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一名科技行业的招聘经理居然会推荐一本2000年前的古希腊哲学家写的书,貌似是有些奇怪。不过科技招聘公司Dave Partners的CEO戴夫•卡瓦哈尔表示,这本书里的一些见解即便对当今的职场人士来说也是非常现代的。



猎头公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的CEO约翰•查伦吉尔在谈到马尔科姆•格拉德维尔的这本当代经典著作时表示:“之所以说这本书好,就因为它讲了是什么让信息流动的,以及信息是如何在人群中流动的。它不仅谈到如何去找一份工作,更重要的是谈到了沟通背后的理念。它不仅仅提到了所谓的‘连接者’——也就是认识很多人的人,还提到了这些人对你找工作为什么重要,因为他们能把你介绍到你需要见的人那里。”








Whether you’re actively looking to climb the corporate ladder or you’re happy in your current job, professional headhunters explain that these are the books that will advance your career—and why.

• The Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness

It might seem strange to have a high-tech recruiter to recommend a book by a Greek philosopher who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, but Dave Carvajal, CEO of technology recruiting firm Dave Partners, says it contains some surprisingly modern insights for today’s professional.

“Some of the virtues from the Greek stoics are perhaps more relevant today with the increased pace of innovation and the need to manage the velocity and depth of external relationships,” Carvajal says. Even in an age when social media dominates much of our interaction, this advice proves timeless. “A sense of affiliation with like-minded people leads to high satisfaction rates at work,” he says. “Managing the internal world and self are the only things we can control.”

• The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

“The reason it’s so good is that book is about what make messages move and how messages move through people,” John Challenger, CEO of executive outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, said via email of the modern classic from Malcolm Gladwell. “It’s not only about how you look for a job — it’s more about the ideas behind communicating. It really is. Not only does it talk about connectors, people who know lots of people [but] those people are crucial in a job search because they can introduce you to people you need to see.”

• Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

This isn’t your ordinary tome on corporate leadership. As Navy SEAL commanders serving during the war in Iraq, co-authors Jocko Willink and Leif Babin had to make leadership decisions with higher stakes than anyone faces in a boardroom. “This book shows how full ownership and accountability in business — and in life — are important for success,” Carvajal says.

• Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future

“As the job market shifts and automation continues to weigh on folks’ minds, a book like this could help them understand the job market of the future and where they fit in,” Dan Finnigan, CEO of software and recruiting company Jobvite, says of Rise of the Robots, by futurist and author Martin Ford. In the future, the increase in robotics and artificial intelligence means people will need to adapt to stay relevant in the workforce. “Skills will have to evolve, and as this technology accelerates, staying abreast of these shifts will be crucial,” Finnigan says.

• Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

Challenger says that by pulling back the curtain on the story behind the swoosh, Nike founder Phil Knight tells a story that is as much about entrepreneurial determination and drive as it is about Nike’s improbable growth from start-up to corporate giant. “It’s an inspirational book,” Challenger says.



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