

Ali Fazal 2022-06-26


富国银行投资研究所(Wells Fargo Investment Institute)的总裁达雷尔·克朗克在该行的年中展望报告里写道:“这种通胀‘热’看起来可能预示着今年年底和明年年初会出现温和的衰退‘病’,除非经济状况改变当前的走向。与过去一样,我们预计美联储(Federal Reserve)这位‘医生’很难准确地开出正确的利率剂量。”

在今年下半年开始之际,这对投资者意味着什么?富国银行(Wells Fargo)的分析师建议投资者瞄准具有特定防御型板块的美国大中型股票。这意味着要仔细研究能源、医疗保健和信息技术等领域。例如,尽管油价上涨、供应紧张,能源仍然将是必需品。另一方面,随着行业整合和人口结构促进增长,医疗保健板块有可能成为长期股票板块。



事实证明,独立研究人员倾向于同意这一观点。TotalEnergies SE是一家勘探、生产和精炼石油的综合性石油和天然气公司,在金融研究与分析中心(Center for Financial Research and Analysis)的评级中保持四星买入的评级。该公司第一季度业绩强劲,调整后净利润为90亿美元,较去年同期增长了三倍。分析人士还认为,放宽疫情限制和限制供应增长将支撑石油和天然气价格。福特股票研究公司(Ford Equity Research)基于过去五个季度的收益增长,给了总部位于美国得克萨斯州沃斯堡的石油公司Range Resources Corp.买入评级。




由于新冠疫情和政治带来的风险降低,管理式医疗子板块尤其受到分析师的青睐。此外,据富国银行称,人口和整合的长期增长驱动力也适用于管理式医疗行业。被金融研究与分析中心评为买入评级的公司包括生命科学行业软件解决方案供应商Veeva Systems Inc.。由于其在业内优质软件方面的先发优势以及增长机会,分析师预计其将跑赢大盘。专注于罕见病治疗的BioMarin Pharmaceuticals Inc.也获得了买入评级,因为该公司在罕见病治疗的商业化方面取得了成功。富国银行不看好仿制药子板块;根据IQVIA的数据,截至2021年,行业收入已经下降了五年。



特定股票包括Atlassian,这是一家为团队提供软件和IT解决方案的公司。金融研究与分析中心将其评为“强力买入”。半导体设备和支付处理也属于信息技术板块,是该报告中备受吹捧的子板块。据福特股票研究公司的分析师称,保险丝和继电器的主要供应商Littelfuse Inc.正在扩大其功率半导体业务,预计其将跑赢大盘。包括技术硬件制造商在内的存储和外围设备在富国银行的报告里被评为“不受欢迎”。





最终,分析师表示,如果投资者有选择性地关注少数防御型股票,就有机会跑赢大盘。分析师称,更大范围下行的持续时间将在一定程度上取决于通胀是否会持续以及对滞胀的担忧。根据高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的研究,预计到2022年年底,失业率将上升至3.7%,而此前的预测为3.5%。其《经济预测摘要》(Summary of Economic Projections)还下调了对GDP的预测,并上调了核心通胀的预测中值。




富国银行投资研究所(Wells Fargo Investment Institute)的总裁达雷尔·克朗克在该行的年中展望报告里写道:“这种通胀‘热’看起来可能预示着今年年底和明年年初会出现温和的衰退‘病’,除非经济状况改变当前的走向。与过去一样,我们预计美联储(Federal Reserve)这位‘医生’很难准确地开出正确的利率剂量。”

在今年下半年开始之际,这对投资者意味着什么?富国银行(Wells Fargo)的分析师建议投资者瞄准具有特定防御型板块的美国大中型股票。这意味着要仔细研究能源、医疗保健和信息技术等领域。例如,尽管油价上涨、供应紧张,能源仍然将是必需品。另一方面,随着行业整合和人口结构促进增长,医疗保健板块有可能成为长期股票板块。



事实证明,独立研究人员倾向于同意这一观点。TotalEnergies SE是一家勘探、生产和精炼石油的综合性石油和天然气公司,在金融研究与分析中心(Center for Financial Research and Analysis)的评级中保持四星买入的评级。该公司第一季度业绩强劲,调整后净利润为90亿美元,较去年同期增长了三倍。分析人士还认为,放宽疫情限制和限制供应增长将支撑石油和天然气价格。福特股票研究公司(Ford Equity Research)基于过去五个季度的收益增长,给了总部位于美国得克萨斯州沃斯堡的石油公司Range Resources Corp.买入评级。




由于新冠疫情和政治带来的风险降低,管理式医疗子板块尤其受到分析师的青睐。此外,据富国银行称,人口和整合的长期增长驱动力也适用于管理式医疗行业。被金融研究与分析中心评为买入评级的公司包括生命科学行业软件解决方案供应商Veeva Systems Inc.。由于其在业内优质软件方面的先发优势以及增长机会,分析师预计其将跑赢大盘。专注于罕见病治疗的BioMarin Pharmaceuticals Inc.也获得了买入评级,因为该公司在罕见病治疗的商业化方面取得了成功。富国银行不看好仿制药子板块;根据IQVIA的数据,截至2021年,行业收入已经下降了五年。



特定股票包括Atlassian,这是一家为团队提供软件和IT解决方案的公司。金融研究与分析中心将其评为“强力买入”。半导体设备和支付处理也属于信息技术板块,是该报告中备受吹捧的子板块。据福特股票研究公司的分析师称,保险丝和继电器的主要供应商Littelfuse Inc.正在扩大其功率半导体业务,预计其将跑赢大盘。包括技术硬件制造商在内的存储和外围设备在富国银行的报告里被评为“不受欢迎”。





最终,分析师表示,如果投资者有选择性地关注少数防御型股票,就有机会跑赢大盘。分析师称,更大范围下行的持续时间将在一定程度上取决于通胀是否会持续以及对滞胀的担忧。根据高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的研究,预计到2022年年底,失业率将上升至3.7%,而此前的预测为3.5%。其《经济预测摘要》(Summary of Economic Projections)还下调了对GDP的预测,并上调了核心通胀的预测中值。



With the first half of 2022 in the rearview mirror, it seems that all the markets have been seeing lately is red.

