

Adrian Croft 2021-06-20


索尔顿湖(Salton Sea)是南加州一个受到污染,正在萎缩的湖泊。在它的深处,被地表下岩石加热到高温的湖水含有大量的溶解锂,如果这些锂能够获得商业化提取,就可以为方兴未艾的电动汽车革命提供充足的动力。

加州能源委员会(California Energy Commission)估计,该地区每年能够生产60万吨碳酸锂,价值72亿美元。这将很好地满足目前全球对这种金属的需求。除电动汽车电池之外,锂还广泛用于手机和笔记本电脑电池,以及储存电网电力。

“这是美国乃至全球最大的锂卤水资源,它将成为一个关键的生产中心。”澳大利亚的Controlled Thermal Resources公司的首席执行官罗德·科尔威尔说。目前有多家公司计划从索尔顿湖下的热水中提取锂,该公司就是其中之一。


这种地热流体被称为卤水,其温度可达572华氏度(300摄氏度),足以溶解岩石中的锂和其他金属。除了利用这种地热流体产生的热量来发电之外,Controlled Thermal Resources公司还打算从流体中提取锂,然后再将其重新注入地下。


毗邻索尔顿湖的帝王谷(Imperial Valley)已经被称为“锂谷”(Lithium Valley),因为人们越来越希望这片区域能够发展成为一个综合电池制造中心,从而提振该地区低迷的经济。


“我们需要比现在多得多的锂。事实上,唯有锂供应很快上升,我们才有希望实现很小的电动汽车普及目标,比如每年10%的电动汽车渗透率。”位于华盛顿特区的战略金属咨询公司House Mountain Partners的总裁克里斯·贝里表示。


“欧洲现在根本就没有利用国内原材料来生产电池级锂。如果欧洲和英国不能确保国内的锂供应,那么就只能从其他地方采购,从而将自己置于受制于人的处境。自满情绪真的显得不合时宜了。”Cornish Lithium公司的首席执行官杰里米·拉索尔对《财富》杂志表示。

与索尔顿湖项目类似,Cornish Lithium公司寻求利用康沃尔郡地下富含锂的地热水的 “巨大潜力”,将水抽到地表,利用地热能提取锂化合物。该公司还在研究从康沃尔郡花岗岩中的云母类矿物提取锂的潜力。

在欧洲最大的汽车工业所在地德国,Vulcan Energy Resources公司希望在莱茵河上游的另一个地热项目中生产锂。第一阶段计划于2024年开始,需要投资7亿欧元(约合8.5亿美元)来建造地热井和锂提取工厂。





根据分析公司GlobalData的数据,全球电动汽车的产量将从2020年的340万辆增长到2024年的1270万辆。另据研究公司Rystad Energy预测,全球的锂离子电池生产能力需要大幅加强,才有望满足激增的需求,预计到2030年需要投资5600亿美元,这将是一场“全球狂热”。

目前,美国唯一的锂产量来自内华达州的一个卤水作业。在内华达州新建露天锂矿的计划遇到了法律层面的挑战和环保人士的激烈反对,但美联社(Associated Press)6月11日报道称,能源部部长詹妮弗·格兰霍姆称赞了从索尔顿湖的地热卤水中提取锂的提议,称其“完全可持续,非常令人兴奋”。



科尔威尔告诉《财富》杂志,Controlled Thermal Resources公司计划于2023年9月在索尔顿湖启动一座50兆瓦的地热发电站,并在2024年第一季度启动一座年产2万吨的氢氧化锂设施。该公司正在与位于奥克兰的初创公司Lilac Solutions合作,后者开发了一种更高效的离子交换锂提取技术。去年,获得微软(Microsoft)的联合创始人比尔·盖茨、亚马逊(Amazon)的杰夫·贝佐斯和媒体大亨迈克尔·布隆伯格等重量级投资者支持的Breakthrough Energy Ventures公司,领投了Lilac Solutions一轮价值2000万美元的融资。

沃伦·巴菲特旗下的伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的子公司BHE可再生能源(BHE Renewables)在索尔顿湖地区拥有10家地热发电厂,同时也在开展一个从地热卤水中回收锂的项目。

Controlled Thermal Resources公司的科尔威尔称,历经八年的探索,“星星终于连在一起了。”




索尔顿湖(Salton Sea)是南加州一个受到污染,正在萎缩的湖泊。在它的深处,被地表下岩石加热到高温的湖水含有大量的溶解锂,如果这些锂能够获得商业化提取,就可以为方兴未艾的电动汽车革命提供充足的动力。

加州能源委员会(California Energy Commission)估计,该地区每年能够生产60万吨碳酸锂,价值72亿美元。这将很好地满足目前全球对这种金属的需求。除电动汽车电池之外,锂还广泛用于手机和笔记本电脑电池,以及储存电网电力。

