

Erik Heinrich 2014年04月17日
Facebook以20亿美元天价收购Oculus VR后,过去几十年一直停滞不前的虚拟现实技术一夜之间变得炙手可热。这项技术真的是科技界的下一个大事件吗?还是说,扎克伯格这次又看走了眼?

    Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格认为虚拟现实是“下一个平台”。为了证明自己所言非虚,Facebook近日以20亿美元天价收购了创业公司Oculus VR,在沉寂多年的虚拟现实界掀起惊涛骇浪。




    斯坦福大学虚拟人类接触实验室(Virtual Human Interaction Lab)主任杰瑞米•拜伦森说:“就在两年前,虚拟现实技术还在以龟速前进。从技术角度而言,硬件设备的重量越来越轻,效果更逼真,造价更便宜。从软件角度而言,我们已跨过了转折点。”





    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg describes virtual reality as the "platform of tomorrow." To back that assertion up, his company in March bought the small firm Oculus VR for $2 billion, sparking a frenzy around VR that hasn't been seen in years.

    There's no arguing that the purchase puts the Menlo Park, Calif.-based company at the forefront of the technology, which digitally simulates a three-dimensional world. But several key questions remain despite the buzz over the deal: Why is it that, after being in development longer than Oculus's 21-year-old CEO Palmer Luckey has been alive, VR technology is still not ready for prime time? And on Facebook's (FB) part, is Zuckerberg even right in targeting VR as the next big technology to watch -- or is he just setting himself up for another disappointing purchase?

    There are three primary reasons for VR's arrested development over the past three decades. Until recently, virtual reality technology has always needed more computational power than was readily available on home PCs, mobile phones, and gaming consoles. For that same reason, it lacked mobility. And the technology itself has lagged somewhat, lacking sufficient resolution and head-tracking capabilities to create a truly convincing virtual experience.

    Technologists have largely overcome these obstacles in the last few years, thanks to faster microchips, an explosion in broadband infrastructure, and a proliferation in the use of sensors in mobile devices.

    "The technology has been moving at a crawl up until two years ago," says Jeremy Bailenson, director of Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab. "From a technological standpoint, the hardware is becoming lighter, more realistic, and cheaper. From a software standpoint, we have passed the tipping point."

    So why won't Oculus -- or Sony (SNE), its much larger competitor -- commit to a release date for a VR platform that is ready for prime time? The trade-off between performance and price may be partly to blame, Bailenson says.

    "There are dozens of display companies, including Sony and Oculus, who are racing to be the standard," he says. Bailenson says he met with Zuckerberg a few weeks before he bought Oculus and gave the billionaire a copy of his book Infinite Reality, a VR primer for undergraduates and novices. "I think VR has the potential to transform education, preventative medicine, and just about every domain imaginable," he adds.

    There are myriad applications for the technology -- military training, health care, etc. -- but the most immediate potential lies in the $100 billion video game industry, where consumers are welcoming of a novel, new way to experience titles.

    This is perhaps the strongest reason underscoring Facebook's interest in Oculus. The social company has seen great success in using its platform for simple gaming, and has given birth to several large companies -- Zynga (ZNGA) among them -- because of it. Does Zuckerberg think that VR is the next wave?    

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