

Megan Leonhardt 2021-11-17


宝洁(Procter & Gamble)、雀巢(Nestlé)和百事(PepsiCo)等公司的高管在过去一年中虽然纷纷做出了提价的举动,但几乎所有人都表示,顾客的品牌忠诚度比以往任何时候都要高——只差没有直白地透露出他们会安然度过通胀的意思。



百事公司的首席执行官龙嘉德(Ramon Laguarta)在最新的财报电话会议上指出,消费者对定价的看法似乎与以往有所不同。“消费者在实体店购物的速度更快了,他们可能不再将定价视为一个决定因素,可能会更多关注那些他们感觉更亲近、更有情感依恋的品牌,比如我们的品牌。”

但专家表示,各大品牌对于“消费者在价格持续攀升的情况下会继续依喜好购买商品”的自信心或许是短视的。“某些品牌向我们传递的‘可以放心提价,消费者会为此买单’的安全感是一种假象。”Supermarket Guru的分析师兼食品趋势专家菲尔·伦珀特坦言。




上一次消费者购买力受到严重冲击还是大衰退时期(Great Recession),当时品牌忠诚度有所下滑。在2007年至2008年经济衰退开始期间,只有40%的品牌能够留住50%的高忠诚度顾客。


用商店品牌产品代替名牌产品是消费者控制成本的一种主流方式。富国银行(Wells Fargo)的农业首席经济学家迈克尔·斯旺森表示:“身为经济学家,我们谈论最多的便是替代,你们可以看到的食品的最大替代便是品牌之间的替代。”





宝洁(Procter & Gamble)、雀巢(Nestlé)和百事(PepsiCo)等公司的高管在过去一年中虽然纷纷做出了提价的举动,但几乎所有人都表示,顾客的品牌忠诚度比以往任何时候都要高——只差没有直白地透露出他们会安然度过通胀的意思。



百事公司的首席执行官龙嘉德(Ramon Laguarta)在最新的财报电话会议上指出,消费者对定价的看法似乎与以往有所不同。“消费者在实体店购物的速度更快了,他们可能不再将定价视为一个决定因素,可能会更多关注那些他们感觉更亲近、更有情感依恋的品牌,比如我们的品牌。”

但专家表示,各大品牌对于“消费者在价格持续攀升的情况下会继续依喜好购买商品”的自信心或许是短视的。“某些品牌向我们传递的‘可以放心提价,消费者会为此买单’的安全感是一种假象。”Supermarket Guru的分析师兼食品趋势专家菲尔·伦珀特坦言。




上一次消费者购买力受到严重冲击还是大衰退时期(Great Recession),当时品牌忠诚度有所下滑。在2007年至2008年经济衰退开始期间,只有40%的品牌能够留住50%的高忠诚度顾客。


用商店品牌产品代替名牌产品是消费者控制成本的一种主流方式。富国银行(Wells Fargo)的农业首席经济学家迈克尔·斯旺森表示:“身为经济学家,我们谈论最多的便是替代,你们可以看到的食品的最大替代便是品牌之间的替代。”




Many big brands don’t seem concerned about passing along price increases to customers in the wake of rapid inflation and supply chain bottlenecks. But perhaps they should be, with many federal stimulus effects fading and rising consumer concerns about higher prices.

Executives at companies like Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, and PepsiCo have increased prices over the past year, but have almost universally said brand loyalty is stronger than ever—implying, if not outright stating, that they’ll weather the inflation just fine.

François-Xavier Roger, Nestlé’s CFO, projected in September that the company’s costs would rise even more in 2022 than they have this year. “We don’t know if this is going to be permanent. We don’t know if this will go even further into 2023. We will have a fairly pragmatic approach, and anyway you know what our strategy is, which is to offset anything that we receive through pricing. So the idea is really to pass it on to the trade and to consumers whenever we receive it.” In October, Roger confirmed that the impact of inflation on the company’s costs is expected to be around 4% of the cost of goods sold in 2021.

Meanwhile, P&G’s CFO Andre Schulten said on the company’s latest earnings call that customers seemed unfazed by the company’s recent price increases: “For those price increases that have gone into the market in the U.S., most of them became effective middle of September, and we have not seen any material reaction from consumers in terms of volume offtake.”

Pepsi CEO Ramon Laguarta said during the latest earnings call that consumers seem to be looking at pricing a little bit differently than before. “Consumers are shopping faster in-store, and they might be paying less attention to pricing as a decision factor, and they might be giving more relevance to the brands or brands that they feel…closer to…more emotionally attached to, as our brand.”

But experts say brands’ current confidence that consumers will stick with their favorite products as prices continue to climb may be shortsighted. “We’ve got this false sense of security from some of these brands, who are saying we can raise prices and consumers are going to pay it,” says Phil Lempert, an analyst and food trends expert known as the Supermarket Guru.

“Consumers are watching very carefully how much money they’re spending on groceries. They’ve seen the price of groceries go up. It’s continuing to go up. And just because you have a national brand that’s iconic for 100 years doesn’t mean that you can raise prices,” Lempert says.

Over the past year, the consumer price index has risen 6.2%, according to the latest report, on October prices. Food, in particular, has seen major spikes. At-home food costs have risen 5.4%, with prices for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs jumping 11.9%. Beef, in particular, has surged 20.1%, and pork is up 14.1% in October, the largest 12-month increase since December 1990.

Yet this rising inflation comes at a time when the effects of expanded unemployment benefits and stimulus checks are waning. That means the extra money consumers may have had to devote to paying higher costs for their favorite brands is gone, so prices may become paramount again.

The last time consumers’ wallets were significantly impacted was during the Great Recession—and brand loyalty dropped. Only about 40% of brands held on to at least half of their highly loyal customers during the start of the recession between 2007 and 2008.

Despite executives’ confidence, the erosion of brand loyalty may already be underway. More than 80% of shoppers purchased a brand other than what they’d normally buy within the past three months, according to a survey published in September. Lower prices were the primary driver in about 65% of consumers’ decisions, while 51% say availability was the motivator.

Substituting store-brand products for name brands is a popular way for consumers to manage their costs. “As economists we talk a lot about substitution, and the first big food substitution that you see is substituting between brands,” says Michael Swanson, chief agricultural economist at Wells Fargo.

The good news for consumers? “Store brands have gotten better, and they’ve gotten a lot better,” Lempert says.

“Recessions, inflation always bring this reworking of people asking: ‘Oh, okay, what do I really want to do?’ Swanson says. That brings “opportunities for some, challenges for others,” he adds.