“这是美国乃至全球最大的锂卤水资源,它将成为一个关键的生产中心。”澳大利亚的Controlled Thermal Resources公司的首席执行官罗德·科尔威尔说。目前有多家公司计划从索尔顿湖下的热水中提取锂,该公司就是其中之一。


这种地热流体被称为卤水,其温度可达572华氏度(300摄氏度),足以溶解岩石中的锂和其他金属。除了利用这种地热流体产生的热量来发电之外,Controlled Thermal Resources公司还打算从流体中提取锂,然后再将其重新注入地下。


毗邻索尔顿湖的帝王谷(Imperial Valley)已经被称为“锂谷”(Lithium Valley),因为人们越来越希望这片区域能够发展成为一个综合电池制造中心,从而提振该地区低迷的经济。


“我们需要比现在多得多的锂。事实上,唯有锂供应很快上升,我们才有希望实现很小的电动汽车普及目标,比如每年10%的电动汽车渗透率。”位于华盛顿特区的战略金属咨询公司House Mountain Partners的总裁克里斯·贝里表示。


“欧洲现在根本就没有利用国内原材料来生产电池级锂。如果欧洲和英国不能确保国内的锂供应,那么就只能从其他地方采购,从而将自己置于受制于人的处境。自满情绪真的显得不合时宜了。”Cornish Lithium公司的首席执行官杰里米·拉索尔对《财富》杂志表示。

与索尔顿湖项目类似,Cornish Lithium公司寻求利用康沃尔郡地下富含锂的地热水的 “巨大潜力”,将水抽到地表,利用地热能提取锂化合物。该公司还在研究从康沃尔郡花岗岩中的云母类矿物提取锂的潜力。

在欧洲最大的汽车工业所在地德国,Vulcan Energy Resources公司希望在莱茵河上游的另一个地热项目中生产锂。第一阶段计划于2024年开始,需要投资7亿欧元(约合8.5亿美元)来建造地热井和锂提取工厂。





根据分析公司GlobalData的数据,全球电动汽车的产量将从2020年的340万辆增长到2024年的1270万辆。另据研究公司Rystad Energy预测,全球的锂离子电池生产能力需要大幅加强,才有望满足激增的需求,预计到2030年需要投资5600亿美元,这将是一场“全球狂热”。

目前,美国唯一的锂产量来自内华达州的一个卤水作业。在内华达州新建露天锂矿的计划遇到了法律层面的挑战和环保人士的激烈反对,但美联社(Associated Press)6月11日报道称,能源部部长詹妮弗·格兰霍姆称赞了从索尔顿湖的地热卤水中提取锂的提议,称其“完全可持续,非常令人兴奋”。



科尔威尔告诉《财富》杂志,Controlled Thermal Resources公司计划于2023年9月在索尔顿湖启动一座50兆瓦的地热发电站,并在2024年第一季度启动一座年产2万吨的氢氧化锂设施。该公司正在与位于奥克兰的初创公司Lilac Solutions合作,后者开发了一种更高效的离子交换锂提取技术。去年,获得微软(Microsoft)的联合创始人比尔·盖茨、亚马逊(Amazon)的杰夫·贝佐斯和媒体大亨迈克尔·布隆伯格等重量级投资者支持的Breakthrough Energy Ventures公司,领投了Lilac Solutions一轮价值2000万美元的融资。

沃伦·巴菲特旗下的伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的子公司BHE可再生能源(BHE Renewables)在索尔顿湖地区拥有10家地热发电厂,同时也在开展一个从地热卤水中回收锂的项目。

Controlled Thermal Resources公司的科尔威尔称,历经八年的探索,“星星终于连在一起了。”



A hundred and seventy years after the gold rush, California is in the grip of “white gold” fever as the race heats up to develop new, environmentally friendly sources of lithium to meet surging demand for electric-car batteries.

Deep below the Salton Sea, a polluted, shrinking lake in Southern California, waters superheated by the rocks beneath the earth’s surface contain large amounts of dissolved lithium that, if they can be commercially extracted, could help power the electric-vehicle (EV) revolution.

The California Energy Commission estimates the area could produce 600,000 tons of lithium carbonate annually, worth $7.2 billion. That would comfortably meet current global demand for the metal, which is used in batteries for cell phones and laptops, and to store grid electricity, as well as for cars.

“It’s the single largest lithium brine resource in the United States, if not on the planet…It will be a critical hub,” said Rod Colwell, CEO of Australian firm Controlled Thermal Resources, one of several companies planning to extract lithium from the thermal waters below the Salton Sea.

The plan is to harvest lithium as a by-product of geothermal power generation, which uses the earth’s natural heat to make electricity. At geothermal plants, wells are drilled into reservoirs deep underground to tap very hot water or steam that is used to drive turbines and generate power.

The geothermal fluids, called brines, can reach temperatures as high as 572°F (300°C) underground, dissolving lithium and other metals from rocks. As well as using the heat from the fluids to generate power, Controlled Thermal Resources aims to extract lithium from the fluid before re-injecting it into the ground.

