

JANE THIER 2022-08-11

网坛名将塞雷娜·威廉姆斯在《Vogue》杂志的一篇文章中宣布退役。图片来源:ROBERT PRANGE—GETTY IMAGES

周二上午在《Vogue》杂志上发表的一篇文章中,网坛名将、23次大满贯冠军塞雷娜·威廉姆斯宣布即将退役,将专注于家庭和她的风投基金Serena Ventures。


小威将在下个月满41岁。她从5岁开始打网球,她的职业生涯长达数十年,并取得了无可匹敌的战绩。1999年,小威在17岁时赢得首个大满贯单打冠军,并与姐姐大威共同获得14次大满贯女双冠军。2012年奥运会,小威夺得网球单打金牌;她和姐姐共取得了三枚奥运会双打金牌。在国际女子网球协会(Women’s Tennis Association)的世界女子单打球员排名中,小威排在第一位。




她一直在逐渐将重心转移到Serena Ventures。她在《Vogue》的文章中写道:“我每天早上都非常兴奋地走到楼下的办公室,打开Zoom,开始审查我们考虑投资的公司。”

小威表示,她在近十年前进行了第一笔投资,从那之后就喜欢上了早期种子轮之前和种子轮融资。她是在线教育订阅平台MasterClass的早期投资者。这是她的基金投资的16家独角兽公司之一,除此之外还包括Impossible Foods、Tonal和法国NFT公司Sorare。


小威投资的公司基本都与她即将告别的事业有关,包括医疗、健康和体育运动等领域。2022年到目前为止,Serena Ventures的六人团队已经从外部募资1.11亿美元。该公司到目前为止已经进行了55笔投资。近80%的投资对象都是女性和少数族裔创立的公司,“因为我也是其中的一份子,”她写道。

她提到了多位令她鼓舞的女性,包括比莉·珍·金、前Meta首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格、Clear Secure CEO卡琳·塞德曼-贝克尔等。小威称,她正是从贝克尔那里得知女性只能获得2%的风险投资。




周二上午在《Vogue》杂志上发表的一篇文章中,网坛名将、23次大满贯冠军塞雷娜·威廉姆斯宣布即将退役,将专注于家庭和她的风投基金Serena Ventures。


小威将在下个月满41岁。她从5岁开始打网球,她的职业生涯长达数十年,并取得了无可匹敌的战绩。1999年,小威在17岁时赢得首个大满贯单打冠军,并与姐姐大威共同获得14次大满贯女双冠军。2012年奥运会,小威夺得网球单打金牌;她和姐姐共取得了三枚奥运会双打金牌。在国际女子网球协会(Women’s Tennis Association)的世界女子单打球员排名中,小威排在第一位。




她一直在逐渐将重心转移到Serena Ventures。她在《Vogue》的文章中写道:“我每天早上都非常兴奋地走到楼下的办公室,打开Zoom,开始审查我们考虑投资的公司。”

小威表示,她在近十年前进行了第一笔投资,从那之后就喜欢上了早期种子轮之前和种子轮融资。她是在线教育订阅平台MasterClass的早期投资者。这是她的基金投资的16家独角兽公司之一,除此之外还包括Impossible Foods、Tonal和法国NFT公司Sorare。


小威投资的公司基本都与她即将告别的事业有关,包括医疗、健康和体育运动等领域。2022年到目前为止,Serena Ventures的六人团队已经从外部募资1.11亿美元。该公司到目前为止已经进行了55笔投资。近80%的投资对象都是女性和少数族裔创立的公司,“因为我也是其中的一份子,”她写道。

她提到了多位令她鼓舞的女性,包括比莉·珍·金、前Meta首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格、Clear Secure CEO卡琳·塞德曼-贝克尔等。小威称,她正是从贝克尔那里得知女性只能获得2%的风险投资。




In a Vogue feature published Tuesday morning, tennis icon and 23-time Grand Slam winner Serena Williams announced that she would be retiring from the sport to focus on family—and her venture capital firm, Serena Ventures.

“I’m evolving away from tennis, toward other things that are important to me,” she wrote for Vogue. She says raising her daughter, Olympia, has never felt like a sacrifice the way tennis has. “These days, if I have to choose between building my tennis résumé and building my family, I choose the latter.”

Across a decades-long career that began when she was 5 years old, Williams, who turns 41 next month, has amassed an unrivaled track record. She won her first Grand Slam singles event at age 17 in 1999, and, with her sister Venus, has won 14 Grand Slam women’s doubles events. In the 2012 Olympics, Williams nabbed the singles tennis gold medal; she and Venus have three Olympic gold medals for doubles. The Women’s Tennis Association currently ranks her the No. 1 singles player in the world.

In 2017, Williams was the only woman to make Forbes’s list of the world’s 100 highest-paid athletes, coming in at No. 51. On last year’s list, she jumped to 28th place. With a $260 million net worth, and over $94.5 million awarded in prize money, she is the highest-earning female athlete of all time.

From the court to the corner office

While Williams didn’t specify a hard end date for her tennis career, she suggested in an Instagram post that the U.S. Open, which kicks off in Queens, N.Y., later this month, could be her last tournament. “The countdown has begun,” she wrote. “I’m gonna relish these next few weeks.”

She’s been slowly shifting her balance toward Serena Ventures, she wrote in her Vogue article: “Every morning, I’m so excited to walk downstairs to my office and jump onto Zooms and start reviewing decks of companies we’re considering investing in.”

Williams says she’s fallen in love with early stage pre-seed and seed funding since making her first investments nearly a decade ago. She was among the first investors in online education subscription platform MasterClass—one of the 16 unicorns her firm has funded, alongside Impossible Foods, Tonal, and French NFT company Sorare.

“Think of Sorare as a new revenue stream [for female athletes],” Williams told Fortune in a January interview. “It can have a major impact on women’s sports; collecting, trading, or supporting the teams and the favorite players really brings so much more than ever. Being an adviser, I get to see lots of companies coming up…it’s exciting, and it’s going to be so impactful.”

Largely, the companies Williams has supported share hallmarks with the career she’s leaving behind: health, wellness, and athletics. The six-person team at Serena Ventures has raised $111 million of outside financing in 2022 so far. The company has made 55 investments to date. Nearly 80% of its portfolio is female- and minority-founded companies, “because that’s who we are,” she wrote.

She name-checked a handful of female inspirations, including Billie Jean King, former Meta COO Sheryl Sandberg, and Clear Secure CEO Caryn Seidman-Becker, whom Williams credits with informing her that women receive only 2% of venture capital money.

“I kind of understood then and there that someone who looks like me needs to start writing the big checks. Sometimes like attracts like,” Williams wrote. “Men are writing those big checks to one another, and in order for us to change that, more people who look like me need to be in that position, giving money back to themselves.”
