

JP Mangalindan 2011-06-02

    * 据报道, Twitter计划在本周三举行的D9数字大会(All Things D’s D9)上推出照片共享服务。如果此计划能付诸实践,Twitter的社交网络服务必将取得重大突破。目前,Twitter用户只能将照片存储在Twitpic 和 Flickr等第三方网站上。[数字化大会(All Things D)]

    * iPad和三星公司(Samsung)的Galaxy Tab平板电脑等畅销移动产品中使用的均是ARM公司授权的处理器设计。近日,ARM公司预计,到2015年,超过半数的平板电脑、智能手机、以及其他类似便携设备中均将采用其生产的芯片。[《微电脑世界》(PC World)]

    * 英特尔(Intel)公布了几项未来计划,其中一项是其称为Ultrabook的PC笔记本类产品。该产品价格合理、搭载轻量级长春藤桥(Ivy Bridge)芯片组。英特尔希望,到2012年底,该产品能够成为市场上的畅销产品,拿下40%的PC市场份额。而主要用于上网本中的原子(Atom)处理器,虽然本来就身形极为纤小,但预计未来每年还会进一步“减肥”。英特尔承诺,相关的雪松小径(Cedar Trail)平台将提供10小时的续航时间。[《瘾科技》(Engadget)]

    * 初创公司Airbnb不断壮大,其主要业务是帮助客户出租他人的公寓房,而非酒店房间。据报道,该公司以10亿美元的估价,成功融资1亿美元,资金来源以风险资本机构安德森•霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)为首。(TechCrunch)

    * 《广告时代》(Ad Age)值得关注的女性:Facebook的卡罗琳•艾弗森加盟全球广告销售(Global Ad Sales),担任副总裁。(《广告时代》)

    * 在道德角度层面上,我们应该在多大程度上对科技突破负责?(《广告时代》)

    * 谷歌(Google)Android系统的市场占有率一度领先于苹果(Apple)iOS,是否这种优势已经不再扩大了?至少尼尔森公司(Nielsen)的最新调研数字暗示了这一观点。2011年2月到4月,谷歌操作系统的市场占有率一直持平,不增不减,而苹果操作系统的表现与之如出一辙。[《财富》(Fortune)]

    * 照片共享服务Instagram为何有望成为“移动社交枢纽”。(GigaOm)

    * 微软公司(Microsoft)最近推出了Windows Phone 7的升级版,代号为“芒果(Mango)”。微软此举对移动操作系统市场会产生什么影响呢?[《下一代网络》(The Next Web)]


    * Twitter reportedly plans to launch a photo-sharing service at All Things D's D9 conference this Wednesday. If it takes off, the service would mark a major step forward for the social network as users currently have to store their photos on third-party sites like Twitpic and Flickr. (All Things D)

    * ARM, which licenses its processor designs to companies for use in popular mobile products like the iPad and Samsung's Galaxy Tab tablet, predicts its chips will be found in over half of tablets, smart phones, and other similarly-handy devices by 2015. (Its share currently comes in at 10%.) (PC World)

    * Intel unveiled some of its future plans including what it's dubbed "Ultrabooks," a potentially affordable, lightweight Ivy Bridge chipset-powered PC laptop class the company hopes will up catch on and make up 40% of the PC market by the end of 2012. As for its Atom chips, found mostly in netbooks, expect their already wee size to get shrunken down every year moving forward, starting with Cedar Trail, promising 10 hours of battery life in between charges. (Engadget)

    * Airbnb, the growing start-up that lets people rent out other people's apartments in lieu of hotel rooms, is reportedly rounding up another $100 million in funding at a valuation of $1 billion, this time led by venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. (TechCrunch)

    * Ad Age's woman to watch: Facebook's Carolyn Everson, VP of Global Ad Sales. (Ad Age)

    * To what extent are we ethically responsible for our tech breakthroughs? (Ad Age)

    * Has Android's lead over Apple's iOS stopped growing? That's what the latest numbers from Nielsen seem to indicate. From February to April 2011, Google's numbers in that department held steady -- no less, no more -- while Apple's did the same. (Fortune)

    * How photo-sharing service Instagram has the potential to become "the mobile social hub." (GigaOm)

    * What Microsoft's recently-announced Windows Phone 7 software update, codenamed "Mango," potentially means for mobile OS. (The Next Web)
