

JP Mangalindan 2011-06-15
“遗产愚不可及!我可不会留遗产。我喜欢像现在这样,从老本行转到慈善事业。过去,我曾与许许多多聪明人一道工作过,有些事进展很顺利,有些则不那么顺利。但是,我们从事的事业最终使人们获得了能量。这很了不起。”——比尔•盖茨【《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail)】


    * 近日,比尔•盖茨接受了《每日邮报》的采访,透露了一些鲜为人知的事。采访中,盖茨表示,只会将巨额财富中“很小的一部分”留给三个子女;另外,他还分析了为何IT业下一件大事是语音识别技术。【《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail)】

    * 史蒂夫•乔布斯如何从早年在皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar)的职业经历中汲取灵感,最终开发了苹果(Apple)的iCloud服务。【美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)】

    * Facebook的增长开始放缓了吗?该网站最新的用户数据显示了这一趋势。过去一年中,Facebook平均每月增加2,000万个新用户。但是,今年四、五两月,该社交网络只分别增加了1,390万和1,180万个用户。事实上,美国、加拿大和英国等国家的Facebook用户已经开始流失,仅美国本土就有近600万活跃用户实际上已经退出。【科技资讯网站BetaBeat(BetaBeat)】

    * 为何苹果在其iOS5移动操作系统中集成的是Twitter而非Facebook?资讯网站Betanews的乔•威利克斯猜测说,这很大程度上与这两家公司截然不同的思维方式有关。“苹果希望将用户的内容推入到设备中,而Facebook希望将内容拖到云中。”威利克斯如此写道。【资讯网站Betanews(Betanews)】

    * 据报道,微软公司(Microsoft)有些开发人员对于Windows 8的开发工作深感恐惧。科技资讯网站Ars Technica分析称,软件开发人员欲转向主要基于HTML5和JavaScript的操作系统必须抛弃过去20年间积累的Windows开发知识和技能。【科技资讯网站Ars Technica(Ars Technica)】

    * Flipboard创始人兼首席执行官迈克•麦克库伊分享他与其之前创建的初创公司、致力于语音识别的TellMe如何在互联网泡沫破灭之后生存下来的故事。【科技博客TechCrunch(TechCrunch)】


    * Bill Gates gave a rare and revealing interview to The Daily Mail chatting about how the three Gates kids will only receive a "miniscule portion" of dad's wealth and why the next big thing in tech is speech and voice recognition. (The Daily Mail)

    * How Steve Jobs's Pixar experience helped lead to Apple's iCloud service. (CNN)

    * Is Facebook growth slowing down? That's what some of the newest user numbers indicate. Over the last year or so, Facebook added an average of 20 million new users a month, but last April and May, the social network only gained 13.9 million and 11.8 million users respectively. And in fact, countries like the U.S, Canada and the UK actually lost users, with almost six million stateside active users actually dropping out. (BetaBeat)

    * Why did Apple integrate Twitter into its iOS5 mobile operating system and not Facebook? Joe Wilcox over at Betanews speculates it largely has to do with the two companies' differing ideologies. "Apple wants to push users' content to the device, whereas Facebook wants to pull content to the cloud," he writes. (Betanews)

    * Microsoft reportedly has developers horrified about coding for Windows 8. By switching to an OS driven largely by HTML5 and JavaScript, Ars Technica argues software coders have to discard two decades worth of Windows developing knowledge and expertise. (Ars Technica)

    * Flipboard founder and CEO Mike McCue on how he and his last startup, the voice recognition-focused TellMe, survived the dotcom bust. (TechCrunch)

