

Aaron Levie 2014年03月03日

    最近举办的一次活动中,一家大型保险公司的首席执行官很倒霉,坐在了我旁边。身为一家企业软件公司的创始人,我当然要追着他问他们公司的信息技术战略情况。从这次时间不长的聊天中我了解到,他的公司除了运用IT技术保持业务运营顺畅之外,并没有什么信息技术规划。而最近和其他一些“财富美国500强”(Fortune 500)企业的领导人就此问题的探讨也差不多都是这么收尾的,最好的概括就是响亮地来一句“这不是该我考虑的事情”。






    The CEO of a large insurance provider had the misfortune of being seated next to me at a recent event. As the founder of an enterprise software company, naturally I pressed him on his business's information technology strategy. The conversation didn't last long. His organization lacked a technology agenda beyond using IT to keep the business running smoothly. Recent discussions with other Fortune 500 leaders have ended similarly, best summarized by a resounding, "it's someone else's job to worry about that."

    Perhaps. But try telling that to the CEO of Blockbuster. Who, by the way, has the dubious distinction of having once said about Netflix, "As for the competition, we're not worried." Blockbuster recently closed the doors of its remaining 300 stores, having never recovered from its tepid, confusing digital strategy.

    Meanwhile, Nest pulled off the impossible, demonstrating that a hardware company could go from zero to a $3.2 billion Google (GOOG) acquisition in a mere three years by making so-called "dumb" household devices smart, and outsourcing manufacturing to bring them to market at breakneck speed. Until a month ago, I'm sure the Honeywell CEO never imagined the possibility of competing with Google, one of the greatest tech and information powerhouses in the world.

    But it's not fair to plot Blockbuster's demise alongside the ascension of Netflix, right? Or assume Honeywell (HON) should have seen this coming. Netflix (NFLX) and Nest are in many ways technology companies, driven by proven technology visionaries, Reed Hastings and Tony Fadell, respectively. This is a logical rationalization, but it won't be a useful one much longer.

    The rules of business are changing at exponential rates. The very moats, capabilities, and processes that created leadership positions in the last century are diminishing in relevance or being neutralized altogether, making way for a new set of competitive forces. And as we move from an industrial to information economy, every company will need to move and innovate at the speed of their data-exploiting technology counterparts.

    The first chapter of digital disruption played out in the 90s, when the Internet's rise upended traditional forms of distribution and commerce. With consultants in tow, every blue chip consumer brand and industrial giant launched a web initiative to stave off competition in this new medium. Each sector ultimately experienced the wave of "creative destruction" differently, with a handful of big box retailers and newspapers disappearing into the ether, but most corporations remaining largely unchanged, or at worst, slightly scathed. As the dot-com fervor showed signs of aging, most enterprises believed the world was back to "business as usual", with technology investments holding steady and internal efforts focusing on business automation and back-office tasks.

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