated more by fear than by good business alignment," Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey says. "Facebook missed the shift to mobile, and it feels like Facebook executives have sworn to never miss another big shift again. Only unlike mobile, virtual reality will only ever be a niche, even if it eventually becomes a very exciting one."

    That's because virtual reality is still constrained by the size of its hardware, the lack of content for it, and above all, the saturation limits of your five senses, McQuivey says. Try to graft that onto a social experience, and the proposition becomes even more fraught.

    "Your Facebook friends certainly won't be developing virtual reality content anytime soon," McQuivey says, "which makes the fit between social media and virtual reality less than obvious."

    It has been done before: 10 years ago, Linden Lab's Second Life came to market with a 3-D virtual world where users could customize an avatar and socialize with each other. The company and concept received much attention for a time, but peaked at fewer than 100,000 concurrent users, ultimately failing to achieve broad adoption.

    Today's VR technology, while far more sophisticated and more likely to see broader adoption, also risks the same fate: niche appeal. "I can tell you that immersive VR is not the next big platform after mobile," Gartner research analyst Brian Blau says. "We see wearable devices as very important, but it's not just limited to head-mounted displays. It includes products like watches, fitness trackers, or even connected devices such as home appliances and cars."And even then, it's a long-term play at best.

    "Today, Oculus is only an HMD product," Blau says. "It's not a content system, and we know that it's content that will actually drive any VR ecosystem forward. So many more pieces need to come together before we see the emergence of a VR platform."   

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