

Mike Dorning, 彭博社 2021-11-17



冠状病毒危机特别小组委员会(Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis)发布的报告引用了对美国职业安全与健康管理局(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)管理人员的采访,称该机构的领导者于2020年在时任美国总统的唐纳德·特朗普政府时期做出了“带有政治倾向的决策”,没有发布本应要求肉类加工公司采取具体举措保护员工的监管标准。

特别小组委员会成员提到了具体的工厂,例如JBS美国食品加工公司(JBS SA)在犹他州海勒姆的员工感染比例高达54%,泰森食品有限公司(Tyson Foods Inc.)在得克萨斯州阿马里洛的员工感染比例达到了50%。


美国农业部(U.S. Department of Agriculture)在今年9月发布的一份报告中便提到肉类加工厂比美国其他制造业工厂的工作环境更加拥挤,而这可能是该行业成为新冠疫情初期重灾区的一个原因。美国农业部发现,2020年5月,在就业方面最为依赖肉类加工行业的美国49个农村县中,新冠肺炎的感染率是依赖其他加工业县的10倍。

小组委员会的新冠病毒发现源于JBS美国食品加工公司、泰森食品公司、史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods Inc.)、嘉吉公司(Cargill Inc.)和全美牛肉公司(National Beef Inc.)的内部文件。






冠状病毒危机特别小组委员会(Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis)发布的报告引用了对美国职业安全与健康管理局(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)管理人员的采访,称该机构的领导者于2020年在时任美国总统的唐纳德·特朗普政府时期做出了“带有政治倾向的决策”,没有发布本应要求肉类加工公司采取具体举措保护员工的监管标准。

特别小组委员会成员提到了具体的工厂,例如JBS美国食品加工公司(JBS SA)在犹他州海勒姆的员工感染比例高达54%,泰森食品有限公司(Tyson Foods Inc.)在得克萨斯州阿马里洛的员工感染比例达到了50%。


美国农业部(U.S. Department of Agriculture)在今年9月发布的一份报告中便提到肉类加工厂比美国其他制造业工厂的工作环境更加拥挤,而这可能是该行业成为新冠疫情初期重灾区的一个原因。美国农业部发现,2020年5月,在就业方面最为依赖肉类加工行业的美国49个农村县中,新冠肺炎的感染率是依赖其他加工业县的10倍。

小组委员会的新冠病毒发现源于JBS美国食品加工公司、泰森食品公司、史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods Inc.)、嘉吉公司(Cargill Inc.)和全美牛肉公司(National Beef Inc.)的内部文件。




At least 59,000 meatpacking workers contracted the coronavirus in the first year of the pandemic as the virus rapidly spread in plants’ cramped conditions, according to internal documents from five major meat conglomerates obtained by a U.S. House subcommittee investigating the coronavirus response.

The panel’s findings offer greater detail on the virus’ toll among a largely immigrant workforce that managers implored to keep showing up for work as much of the rest of the country shut down, often in massive plants that employ hundreds or thousands of people working elbow-to-elbow along fast-moving production lines. At least 269 meatpacking workers at the five companies died from COVID-19 between March 1, 2020, and Feb. 1 the following year, the panel reported on October 27.

The report by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis cites interviews with staff members of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration saying that leaders of the agency made “a political decision” in 2020 during the Trump administration not to issue a regulatory standard that would have required meatpacking companies to take specific steps to protect workers.

The committee staff cited examples of individual plants where infection rates soared as high as 54% of the workforce at JBS SA’s facility in Hyrum, Utah, and 50% at Tyson Foods Inc.’s plant in Amarillo, Texas.

At the Amarillo plant, employees as late as May 2, 2020, were working in masks “saturated” with sweat and other fluids and separated only by flimsy “plastic bags on frames” rather than barriers, according to memo from local and federal authorities to Tyson Foods obtained by the subcommittee.

A U.S. Department of Agriculture report issued in September pointed to the closer working conditions in meatpacking plants than other U.S. manufacturing facilities as a likely reason the industry became an early epicenter of the pandemic. The 49 rural U.S. counties most dependent on meatpacking plants for employment had COVID infection rates 10 times the level of other manufacturing-dependent rural counties in May 2020, the USDA found.

The subcommittee’s coronavirus findings were based on internal documents from JBS, Tyson, Smithfield Foods Inc., Cargill Inc., and National Beef Inc.

The totals are likely an undercount since in many cases they don’t include COVID infections detected through off-site tests or cases self-reported by employees, the committee staff said.
