

Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez 2022-01-25
根据区块链公司Covalent的数据,时下最热门的区块链“玩赚”游戏《Axie Infinity》在2021年11月的日活跃用户数已经飙升到将近100万。



游戏名为《Town Star》,是一款目前在加密货币领域里十分火爆的“玩赚”游戏。这种游戏在加密货币世界正占据越来越大的版图。1月13日,加密货币追踪平台DappRadar发布的报告显示,约有52%的加密货币钱包与区块链游戏有关。

根据区块链公司Covalent的数据,时下最热门的区块链“玩赚”游戏《Axie Infinity》在2021年11月的日活跃用户数已经飙升到将近100万,与《FIFA 22》和《Madden 22》的用户数持平,月活跃用户数则达到近5亿。

和视频游戏《Axie Infinity》的开发商Sky Mavis一样,Gala Games 在“玩赚”游戏市场中开始占据越来越重要的位置。根据CoinMarketCap的数据,按市值计算,该公司的加密货币Gala在玩赚游戏货币排行榜中位居第四名。《Town Star》在2021年12月的玩家会话数量,即玩家登陆游戏或在游戏中采取行动的次数,已经达到512万。



Gala Games开发的视频游戏《Town Star》截图。图片来源:Fortune


我玩了六小时《Town Star》之后,赚了124个Town Coin,按1月20日下午的价值换算是45美元。但是,我必须通过游戏内的NFT才可以实现该经济效益。


《Town Star》和《Farmville》有些类似,后者主要是将一些虚拟农场改造成生产和销售“商品”的盈利城镇。

我以记者的身份从Gala Games的区块链负责人杰森·布林克那里借到一个特别的吊车机器人NFT,度过了硕果累累的一天。这个NFT面向商业用户的售价高达1.5万美元,但是,为了写出你正在读的这篇文章,我有幸能够免费使用六个小时,来了解游戏的运作。他还借给我一个可以生产小麦的NFT,售价约为4300美元。

有了吊车机器人和生产小麦的NFT,我能够将自己地里的大约90袋面粉出售。从中赚得的124个Town Coin。如上文所说,价值45美元,但前提是要使用价值近2万的NFT。

Gala Games开发的视频游戏《Town Star》截图。图片来源:Fortune


不管是通过Gala公司还是二级市场,大多数人想要在《Town Star》上赚钱就都必须购买NFT。直接通过《Twon Star》购买,价格会更便宜。但是,该游戏初期发布的许多NFT都已经售罄,只有在二级市场上才可以找到。在二级市场,购买价值不菲的Bitrue Wheat代币需要花费价值将近4300美元的以太币(Ether)。

据《Town Star》的区块链负责人介绍,《Town Star》在初次亮相后不久,免费送出了一些NFT以吸引用户。之后,这些NFT的价值就急剧上升。


购买黄金会员是开始用《Town Star》赚加密货币最便宜的方式,费用约为50美元,可以用该公司自己的机密货币Gala,也能够用普遍使用的以太币支付。







游戏名为《Town Star》,是一款目前在加密货币领域里十分火爆的“玩赚”游戏。这种游戏在加密货币世界正占据越来越大的版图。1月13日,加密货币追踪平台DappRadar发布的报告显示,约有52%的加密货币钱包与区块链游戏有关。

根据区块链公司Covalent的数据,时下最热门的区块链“玩赚”游戏《Axie Infinity》在2021年11月的日活跃用户数已经飙升到将近100万,与《FIFA 22》和《Madden 22》的用户数持平,月活跃用户数则达到近5亿。

和视频游戏《Axie Infinity》的开发商Sky Mavis一样,Gala Games 在“玩赚”游戏市场中开始占据越来越重要的位置。根据CoinMarketCap的数据,按市值计算,该公司的加密货币Gala在玩赚游戏货币排行榜中位居第四名。《Town Star》在2021年12月的玩家会话数量,即玩家登陆游戏或在游戏中采取行动的次数,已经达到512万。




我玩了六小时《Town Star》之后,赚了124个Town Coin,按1月20日下午的价值换算是45美元。但是,我必须通过游戏内的NFT才可以实现该经济效益。


