

Danielle Abril 2021-05-30





AMC娱乐公司(AMC Entertainment)的首席执行官亚当·艾伦称,在新冠疫情期间,公司月度营收从4.5亿美元降至100万美元。今年3月,包括艾伦在内的全体员工休假。公司现金储备耗尽,经过五个关键时间节点,现金几乎全部用完。




同样,高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的消费者与财富管理全球联席主管斯蒂芬妮·科恩表示,人们已经习惯使用手机线上办理各类银行业务。科恩称,在新冠疫情高峰期,在高盛新开立的约三分之二支票账户是在线上办理的,较疫情前水平上升了近17%。


医疗保健服务提供商一直在努力让病人到医院接受急症护理。克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)的首席执行官汤米斯拉夫·米哈耶维奇称,病人仍然担心他们可能会在医生办公室或医院感染新冠病毒。因此,多数病人仍然选择虚拟护理服务,在新冠疫情高峰期,虚拟就诊人数增加了70%以上。随着美国新冠病例减少,虚拟就诊人数有所下降,但仍然比新冠疫情前高出近20%。










AMC娱乐公司(AMC Entertainment)的首席执行官亚当·艾伦称,在新冠疫情期间,公司月度营收从4.5亿美元降至100万美元。今年3月,包括艾伦在内的全体员工休假。公司现金储备耗尽,经过五个关键时间节点,现金几乎全部用完。




同样,高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的消费者与财富管理全球联席主管斯蒂芬妮·科恩表示,人们已经习惯使用手机线上办理各类银行业务。科恩称,在新冠疫情高峰期,在高盛新开立的约三分之二支票账户是在线上办理的,较疫情前水平上升了近17%。


医疗保健服务提供商一直在努力让病人到医院接受急症护理。克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)的首席执行官汤米斯拉夫·米哈耶维奇称,病人仍然担心他们可能会在医生办公室或医院感染新冠病毒。因此,多数病人仍然选择虚拟护理服务,在新冠疫情高峰期,虚拟就诊人数增加了70%以上。随着美国新冠病例减少,虚拟就诊人数有所下降,但仍然比新冠疫情前高出近20%。






One of the biggest challenges for companies during the coronavirus pandemic was a business basic: How to effectively reach customers at a time when many people were hunkered down at home. Out of that, the world became more digital—with more medical patients opting for virtual care and customers favoring digital purchases, for example.

Now, As business rebounds from loosened restrictions and rising vaccination rates, several CEOs say some of the trends that began out of necessity will long outlive the pandemic.

“We’re never going back to where we were,” Ronan Dunne, CEO of Verizon's consumer group, said during a virtual session of Fortune’s CEO Perspectives Series on May 26. “There is an opportunity to be thoughtful about which elements of the last 12-18 months … we want to introduce [permanently].”

Companies across industries—from banking to cinemas to health care—all learned some tough lessons during the pandemic. Namely, they had to rethink how they do business and communicate with their customers at a time when they couldn’t physically see them as often or, in the case of movie theaters, have a product to offer them.

Adam Aron, the CEO of AMC Entertainment, said his company went from making $450 million in monthly revenue to $1 million during the pandemic. In March, Aron furloughed his entire staff, himself included. The company ran through its cash reserves and five different times almost ran out of cash entirely.

“We were ordered shut but when we were opened, we had no new movies coming out because the studios weren't releasing new movie titles,” Aron said. “You just keep communicating with them … and you put in a whole series of consumer-friendly policies so that your customers think you're bending over backwards to be fair and treat them well.”

In Verizon’s case, the company said it found a way to install Fios, its high-speed Internet service, without sending technicians to customer’s homes. The company created Fios installation kits in milk crates and left them at customers’ doors for self-installation.

“What's happening now is more people feel competent to do a self-install or the self-upgrade than they did a year ago,” Dunne said. “People realize it's actually pretty straightforward.”

Similarly, people are becoming more comfortable with mobile and online banking, according to Stephanie Cohen, global co-head of consumer and wealth management at Goldman Sachs. At the height of the pandemic, about two-thirds of new checking accounts at Goldman Sachs were set up online, up nearly 17% from pre-pandemic levels, Cohen said.

“We really believe the pandemic has sped up trends that were already happening,” she said.

In health care, providers have struggled to bring patients back to their facilities for acute care. Patients are still afraid they could contract the coronavirus at a doctor’s office or hospital, said Tomislav Mihaljevic, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. As a result, more patients opted for virtual care, causing virtual visits to rise more than 70% at the height of the pandemic. With COVID cases dropping in the U.S., virtual visits have declined but are still nearly 20% higher than pre-pandemic levels.

“What have we learned is that certain patients have certain needs and a greater familiarity [with digital platforms],” Mihaljevic said. “It's a convenience.”

Dunne said many of the trends that started in the pandemic have changed business forever. For Verizon, that won’t mean downsizing its retail stores (Dunne said he’s actually recruiting 1,000 more staffers for retail locations and extending the hours of operation). But it will mean reinventing the customer experience.

“What we’ve been focusing on are what are elements of the physical journey and elements of the digital capability and bringing them together,” Dunne said. “You [can] call it humanizing digital or phy-gital.”
