The iPods that say 'ka-ching'
Apple's EasyPay point-of-sales devices could be its entree into a $15 billion dollar marketEasyPay. Source: Apple Inc.No sooner had Apple (AAPL) aband...
How many iPods did Apple sell?
The third in a series of previews of Apple's results for the first fiscal quarter of 2010by Philip Elmer-DeWittSources: Company reports, Piper Jaffray...
Why 'say on pay' won't work
Reformers are counting on shareholders to rein in compensation. But big investors seem inclined to remain quiet and preserve the status quo.By Colin B...
Let big banks fail, bailout skeptics say
Top economists tell Congress the administration must change its approach to saving troubled financial firms or risk strangling an economic recovery.By...
Should you ever say: I *%&@ quit!
Dear Annie: I have a colleague who is also a friend, and I think he's about to make a huge mistake. I'm hoping you (and your readers) can help me talk...
Latest comScore numbers say Android passes iPhone
...and quickly gaining on RIM in number of active US users.Not a big surprise here, with 300,000 Google Android devices being activated daily vs. Appl...
iPad not eating Mac sales, says analyst
Piper Jaffray's (PJC) Gene Munster was the first Apple (AAPL) analyst to dissect the domestic retail sales data released Tuesday by the NPD Group. In ...
Steve Jobs' Flash manifesto
"Adobe claims that we are a closed system, and that Flash is open, but in fact the opposite is true. Let me explain."So begins the meat of Steve Jobs'...
Samsung to release Android iPod touch at CES
After a bunch of teasing, we may finally be able to buy a portable Android device not connected to a carrier.SamsungHub today reports that CES will be...
Early iPhone prototypes show the influence of the iPod mini.早期iPhone的原型机上还可以看出iPod mini的影子。每一家科技公司都有一款堪称代表作的产品。比如微软公司(Microsoft)的Windows操作系统,又比如谷歌公司(G...