

Chris Morris 2021-06-10
 Clover Health在股票论坛的热度在快速攀升。

Reddit上的“华尔街赌注”(r/WallStreetBets)页面几周前开始抱团支持医疗保险初创公司Clover Health Investments。网上的选股者开始鼓吹这只股票,称它将是下一个大事件。与往常一样,论坛里开始有人阻止他们的宣传。




“看起来,精彩即将开始,” 另外一位用户Jack-Incredibles也同意这种观点。

Clover股票在“华尔街赌注”社区里的热度快速攀升。据另类数据分析公司Quiver Quantitative统计,截至美国东部时间昨天上午8:38,在“华尔街赌注”社区每日日常讨论主题中,与这只股票有关的评论不到100条。而到今天同一时间,评论数量达到2,747条。

在五天内,Clover Health的股价上涨了129%。“华尔街赌注”社区中的交易员认为该公司可能出现了轧空。据数据跟踪网站highshortinterest.com统计,该公司1.1206亿股流通股中,共有36.10%遭到卖空。这一比例远高于AMC,这可能让Clover在Reddit的推动下迎来一波行情,从而引起市场关注。

然而,与大部分网红股一样,Clover也有一些危险信号。四个月前,该公司收到美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查通知。在此之前,该公司被兴登堡研究公司(Hindenberg Research)曝出,其在“借助特殊目的收购公司上市之前,在关键业务方面存在误导投资者的行为。”兴登堡研究公司的报告称:“Clover未披露其经营模式和软件产品……正在接受美国司法部的调查,该公司从佣金、营销策略到未披露的第三方交易等共有至少12个问题遭到调查。”





Reddit上的“华尔街赌注”(r/WallStreetBets)页面几周前开始抱团支持医疗保险初创公司Clover Health Investments。网上的选股者开始鼓吹这只股票,称它将是下一个大事件。与往常一样,论坛里开始有人阻止他们的宣传。




“看起来,精彩即将开始,” 另外一位用户Jack-Incredibles也同意这种观点。

Clover股票在“华尔街赌注”社区里的热度快速攀升。据另类数据分析公司Quiver Quantitative统计,截至美国东部时间昨天上午8:38,在“华尔街赌注”社区每日日常讨论主题中,与这只股票有关的评论不到100条。而到今天同一时间,评论数量达到2,747条。

在五天内,Clover Health的股价上涨了129%。“华尔街赌注”社区中的交易员认为该公司可能出现了轧空。据数据跟踪网站highshortinterest.com统计,该公司1.1206亿股流通股中,共有36.10%遭到卖空。这一比例远高于AMC,这可能让Clover在Reddit的推动下迎来一波行情,从而引起市场关注。

然而,与大部分网红股一样,Clover也有一些危险信号。四个月前,该公司收到美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查通知。在此之前,该公司被兴登堡研究公司(Hindenberg Research)曝出,其在“借助特殊目的收购公司上市之前,在关键业务方面存在误导投资者的行为。”兴登堡研究公司的报告称:“Clover未披露其经营模式和软件产品……正在接受美国司法部的调查,该公司从佣金、营销策略到未披露的第三方交易等共有至少12个问题遭到调查。”





The groundswell of support for Medicare insurance startup Clover Health Investments started a couple of weeks ago on the r/WallStreetBets Reddit page. Select users began extolling the stock, saying it was the next big thing. And, as often happens on that subreddit, others shouted those evangelists down.

The believers persisted, though. And by Monday, it was clear that they were starting to make their voices heard. As Blackberry shares surged and the individual investors that make up the WallStreetBets community celebrated the rise, four of the top 20 posts at midday were Clover focused.

By Tuesday, the community was on board. Clover shares soared 70% in early trading, climbing over $8 to $20.26 as of 11:00 a.m. ET.

“This one hasn’t even hit the mass media yet,” wrote user izzy_izzalia. “It’s still under the radar. Wait until CNBC starts talking it up etc. Shorts are absolutely screwed here.”

“It sure looks like the action is about to start,” agreed Jack-Incredibles.

Clover’s explosion on WSB was a fast-growing phenomenon. As of 8:38 a.m. ET yesterday, there were fewer than 100 comments on the stock on WSB’s popular daily discussion thread, according to Quiver Quantitative, an alternative data analytics company. By the same time today, that number was up to 2,747.

Over the past five days, Clover Health has seen its stock value increase 129%. WSB traders believe a short squeeze could be at play for the company, which has a short interest of 36.10% of the total float of 112.06 million, according to tracking site highshortinterest.com. That’s higher than AMC, which could poise Clover for a notable Reddit-fueled run.

Like most meme stocks, though, Clover has some red flags. Four months ago, it received a notice of investigation from the Securities and Exchange Commission following a report from Hindenberg Research saying Clover “misled investors about critical aspects of Clover’s business in the run-up to the company’s SPAC go-public transaction.” The Hindenberg report claimed that “Clover has not disclosed that its business model and its software offering…are under active investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ), which is investigating at least 12 issues ranging from kickbacks to marketing practices to undisclosed third-party deals.”

Clover said it intends to cooperate with the SEC investigation.

Meme stocks, as a whole, are soaring Tuesday. An hour after the opening bell, GameStop was up 19% to $334, AMC saw a 5% gain to $57.94, and Blackberry was up 4% to $16.43.