“This inflation ‘fever’ looks likely to signal a mild recession ‘disease’ late this year and early next year, unless conditions alter the economy's current course,” Wells Fargo Investment Institute (WFII) President Darrell Cronk wrote in the bank’s mid-year outlook report. “As in the past, we expect it to prove difficult for the Federal Reserve (Fed) ‘physician’ to exactly prescribe the right interest rate dosage.”

What does this mean for investors as they kick off the last 6 months of the year? Wells Fargo analysts are recommending that investors target large- and mid-cap U.S. equities with specific defensive sector targets. That means taking a closer look at areas such as energy, healthcare and information technology. Energy, for instance, will continue to be a necessity despite the uptick in oil prices and supply constraints. The healthcare sector, on the other hand, has the potential to be a longer-term play as industry consolidation and demographics facilitate growth.

Integrated Oil Stocks and Midstream C-Corps

Integrated oil companies, which include those involved in upstream and downstream operations, as well as midstream c-corps, which own assets such as oil pipelines, garnered a “favorable” ranking for Wells Fargo.

And as it turns out, independent researchers tend to agree. TotalEnergies SE, an integrated oil and gas company exploring for, producing, and refining oil, maintains a four-star buy rating rating from the Center for Financial Research and Analysis (CFRA). The company posted a strong first quarter with an adjusted net income of $9 billion, representing a 3x increase from the first quarter the previous year. Analysts also believe that easing pandemic restrictions and restrained supply growth will support oil and gas prices. Range Resources Corp., an oil corporation based in Fort Worth, was given a buy rating from Ford Equity Research based on the increase in earnings over the past 5 quarters.

On the flip side, oilfield services and refiners were deemed “unfavorable” by Wells Fargo, as analysts say could suffer from excess supply if consumer demand lowers.

Life Sciences, Managed Care, and Medical Devices

Wells Fargo picked three sub-sectors of health care that they think merit a close look right now. The life sciences tools and services industry involves companies dealing with drug development and discovery as well as production. The managed care sub-sector describes companies involved in activities intended to provide health care services while improving quality and reducing costs. The medical devices and equipment industry consists of companies developing, manufacturing and distributing technologies for health care.

The managed care sub-sector is specifically favored by analysts because of diminishing risks from the COVID-19 pandemic and politics. Additionally, the demographic and consolidation longer-term growth drivers are also applicable to the managed care industry, according to Wells Fargo. Companies that were given buy ratings by CFRA include Veeva Systems Inc., a software solutions supplier in the life sciences industry. Due to its first mover advantage for quality software in the industry, as well as opportunities for growth, Veeva Systems is expected by analysts to outperform the market. BioMarin Pharmaceuticals Inc., a company with a focus on rare-disease therapies, has a buy rating as well due to its success at commercializing rare disease treatments. Wells Fargo looks unfavorably upon the generic pharmaceuticals sub-sector; according to data from IQVIA, industry revenues have decreased over 5 years to 2021.

IT Services, Networking Equipment, and Enterprise Software

The information technology sector has long been considered to be cyclical. However, analysts consider the sector to be a good play due to its long-term prospects. Wells Fargo pinpoints three sub-industries where they expect resilient tech spending and high-quality financial metrics: IT services, which includes companies that help organizations manage and optimize processes; networking equipment, which consists of companies that handle directing information along telecommunications networks; and enterprise software for organizations.

Among specific stocks are Atlassian, a company that provides software and IT solutions to teams. CFRA rates it a "strong buy." Semiconductor equipment and payment processing, which also fall under the information technology sector, were some of the highly touted sub-sectors in the report. Littelfuse Inc., a primary provider of fuses and relays, is increasing its power semiconductor business and is projected to outperform the market according to analysts at Ford. Storage and peripherals, which include technology hardware manufacturers, gained an “unfavorable” rating in Wells Fargo’s report.

Neutral Sectors

While energy, health care, and information technology are the three favorable sectors, analysts still a few opportunities worth considering further afield—if you know where to look.

“Even in sectors we rate as neutral, we see opportunities to diversify away from the aging economic cycle by looking to sub-industries that generally follow the economic cycle less closely than the broader sector does,” the report said. “Examples would include Defense Contractors within Industrials, Property & Casualty Insurance within Financials, and Industrial Gases within Materials.”

Wells Fargo also favors a neutral rating to consumer staples and utilities, which are generally defined in the category of defensive stocks, due to the sectors’ traditional resilience during a downturn in the market.

Ultimately, analysts say being selective and focusing on a tight array of defensive stocks, investors have a chance to beat the overall market. The duration of broader downdraft, analysts say, will in part depend on whether inflation will continue to persist and worries of stagflation. According to research done by Goldman Sachs, unemployment rates are projected to rise to 3.7% by the end of 2022, compared to a previous projection of 3.5%. Its Summary of Economic Projections also downgrades forecasts for the GPD as well as rises in the median core inflation projections.

Put another way, investors played offense during the bull market. But now it's time to play defense.