The company says the technique, called direct lithium extraction, produces negligible carbon dioxide emissions and eliminates the need for traditional carbon-intensive open-pit mining or evaporation ponds, which use vast quantities of water.

Imperial Valley, adjoining the Salton Sea, has already been dubbed “Lithium Valley,” as hopes rise that the area could develop into an integrated battery manufacturing hub, lifting the economically depressed region.

And it’s not only in California. In the U.K., Germany, and elsewhere, countries are hunting for new environmentally friendly sources of lithium, to lessen their dependence on imports of the critical metal known as “white gold.” The search is being driven by the growing focus on investment in companies with good environmental, social responsibility, and corporate governance records (ESG).

“We are going to need a lot more lithium—and quite soon actually—to achieve even modest electrification goals of say 10% EV penetration per year,” said Chris Berry, president of House Mountain Partners, a Washington, D.C., strategic metals consultancy.

In Cornwall, the picturesque southwest corner of Britain where U.S. President Joe Biden and other leaders of the Group of Seven economies gathered Friday to discuss a green recovery from the COVID pandemic and strengthening global supply chains, there are also plans afoot to revive the region’s ancient mining industry by producing lithium.

“Europe currently produces no battery-grade lithium at all from domestic raw materials. If Europe and the U.K. do not secure domestic supplies of lithium, then they will be held hostage to getting that from somewhere else. Complacency is no longer appropriate,” Jeremy Wrathall, CEO of Cornish Lithium, told Fortune.

In a similar way to the Salton Sea project, Cornish Lithium aims to exploit the “significant potential” for lithium-enriched geothermal waters under Cornwall, pumping the waters to the surface and using geothermal energy to extract lithium compounds. Cornish Lithium is also looking into the potential to extract lithium from mica minerals in granite in Cornwall.

In Germany, home to Europe’s biggest auto industry, Vulcan Energy Resources wants to produce lithium in another geothermal project in the Upper Rhine Valley. The first phase, scheduled to start in 2024, would require investment of 700 million euros ($850 million) for geothermal wells and lithium extraction plants.

Berry said geothermal projects involved some technology risk that needed to be “worked through before we know for sure that this is a viable, commercial-scale source.”

“I’m pretty optimistic…I think it’s a good route to pursue,” he said.

After several years of decline, lithium prices have rebounded sharply this year, to around $13.75 per kilogram of lithium hydroxide. Berry points out that lithium is not rare—in fact it could be extracted from sea water if it was economically viable—but he predicts the market will be “very, very tight” to 2025.

Lithium demand, currently about 370,000 tons of lithium carbonate a year, is set to nearly triple to about a million tons by 2025 and then to double again to 2 million tons annually by 2030, he says.

Worldwide production of electric vehicles is set to grow from 3.4 million in 2020 to 12.7 million in 2024, according to analytics company GlobalData. Research firm Rystad Energy predicts a “global frenzy” to beef up the world’s lithium-ion battery manufacturing capacity, with $560 billion of investment needed by 2030 to meet surging demand.

For now, the only lithium production in the United States is from a brine operation in Nevada. Plans for new open-pit lithium mines in Nevada have run into legal challenges and opposition from environmentalists, but Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm praised the proposals to extract lithium from geothermal brine at the Salton Sea June 11 as “utterly sustainable” and “very exciting,” the Associated Press reported.

Australia is the world’s biggest producer of lithium, mining the metal from hard rock in an energy-intensive process. Add in the impact of shipping the concentrate to China for refining, and nine tons of carbon dioxide are emitted for every ton of lithium carbonate produced, according to commodity research firm Roskill, which forecast last year that CO2 emissions from lithium production would triple by 2025.

Another important source of the metal is the “lithium triangle” of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile, where underground brine is pumped into ponds and left for months, or even years, to evaporate in the sun, leaving behind lithium. The process uses huge amounts of groundwater in one of the world’s driest regions. In Chile’s Salar de Atacama salt flat, lithium and other mining activities consumed 65% of the water, causing groundwater depletion and soil contamination and forcing local communities to abandon ancestral settlements, the UN said last year.

At the Salton Sea, Controlled Thermal Resources plans to open a 50-megawatt geothermal power station in September 2023 and a 20,000 ton per year lithium hydroxide facility in the first quarter of 2024, Colwell told Fortune. The company is working with Oakland-based startup Lilac Solutions, which has developed a new, more efficient ion exchange technology to extract lithium. Breakthrough Energy Ventures, whose investors include Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and media magnate Michael Bloomberg, led a $20 million funding round for Lilac Solutions last year.

BHE Renewables, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, which owns 10 geothermal power plants in the Salton Sea area, is also working on a project to recover lithium from geothermal brine.

Controlled Thermal Resources’ Colwell said that after eight years of working on his project, “the stars are finally aligning.”

“The compound growth rate for EV sales every month is just exceeding every previous forecast, so we seem to have some momentum now finally that hopefully will break through,” he said.
