人造肉香肠来了!Impossible Foods向全美餐厅推出新产品

人造肉香肠来了!Impossible Foods向全美餐厅推出新产品

Beth Kowitt 2020-07-01




周一,位于硅谷的Impossible Foods通过Dot Foods、西斯科公司和US Foods等经销商,向全美的餐厅推出了人造肉香肠肉饼。1月,该产品开始在部分汉堡王餐厅推出,本月早些时候,星巴克开始力推一款Impossible Sausage早餐三明治。

Impossible Foods的CEO戴维•李告诉《财富》杂志:“我们的业务从来不局限于汉堡肉饼。我们的计划是涉足整个肉类行业的绝大多数领域。”

Impossible Sausage推出至今已有六个月时间。目前,该产品在2万多家餐厅销售,包括星巴克和汉堡王等早期合作伙伴,以及Yelp上评价最高的30家美国餐厅。李说:“这是公司史上一个重要的里程碑。我们可以证明,Impossible的目标市场不止是汉堡肉饼。”

Impossible Burger让公司顺利进军午餐和晚餐市场,Impossible Sausage则让其向早餐市场迈进了一步。

Impossible Foods及其在食品科技行业的竞争对手都致力于取代传统肉类行业,努力提供与真肉口感和营养成分类似、基于植物的人造肉,希望能吸引非常爱吃肉的消费者。消费者越来越认识到肉对身体健康和环境的影响,这种趋势给这些初创公司带来了发展动力。在最近的新闻稿中,Impossible Foods抓住时机兜售人造肉的另一个好处。该公司表示:“改变吃动物制品的习惯,是减少未来从动物到人传播传染病的最佳方式之一。”


Impossible Sausage是自2016年的汉堡肉饼以来该公司推出的第一款新产品,在此之前,其最大的竞争对手Beyond Meat在去年晚些时候推出了一款香肠肉饼。Beyond Meat在2017年开始推出整段香肠产品。

Impossible Foods在3月完成了一轮5亿美元融资,到目前为止总融资额达到13亿美元。李表示,此轮融资将用于继续进行全球扩张和产品研发。(财富中文网)






周一,位于硅谷的Impossible Foods通过Dot Foods、西斯科公司和US Foods等经销商,向全美的餐厅推出了人造肉香肠肉饼。1月,该产品开始在部分汉堡王餐厅推出,本月早些时候,星巴克开始力推一款Impossible Sausage早餐三明治。

Impossible Foods的CEO戴维•李告诉《财富》杂志:“我们的业务从来不局限于汉堡肉饼。我们的计划是涉足整个肉类行业的绝大多数领域。”

Impossible Sausage推出至今已有六个月时间。目前,该产品在2万多家餐厅销售,包括星巴克和汉堡王等早期合作伙伴,以及Yelp上评价最高的30家美国餐厅。李说:“这是公司史上一个重要的里程碑。我们可以证明,Impossible的目标市场不止是汉堡肉饼。”

Impossible Burger让公司顺利进军午餐和晚餐市场,Impossible Sausage则让其向早餐市场迈进了一步。

Impossible Foods及其在食品科技行业的竞争对手都致力于取代传统肉类行业,努力提供与真肉口感和营养成分类似、基于植物的人造肉,希望能吸引非常爱吃肉的消费者。消费者越来越认识到肉对身体健康和环境的影响,这种趋势给这些初创公司带来了发展动力。在最近的新闻稿中,Impossible Foods抓住时机兜售人造肉的另一个好处。该公司表示:“改变吃动物制品的习惯,是减少未来从动物到人传播传染病的最佳方式之一。”


Impossible Sausage是自2016年的汉堡肉饼以来该公司推出的第一款新产品,在此之前,其最大的竞争对手Beyond Meat在去年晚些时候推出了一款香肠肉饼。Beyond Meat在2017年开始推出整段香肠产品。

Impossible Foods在3月完成了一轮5亿美元融资,到目前为止总融资额达到13亿美元。李表示,此轮融资将用于继续进行全球扩张和产品研发。(财富中文网)



The burger has long been a prime target of plant-based meat companies.

It’s easier to mimic than a sirloin or a chop since it’s ground meat; the burger gets right to the heart of consumers’ health concerns over processed meat; and it’s pure Americana.

But now food-tech startups have expanded to a new type of meat that hits on a similar trifecta: sausages.

On Monday, Silicon Valley–based Impossible Foods made its plant-based sausage patty available to all restaurants in the U.S. through distributors including Dot Foods, Sysco, and US Foods. The move follows the product’s January debut in select Burger Kings, and the broad rollout earlier this month of an Impossible Sausage breakfast sandwich at Starbucks.

“It was never just about the burger,” Impossible Foods CFO David Lee told Fortune. “We intend to be a very large part of the entire meat industry.”

Six months after launching, Impossible Sausage is now available in more than 20,000 restaurant locations, including early partners Starbucks and Burger King, as well as 30 of the nation’s top-rated diners via Yelp. “It’s a major milestone for the company,” says Lee. “The addressable market that we can demonstrate for Impossible is clearly way beyond a burger.”

While the Impossible Burger had primarily enabled the company to get into the lunch and dinner market, the launch of Impossible Sausage allows the company to make advances at breakfast.

Impossible Foods and its food-tech competitors are on a mission to displace the traditional meat industry by attempting to offer plant-based alternatives that taste and perform so similarly to the real thing that they entice even serious meat eaters. These startups have gained traction as consumers become increasingly aware of meat’s impact on their health and the environment. In its most recent release, the company also touted a new timely benefit, saying that “transitioning away from eating animal products is one of the best ways to reduce the likelihood of future animal to human pandemics.”

Lee noted that the coronavirus has only highlighted the challenges of the meat industry for consumers. “Meat eaters have long before this current crisis been in denial about the compromises they make when they choose to eat meat from an animal,” Lee says, noting that consumers are now being confronted with articles about meat processing plants struggling to curb cases of COVID-19.

Impossible Sausage is the first new product that the company has rolled out since the burger in 2016, and follows the launch of a sausage patty by its biggest competitor, Beyond Meat, late last year. Beyond Meat also started rolling out sausages in link form in 2017.

Impossible Foods closed a $500 million round of funding in March, bringing its total funding to $1.3 billion so far. Lee says the round is going toward continued global expansion and research and development.
