

Riley Griffin, Rebecca Torrence, 彭博社 2021-06-23

美国卫生与公众服务部(Health and Human Services Department)在6月17日宣布,美国将投入32亿美元,针对新冠病毒以及具有大流行潜力的其他病毒开发抗病毒药物。


该项目由美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)和美国生物医学高级研究与发展管理局(Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority)等多个部门联合发起,旨在开发抗病毒药物,使患者在感染后能够在家快速服用。用于治疗流感的药物达菲(Tamiflu)就是采用了这种方法。口服抗病毒药物被国内外视为减轻医疗系统负担的黄金标准。

该项目将帮助抗病毒候选药物加快通过早期安全性研究,使其尽快开展后期疗效研究。在该项目分配的资金中,将有10亿美元用于开展临床前和临床试验,3亿美元用于支持研发和实验室研究,接近7亿美元将拨给美国生物医学高级研究与发展管理局和美国国立卫生研究院下属的美国国家过敏和传染病研究所(National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases),协助药物开发和生产。



本月早些时候,美国与默沙东(Merck & Co.)签署了一份价值12亿美元的协议。根据该协议,默沙东正在进行试验的抗病毒药物molnupiravir如果获得美国监管部门授权,将向美国供应170万个疗程。

这款口服药物由默沙东与Ridgeback Biotherapeutics共同开发,目前研发进入了最后阶段,正在对未住院治疗的新冠确诊患者进行试验,这些患者有至少一种与疾病不良结局有关的风险因素。

默沙东的高管在4月表示,预计在9月或10月可以拿到临床试验数据,在年内将向美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)申请授权。




美国卫生与公众服务部(Health and Human Services Department)在6月17日宣布,美国将投入32亿美元,针对新冠病毒以及具有大流行潜力的其他病毒开发抗病毒药物。


该项目由美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)和美国生物医学高级研究与发展管理局(Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority)等多个部门联合发起,旨在开发抗病毒药物,使患者在感染后能够在家快速服用。用于治疗流感的药物达菲(Tamiflu)就是采用了这种方法。口服抗病毒药物被国内外视为减轻医疗系统负担的黄金标准。

该项目将帮助抗病毒候选药物加快通过早期安全性研究,使其尽快开展后期疗效研究。在该项目分配的资金中,将有10亿美元用于开展临床前和临床试验,3亿美元用于支持研发和实验室研究,接近7亿美元将拨给美国生物医学高级研究与发展管理局和美国国立卫生研究院下属的美国国家过敏和传染病研究所(National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases),协助药物开发和生产。



本月早些时候,美国与默沙东(Merck & Co.)签署了一份价值12亿美元的协议。根据该协议,默沙东正在进行试验的抗病毒药物molnupiravir如果获得美国监管部门授权,将向美国供应170万个疗程。

这款口服药物由默沙东与Ridgeback Biotherapeutics共同开发,目前研发进入了最后阶段,正在对未住院治疗的新冠确诊患者进行试验,这些患者有至少一种与疾病不良结局有关的风险因素。

默沙东的高管在4月表示,预计在9月或10月可以拿到临床试验数据,在年内将向美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)申请授权。




The U.S. will invest $3.2 billion into developing antiviral medicines to combat COVID-19 and other viruses with pandemic potential, the Health and Human Services Department said on June 17.

Dubbed the Antiviral Program for Pandemics, the effort led by U.S. health agencies will support the discovery, development and production of antiviral treatments for COVID-19 and future viral threats, HHS said.

The collaboration, bringing together the National Institutes of Health and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, aims to develop antivirals that could be taken at home soon after someone gets sick. That’s a method used with Tamiflu, a pill that targets influenza. An oral antiviral is seen as the gold standard to ease the burden of disease on health systems, domestically and abroad.

The program will help advance antiviral candidates through early-stage safety studies, positioning them to be able to quickly move into late-stage efficacy studies. Of the funds allocated to the effort, $1 billion will go to conducting pre-clinical and clinical trials, $300 million will go to research and lab support, and nearly $700 million will be directed to Barda and NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases unit to aid with development and manufacturing.

New treatments

Though vaccines are significantly slowing the spread of COVID in wealthy nations, doctors around the world need treatments that can be easily deployed to those who get sick.

Earlier this month, the U.S. entered a $1.2 billion agreement with Merck & Co. for 1.7 million courses of its experimental antiviral pill, called molnupiravir, should it be authorized by U.S. regulators.

Developed with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, the oral treatment is in a final-stage study of non-hospitalized patients with confirmed cases of COVID-19 and at least one risk factor associated with poor disease outcomes.

Merck expects data from the trial in September or October, executives said in April, and could approach the Food and Drug Administration for authorization within the year.

“Having additional FDA-authorized antiviral medicines available within a year would be a major breakthrough in ongoing efforts to combat COVID-19 and protect the public,” HHS said in statement.
