

Lance Lambert 2021-07-15

风险资本家们迫不及待地想要颠覆商学院教育。在他们看来,由哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)于1908年首创的MBA教育已经过气了。看看Section4吧,今年早些时候,这个由纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYU Stern School of Business)的教授和连续创业者斯科特•加洛韦创立的教育平台在A轮融资中筹集了3000万美元。然而Section4的校训是“面向所有人的商学院教育”,所以它的目标似乎是大众,而不是与斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)或宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School)这样的重量级机构比肩。

尽管风险资本家的观点很明确,尽管声称MBA已死的文章层出不穷,但商学院的优等生们看起来仍然非常安全。简单地说,企业仍然对顶级教育机构产出的人才有着强烈的渴望。如果金钱能够说明问题,那么很明显,企业对精英MBA毕业生的需求丝毫没有减退。《财富》杂志为有史以来第一个“最佳MBA项目”(Best MBA Programs)榜单收集数据后就发现了这一点。2010年,沃顿商学院(榜单上排名第三位)的MBA应届毕业生的基本年薪中位数为11万美元。十年后,这个数字上升了36%,达到15万美元。沃顿商学院并非特例。排名第二位的斯坦福大学和排名第四位的芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago's Booth School of Business)的基本年薪中位数在同一时期分别提高了30%和47%,达到15.6万美元和15万美元。


为什么亚马逊(Amazon)、波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)和麦肯锡(McKinsey)等公司愿意为这些毕业生掏那么多钱?归根结底我们要看到一个事实,即这些精英教育项目找到世界上最聪明的学生,然后让他们具备企业迫切需要的硬性和软性技能的强大组合。

“从史蒂夫•乔布斯到比尔•盖茨,一些人尽皆知的非凡故事让人心向往之。但通常来说,美国的企业在很大程度上是由那些拥有真正有价值的学位(MBA)的人经营的,这些教育项目结合了定量技能(例如筛选大量数据的能力)和领导力技能。”排名第13位的加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(UC Berkeley Haas School of Business)的院长安•哈里森告诉《财富》杂志。“学习成为一个伟大的领导者需要大量的心理学和其他技能,商学院传授的正是这些能力。”

《财富》2021年“最佳MBA项目”榜单前20所学校及2020届毕业生的基本薪酬中位数。资料来源:Data Provided by Schools to Fortune, U.S. Census Bureau


幸运地进入精英院系的申请者在收到学费账单时并不感到幸运。排名第五位的美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University)的学费是76,368美元。如果加上食宿等其他费用,总花费飙升至111,658美元。如果没有奖学金,两年的学费远在200,000美元之上。

然而即使成本如此之高,与其他一些研究生学位相比,对MBA学位的投资绝对是个赚钱买卖。在《财富》最佳MBA项目榜单上的全部69所学校中,2020年毕业生的平均起薪略高于105,000美元,这比拥有硕士学位的典型美国人的收入高35%,比拥有博士学位的典型美国人的收入高9%。排名第六位的哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)的MBA毕业生收入中位数为15万美元。相比之下,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的电影研究硕士毕业生在工作两年后,只有一半人的年收入超过3万美元。

在精英MBA项目热度不减的同时,一些排名较低的商学院却很受伤。2019年,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)走上了很多商学院走过的路——宣布不再开办传统的面对面MBA教学项目。这些不太知名的项目正感受到来自颠覆者的压力,特别是来自新冠疫情期间迅速发展的在线MBA项目的压力。业内人士认为,在线MBA项目将获得更大的市场。事实上,虽然伊利诺伊大学商学院不再提供传统的面对面教学,但它保留了在线MBA项目。(财富中文网)


风险资本家们迫不及待地想要颠覆商学院教育。在他们看来,由哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)于1908年首创的MBA教育已经过气了。看看Section4吧,今年早些时候,这个由纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYU Stern School of Business)的教授和连续创业者斯科特•加洛韦创立的教育平台在A轮融资中筹集了3000万美元。然而Section4的校训是“面向所有人的商学院教育”,所以它的目标似乎是大众,而不是与斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)或宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School)这样的重量级机构比肩。

尽管风险资本家的观点很明确,尽管声称MBA已死的文章层出不穷,但商学院的优等生们看起来仍然非常安全。简单地说,企业仍然对顶级教育机构产出的人才有着强烈的渴望。如果金钱能够说明问题,那么很明显,企业对精英MBA毕业生的需求丝毫没有减退。《财富》杂志为有史以来第一个“最佳MBA项目”(Best MBA Programs)榜单收集数据后就发现了这一点。2010年,沃顿商学院(榜单上排名第三位)的MBA应届毕业生的基本年薪中位数为11万美元。十年后,这个数字上升了36%,达到15万美元。沃顿商学院并非特例。排名第二位的斯坦福大学和排名第四位的芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago's Booth School of Business)的基本年薪中位数在同一时期分别提高了30%和47%,达到15.6万美元和15万美元。


为什么亚马逊(Amazon)、波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)和麦肯锡(McKinsey)等公司愿意为这些毕业生掏那么多钱?归根结底我们要看到一个事实,即这些精英教育项目找到世界上最聪明的学生,然后让他们具备企业迫切需要的硬性和软性技能的强大组合。

“从史蒂夫•乔布斯到比尔•盖茨,一些人尽皆知的非凡故事让人心向往之。但通常来说,美国的企业在很大程度上是由那些拥有真正有价值的学位(MBA)的人经营的,这些教育项目结合了定量技能(例如筛选大量数据的能力)和领导力技能。”排名第13位的加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(UC Berkeley Haas School of Business)的院长安•哈里森告诉《财富》杂志。“学习成为一个伟大的领导者需要大量的心理学和其他技能,商学院传授的正是这些能力。”

