

IVANA PINO 2022-12-07





特许金融分析师、特许市场技术师和Vineyard Global Advisors首席投资官托马斯·塞缪尔森表示:“大宗商品是一种商品或服务,其广泛可用性削弱了价格以外的其他因素在确定价值时的重要性(如品牌名称、独特性或吸引力等)。大宗商品是可互换的,不同来源的供应之间通常并不会出现太多差异。”


• 农业:农业大宗商品通常包括咖啡、玉米、糖、大豆和小麦。这些农作物通常被用于常见消费品,也是人类和牲畜的食物来源。

• 能源:能源大宗商品包括原油(作为交通燃料和用于生产塑料)、天然气(用于发电)和汽油(用于驱动私家车辆)。

• 金属:金属包括金(用于制作首饰)、银(用于制作首饰和其他许多工业用途)和铜(最常用于生产电缆)。

• 家畜:牛和猪等常见家畜被视为大宗商品。








优点:大宗商品可以对冲通货膨胀。在高通胀期间,美元贬值,大宗商品资产通常会上涨。据Vanguard在2021年根据彭博大宗商品指数(Bloomberg Commodity Index)所做的研究显示,非预期通货膨胀上涨1%,大宗商品价格会上涨7%至9%。










特许金融分析师、特许市场技术师和Vineyard Global Advisors首席投资官托马斯·塞缪尔森表示:“大宗商品是一种商品或服务,其广泛可用性削弱了价格以外的其他因素在确定价值时的重要性(如品牌名称、独特性或吸引力等)。大宗商品是可互换的,不同来源的供应之间通常并不会出现太多差异。”


• 农业:农业大宗商品通常包括咖啡、玉米、糖、大豆和小麦。这些农作物通常被用于常见消费品,也是人类和牲畜的食物来源。

• 能源:能源大宗商品包括原油(作为交通燃料和用于生产塑料)、天然气(用于发电)和汽油(用于驱动私家车辆)。

• 金属:金属包括金(用于制作首饰)、银(用于制作首饰和其他许多工业用途)和铜(最常用于生产电缆)。

• 家畜:牛和猪等常见家畜被视为大宗商品。








优点:大宗商品可以对冲通货膨胀。在高通胀期间,美元贬值,大宗商品资产通常会上涨。据Vanguard在2021年根据彭博大宗商品指数(Bloomberg Commodity Index)所做的研究显示,非预期通货膨胀上涨1%,大宗商品价格会上涨7%至9%。







Investors have access to a number of different types of assets that they can put their funds into to try to generate a profit. Investments don’t have to be limited to traditional stocks and bonds, sometimes the most valuable investments are the tangible goods that are all around us—these are called commodities.

What are commodities?

Commodities are an asset class made up of raw materials used to make consumer goods. These materials can help diversify an investor’s mix of assets and spread risk across different asset types.

“A commodity is a good or service whose wide availability diminishes the importance of factors other than price (such as brand name, uniqueness, or appeal) in determining its value,” says Thomas Samuelson, CFA, CMT, and chief investment officer at Vineyard Global Advisors. “A commodity is fungible, in that there is typically little differentiation between supply from different sources.”

Some of the most common commodities to invest in typically fall into one of the following categories:

• Agricultural: This type of commodity usually includes goods like coffee, corn, sugar, soybeans, and wheat. These crops are commonly used in popular consumer products and can be a source of food for humans and livestock as well.

• Energy: Energy commodities include crude oil used to fuel transportations and the production of plastics, natural gas used for electricity, and gasoline, which powers personal vehicles.

• Metals: Metals include gold, used in making jewelry; silver, also used for jewelry and many other industrial uses as well; and copper, the most widely used form of electrical wiring.

• Livestock: Popular livestock like cattle and hogs are considered commodities.

How do you invest in commodities?

There are a few different ways you might invest in commodities or gain exposure to them:

1. Purchasing the physical commodity. It’s possible to purchase a raw commodity, like a gold bar. However, if you go this route, you’ll need to account for the costs associated with holding a physical commodity like storage fees.

2. Investing in commodity stocks or ETFs. If investing in physical commodities isn’t your speed, you can indirectly invest in commodities by investing in commodity stocks. These are stocks in companies that produce or process certain commodities. “This approach benefits from both commodity price increases and the potential of the company to add value by increasing production of a particular commodity or providing income through the payment of a dividend,” says Samuelson. A commodity ETF tracks the prices of a commodity or that commodity’s corresponding index and gives an investor ownership over a set of contracts backed by the commodity.

Pros and cons of investing in commodities

Like any other investment, commodities are not without their own set of benefits and drawbacks. If you’re thinking about investing in commodities, here are some of the major pros and cons to note:

Pro: Commodities can generate short-term profits. There’s no real way to time the market, but if you happen to purchase and sell a commodity at the right time, you could generate a significant profit. "Since futures contracts generally require only a 5% margin, you could control $100,000 of copper for an initial investment of only $5,000. If the underlying price of copper rose 10%, the value of the copper you control would increase from $100,000 to $110,000 providing a $10,000 profit, but the return on your initial investment of $5,000 would be 100% ($10,000 profit on $5,000 initial investment),” says Samuelson. “Of course, you need to be right on the direction of the price of copper, and you can get a margin call requiring you to put up more money if the position moves against you.”

Pro: Commodities can be a hedge against inflation. These assets tend to rise during times of high inflation when the value of the dollar sinks. According to 2021 research from Vanguard based on the Bloomberg Commodity Index, a 1% rise in unexpected inflation would produce a 7% to 9% rise in commodities.

Con: Commodities can be extremely volatile. While commodities may not behave like other asset classes, they can still be risky. "Commodities are notoriously volatile, and predicting their price movements can be difficult,” says Samuelson. “Unknowable events such as weather, geopolitics, and the global economic outlook can dramatically impact the supply and demand, and thus the price of commodities.”

Con: Commodities don’t produce income for investors. Some investments like stocks, bonds, and real estate produce regular income for investors through dividends or rental income, but commodities do not produce income for investors unless they’re sold and a profit is realized from that sale.

The takeaway

Knowing the different types of investments available for you to invest in and how they typically behave can help you broaden your scope, diversify your portfolio, and potentially help hedge against inflation during times of economic turmoil.
