

Michelle Fay Cortez, Robert Langreth, Kristen V. Brown, 彭博社 2020-05-15

美国纽约大学(New York University)的研究报告称,白宫为快速筛查感染者所采用的雅培公司(Abbott Laboratories)的新冠病毒检测,可能漏诊了近一半的阳性病例,但雅培公司对这项研究结果表示质疑。

研究人员将雅培的ID NOW检测装置的结果与另外一家公司的检测结果进行了对比,结果发现雅培的阳性病例漏诊率至少为三分之一,使用目前推荐的干鼻拭子检测,漏诊率高达48%。研究人员在BioRxiv服务器上发布了这篇报告,但分析结果尚未得到证实。研究人员通常会在研究报告经过其他科学家同行审议之前,在该服务器上发布早期成果。


白宫经常使用ID NOW对工作人员、州长、国会议员、记者和与总统密切接触的其他人进行检测。这款便携式的检测设备只有烤面包机大小,不需要进行深鼻腔拭子取样。唐纳德·特朗普总统曾经说这种取样方式“令人讨厌”。

雅培的设备获得在美国食品与药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的应急使用授权之后,特朗普曾在白宫玫瑰花园里大肆吹捧,说它是上天赐给医院和工作场所的礼物,因为它“只要五分钟就能迅速给出检测结果”。



纽约大学的研究人员考虑到这些变化,尝试使用干拭子避免假阴性,结果却更加糟糕。使用丹纳赫集团(Danaher Corp.)销售的标准参照检测系统Cepheid GeneXpert检测呈阳性的样本,在雅培设备上检测的漏检率为48%。纽约大学的研究尚未经过外部专家评审,也没有在科学期刊上发表。

雅培表示,公司的科学家正在对这份12页的报告进行审议。雅培已经分发了约180万套ID NOW检测设备。该公司称并没有发现纽约大学报告中提出的问题。



雅培的ID NOW可以在医疗机构迅速进行即时检测。其他检测方法则需要将样本运送到实验室,几天之后才能得出检测结果。美国的病毒检测工作严重滞后,这种快速检测方法被普遍认为是加快检测的关键,可以更高效地得出检测结果,将资源分配给真正的患者。







美国纽约大学(New York University)的研究报告称,白宫为快速筛查感染者所采用的雅培公司(Abbott Laboratories)的新冠病毒检测,可能漏诊了近一半的阳性病例,但雅培公司对这项研究结果表示质疑。

研究人员将雅培的ID NOW检测装置的结果与另外一家公司的检测结果进行了对比,结果发现雅培的阳性病例漏诊率至少为三分之一,使用目前推荐的干鼻拭子检测,漏诊率高达48%。研究人员在BioRxiv服务器上发布了这篇报告,但分析结果尚未得到证实。研究人员通常会在研究报告经过其他科学家同行审议之前,在该服务器上发布早期成果。


白宫经常使用ID NOW对工作人员、州长、国会议员、记者和与总统密切接触的其他人进行检测。这款便携式的检测设备只有烤面包机大小,不需要进行深鼻腔拭子取样。唐纳德·特朗普总统曾经说这种取样方式“令人讨厌”。

雅培的设备获得在美国食品与药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的应急使用授权之后,特朗普曾在白宫玫瑰花园里大肆吹捧,说它是上天赐给医院和工作场所的礼物,因为它“只要五分钟就能迅速给出检测结果”。



纽约大学的研究人员考虑到这些变化,尝试使用干拭子避免假阴性,结果却更加糟糕。使用丹纳赫集团(Danaher Corp.)销售的标准参照检测系统Cepheid GeneXpert检测呈阳性的样本,在雅培设备上检测的漏检率为48%。纽约大学的研究尚未经过外部专家评审,也没有在科学期刊上发表。

雅培表示,公司的科学家正在对这份12页的报告进行审议。雅培已经分发了约180万套ID NOW检测设备。该公司称并没有发现纽约大学报告中提出的问题。



雅培的ID NOW可以在医疗机构迅速进行即时检测。其他检测方法则需要将样本运送到实验室,几天之后才能得出检测结果。美国的病毒检测工作严重滞后,这种快速检测方法被普遍认为是加快检测的关键,可以更高效地得出检测结果,将资源分配给真正的患者。







The coronavirus test from Abbott Laboratories used at the White House to get rapid answers to whether someone is infected may miss as many as half of positive cases, according to a report from New York University that the company immediately disputed.

The analysis, which has yet to be confirmed, found that Abbott’s ID NOW missed at least one-third of positive cases detected with a rival test and as much as 48% when using the currently recommended dry nasal swabs, according to the report on BioRxiv, a server where researchers post early work before it has been reviewed by other scientists.

Abbott said the researchers didn’t use the test as intended and that the false-negative rate, as reported to the company, is 0.02%.

The White House is frequently testing staff, governors, lawmakers, reporters and others who come in close contact with the president using ID Now. The testing machine, which is roughly the size of a toaster, is portable and doesn’t require deep nasal swabs, about which President Donald Trump once said there is “nothing pleasant.”

Trump touted the Abbott machine with great fanfare in the White House Rose Garden after the Food and Drug Administration approved it for emergency use, saying it could be a godsend for hospitals and workplaces because it “delivers lightning-fast results in as little as five minutes.”

“That’s a whole new ballgame,” the president said at the March 30 event.

The results of the NYU study, if confirmed, indicate the test may still suffer from high false-negative rates despite changes recommended by the company to avoid such a problem. In April, after other academic researchers raised concerns about the issue, Abbott told clinicians to avoid storing samples in so-called transport media, a liquid used to hold the sample, as that might dilute the test and lead to false negatives.

But when the NYU authors attempted to account for changes and avoid false negatives by using dry swabs, the performance was even worse. It missed the virus in 48% of the samples that were positive using Cepheid GeneXpert, a standard reference test sold by Danaher Corp. The NYU study hasn’t yet been reviewed by outside experts or published in a scientific journal.

Abbott said its scientists are still reviewing the 12-page paper. It has distributed about 1.8 million ID NOW tests and said it hasn’t found the problem identified by the NYU report.

“It’s unclear if the samples were tested correctly, and we’re further evaluating the results,” said Darcy Ross, an Abbott spokeswoman. “The test is performing as expected when it’s used correctly.”

On-site test

Abbott’s ID NOW is a point-of-care test that can be done quickly in a health-care setting. Other tests require a sample to be shipped to a lab, with results available after several days. The rapid approach has been widely viewed as a key to ramping up hamstrung U.S. testing efforts, giving answers more efficiently and directing resources to those who are truly sick.

Concerns about false negatives, though, call into question whether the Abbott test will be able to alleviate the strain on U.S. testing efforts as intended.

Scientists have developed a variety of tests to detect the novel coronavirus,and some haven’t been vetted with the usual rigor by federal health regulators. It is also still unclear at what point in the incubation period of the virus any test is most likely to produce an accurate result. Enough information about the virus is simply not yet known.

Several tests have sparked concern about false negatives. Doctors have reported patients with obvious signs of the disease testing negative. While the scale of the problem hasn’t yet been determined, experts agree that it is prevalent.

False negatives can hinder diagnosis of disease, obscure the full scope of an outbreak and raise the potential that sick people could unknowingly spread a pathogen.

Doctors at hospitals around the country have reported patients testing negative sometimes multiple times before eventually testing positive. Some doctors have instead at times turned to other methods of diagnosis, such as chest X-rays or CT scans.