《财富》2021年“最佳MBA项目”榜单前20所学校及2020届毕业生的基本薪酬中位数。资料来源:Data Provided by Schools to Fortune, U.S. Census Bureau


幸运地进入精英院系的申请者在收到学费账单时并不感到幸运。排名第五位的美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University)的学费是76,368美元。如果加上食宿等其他费用,总花费飙升至111,658美元。如果没有奖学金,两年的学费远在200,000美元之上。

然而即使成本如此之高,与其他一些研究生学位相比,对MBA学位的投资绝对是个赚钱买卖。在《财富》最佳MBA项目榜单上的全部69所学校中,2020年毕业生的平均起薪略高于105,000美元,这比拥有硕士学位的典型美国人的收入高35%,比拥有博士学位的典型美国人的收入高9%。排名第六位的哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)的MBA毕业生收入中位数为15万美元。相比之下,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的电影研究硕士毕业生在工作两年后,只有一半人的年收入超过3万美元。

在精英MBA项目热度不减的同时,一些排名较低的商学院却很受伤。2019年,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)走上了很多商学院走过的路——宣布不再开办传统的面对面MBA教学项目。这些不太知名的项目正感受到来自颠覆者的压力,特别是来自新冠疫情期间迅速发展的在线MBA项目的压力。业内人士认为,在线MBA项目将获得更大的市场。事实上,虽然伊利诺伊大学商学院不再提供传统的面对面教学,但它保留了在线MBA项目。(财富中文网)


Venture capitalists are itching to disrupt business education. From their point of view, the MBA—first created by Harvard Business School in 1908—is outdated. Look no further than Section4, an education platform founded by NYU Stern professor and serial entrepreneur Scott Galloway, which raised $30 million during its Series A round earlier this year. But Section4, whose motto is “Business education for all,” seems to be targeting the masses rather than seriously taking on the heavyweights like Stanford Graduate School of Business or the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

Despite eager venture capitalists and no shortage of thought pieces claiming the MBA is dead, the upper echelons of B-schools are looking pretty safe. Simply put, companies are still hungry for what top programs are producing. If dollars are any indication, demand for MBA graduates from elite programs is as strong as ever. That's what Fortune found after collecting data for our first-ever Best MBA Programs list. In 2010, new MBA graduates at Wharton (No. 3 on our list) earned a median $110,000 base salary right out of the gate. Ten years later, that median is up 36% to $150,000. Wharton isn't unique in that regard: During the same period, median base salaries rose 30% at No. 2 ranked Stanford and 47% at No. 4 ranked University of Chicago's Booth School of Business to $156,000 and $150,000, respectively.

Even those lofty base numbers undersell the payoff. Fresh out of No. 1 ranked Harvard Business School, the median 2020 graduate accepted a $150,000 base salary. Among those same graduates, 60% received a signing bonus and 72% were eligible for a performance bonus. The median signing bonus was $30,000, while the median performance bonus came in at $35,000. When all compensation is factored in, it is common for MBA graduates of elite programs like HBS to earn over $200,000 in their first year out of school. That's more than triple the $68,703 U.S. median household income.

Why are recruiters from companies like Amazon, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey shelling out so much for these graduates? It boils down to the fact these elite programs are finding some of the brightest students in the world and then equipping them with the potent combination of hard and soft skills that firms desperately need.

"There are these very famous exceptions to the rule that fascinate people. From Steve Jobs to Bill Gates. But generally speaking, corporate America is very much run by individuals who have these really valuable degrees [MBAs] that combine both quantitative skills, [like] the ability to sift through massive amounts of data, and leadership skills," Ann Harrison, dean of No. 13 ranked UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, tells Fortune. "Learning to be a great leader requires a lot of psychology and other skills that you learn in business school."

Of course, getting into these schools isn't easy. All of the top 10 schools on Fortune's Best MBA Programs list have at least an average GMAT score of 720 or higher for incoming students. Students who apply to Stanford, which has the highest average GMAT score, at 733, have only an 8.9% chance of getting accepted. Among all GMAT test takers, the average score is 568. Only 12% of takers earn above a 700 score, and just 2% crack 750.

Applicants who are lucky enough to get into an elite program don't feel lucky when the bill comes. The tuition at No. 5 ranked Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University is $76,368. When you add on other costs, like room and board, it soars to $111,658. Without scholarships, the two-year program costs well over $200,000.

Even with the exorbitant cost, however, the value proposition seems like a steal when compared to some other graduate degrees. Among all 69 schools on Fortune's Best MBA Programs list, the average starting salary of 2020 graduates is just over $105,000. That's 35% higher than the typical American with a master's degree earns, and 9% higher than the typical doctoral degree holder earns. After leaving No. 6 Columbia Business School, the median MBA graduate earns $150,000. Meanwhile, two years after earning a master’s degree in film studies from Columbia University, only half of loan borrowers are earning more than $30,000 a year.

While elite MBA programs are thriving, some lower ranked business schools are hurting. In 2019, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign joined a growing list of schools that have ended their traditional in-person MBA program. These less renowned programs are feeling some pressure from disrupters, in particular, from online MBA programs that boomed during the pandemic. Industry insiders believe online MBA programs will only get bigger. In fact, while the University of Illinois no longer offers a traditional program, it does still have an online MBA program.
