






ID2020 联盟的执行董事达科塔·格鲁纳 (Dakota Gruener) 表示,抛开这些困难,疫苗护照计划在美国和其他国家都引起了人们的“巨大兴趣”,ID2020 联盟是一个旨在建立全球通用的数字身份证的组织。



包括 IBM Watson Health 在内的一些公司一直在努力研发解决方案。 IBM Watson Health 支付方与新兴业务网络全球副总裁埃里克·皮西尼 (Eric Piscini) 表示,这是一个“在大流行之前多年”就已经开始实施的项目。格鲁纳说,这一技术可能还有其他潜在用途,包括婴儿疫苗接种证明、便携式医疗记录或大学学位或培训课程证明。


IBM Watson Health 的健康通行证旨在帮助雇主解决工作场所安全、出入记录和设施管理等问题,让个人能够通过数字钱包共享核酸测试结果,或现场进行温度扫描。


“区块链技术让我们可以选择提供 [疫苗接种] 状态的证明, 而无需在我们平台上的更改或保留任何信息,”皮西尼说。

伦斯勒理工学院化学和生物工程研究所教授乔纳森·多迪克 (Jonathan Dordick) 表示,除了隐私问题之外,美国联邦政府、州公共卫生部门和各个县卫生部门的要求也各不相同,而且在不断变化。










ID2020 联盟的执行董事达科塔·格鲁纳 (Dakota Gruener) 表示,抛开这些困难,疫苗护照计划在美国和其他国家都引起了人们的“巨大兴趣”,ID2020 联盟是一个旨在建立全球通用的数字身份证的组织。



包括 IBM Watson Health 在内的一些公司一直在努力研发解决方案。 IBM Watson Health 支付方与新兴业务网络全球副总裁埃里克·皮西尼 (Eric Piscini) 表示,这是一个“在大流行之前多年”就已经开始实施的项目。格鲁纳说,这一技术可能还有其他潜在用途,包括婴儿疫苗接种证明、便携式医疗记录或大学学位或培训课程证明。


IBM Watson Health 的健康通行证旨在帮助雇主解决工作场所安全、出入记录和设施管理等问题,让个人能够通过数字钱包共享核酸测试结果,或现场进行温度扫描。


“区块链技术让我们可以选择提供 [疫苗接种] 状态的证明, 而无需在我们平台上的更改或保留任何信息,”皮西尼说。

伦斯勒理工学院化学和生物工程研究所教授乔纳森·多迪克 (Jonathan Dordick) 表示,除了隐私问题之外,美国联邦政府、州公共卫生部门和各个县卫生部门的要求也各不相同,而且在不断变化。






The global push to reduce the spread of the coronavirus has invigorated focus on a tech innovation already underway: health passes.

The theory behind a health pass—or what many think of specifically as a vaccine passport—is fairly straightforward. Individuals would be able to carry their personal health data on mobile devices. When prompted, they could scan a QR code (or something similar) at the doctor’s office, a sporting event, or the airport to show proof of vaccination status.

It’s not theoretically complicated, but implementation of the technology is.

There are a plethora of concerns about data privacy, methodology, and—in the case of COVID-19—limited access to vaccines or even polarization over the vaccines themselves. These were a handful of issues raised Tuesday at a virtual Brainstorm Health panel discussion, hosted by Fortune.

Barriers aside, the vaccine passport project has drawn “a huge amount of interest” both in the U.S. and abroad, according to Dakota Gruener, executive director of the ID2020 Alliance, a global partnership to build a universal digital ID.

People are anxious to return to normalcy, Gruener said, and commutable, universally accepted proof of vaccination status could help speed up the process.

As for the best way to go about it, there are two key details that need to be addressed, she said. There must be adequate privacy protections in place, giving individuals the autonomy to choose what sort of health data they share. The passes would also need to be widely accepted across industries and countries.

Some companies, including IBM Watson Health, have been working to develop a solution. It was a project underway “many years before the pandemic,” according to Eric Piscini, global vice president of payer and emerging business networks at IBM Watson Health. Other potential uses for the technology could include proof of infant vaccines, portable medical records, or proof of college degree or training courses, Gruener said.

But vaccine passports in particular have emerged as a more immediate and urgent use case.

IBM Watson Health’s pass was made to help employers address workplace safety, reentry, and facilities management by enabling individuals to share test results or on-site temperature scans via a digital wallet.

The digital wallet is built on blockchain technology to address widespread industry concerns over data privacy and potential vulnerabilities in the case of a data breach.

“Blockchain technology gives us the option to provide verification of [vaccination] status without correcting or keeping any of the information on our platform,” Piscini said.

Beyond privacy concerns are layers of differing and evolving requirements from the federal government, state public health departments, and individual county health departments in the U.S., according to Jonathan Dordick, institute professor of chemical and biological engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

“That makes life very difficult when you’re trying to figure out what kind of pass exists, what kind of information can be put on the pass, and when you have a test, what does that test mean,” Dordick said.

Additionally, requirements—and access to vaccines—vary internationally.

“I think we are starting to see those first movers, but we still have some major markets like the U.S. and the U.K., for example, that really need to come together around a standard for opening up,” said Sharon Pinkerton, senior vice president of legislative and regulatory policy at Airlines for America, a trade association and lobbying group for the North American airline industry.

While the logistics may be unclear, the technology is there, according to Piscini. It’s the implementation and the education around it that still need some attention, he said.