《Town Star》和《Farmville》有些类似,后者主要是将一些虚拟农场改造成生产和销售“商品”的盈利城镇。

我以记者的身份从Gala Games的区块链负责人杰森·布林克那里借到一个特别的吊车机器人NFT,度过了硕果累累的一天。这个NFT面向商业用户的售价高达1.5万美元,但是,为了写出你正在读的这篇文章,我有幸能够免费使用六个小时,来了解游戏的运作。他还借给我一个可以生产小麦的NFT,售价约为4300美元。

有了吊车机器人和生产小麦的NFT,我能够将自己地里的大约90袋面粉出售。从中赚得的124个Town Coin。如上文所说,价值45美元,但前提是要使用价值近2万的NFT。


不管是通过Gala公司还是二级市场,大多数人想要在《Town Star》上赚钱就都必须购买NFT。直接通过《Twon Star》购买,价格会更便宜。但是,该游戏初期发布的许多NFT都已经售罄,只有在二级市场上才可以找到。在二级市场,购买价值不菲的Bitrue Wheat代币需要花费价值将近4300美元的以太币(Ether)。

据《Town Star》的区块链负责人介绍,《Town Star》在初次亮相后不久,免费送出了一些NFT以吸引用户。之后,这些NFT的价值就急剧上升。


购买黄金会员是开始用《Town Star》赚加密货币最便宜的方式,费用约为50美元,可以用该公司自己的机密货币Gala,也能够用普遍使用的以太币支付。





You can make real money playing video games that use cryptocurrencies and NFTs. I did it. I even made $45 in six hours of recent gameplay.

But that’s not the whole story.

The game is called Town Star, and it’s one of several so-called play-to-earn games that are blowing up in the crypto space right now. These games are also a bigger and bigger part of the crypto world. Around 52% of active crypto wallets are now tied to some kind of blockchain game, according to a Jan. 13 report by crypto tracker DappRadar.

The most popular blockchain play-to-earn game, Axie Infinity, jumped to about the same level of daily active users in November as games like FIFA 22 and Madden 22—about 1 million players daily and 50 million monthly—according to blockchain company Covalent.

Along with Sky Mavis, the company that developed Axie Infinity, Gala Games is an increasingly important player in the play-to-earn gaming space. The company’s cryptocurrency, Gala, is the fourth-biggest by market capitalization in the play-to-earn category, according to CoinMarketCap. Town Star had 5.12 million player sessions in December, which refers to the number of times players logged in to the game or took an action within the game.

For anyone thinking they can get a crypto-gaming side hustle off the ground, though, the real-world laws of business still apply. Namely, you have to pay money to make money.

Here’s the big catch to making money off play-to-earn.

Play to earn also means paying upfront

After six hours of playing Town Star, I had earned 124 Town Coins, which were worth $45 as of January 20 afternoon. But I was able to do this only with the help of in-game NFTs that made me economically productive within the world of Town Star.

Most play-to-earn games work by encouraging you to pay for at least one NFT in order to start earning any crypto from the game. These NFTs are usually tools that help you complete tasks more quickly or give you an advantage within the game. These can retail for thousands of dollars on a secondary market such as OpenSea.

Town Star is reminiscent of Farmville, in that it centers on virtual farms, which should evolve into profitable towns that produce and sell “goods.”

I had a really productive day because of a special crane bot NFT that Jason Brink, Gala Games’ president of blockchain, lent to me as a journalist. Commercial users would have to pay a whopping $15,000 for this NFT, but I got to use it for six hours to see how the game worked, for this article you’re reading right now. He also lent me a wheat-producing NFT that retails for about $4,300.

With the crane bot NFT and the wheat maker, I was able to sell about 90 bags of flour I had produced from my land. I earned 124 Town Coin from this, worth the aforementioned $45, but I was only able to do so with close to $20,000 worth of NFTs.

Other ways to “earn” crypto

Most people have to buy NFTs to make money on Town Star, either through the company or on a secondary market. If you buy directly from Town Star, those NFTs can cost less, but many of the game’s initially released NFTs are sold out and can only be found on secondary. In that market, the valuable Bitrue Wheat token will cost you nearly $4,300 in Ether crypto.

Soon after its debut, Town Star gave away some NFTs for free to attract users, according to Town Star’s president of blockchain, and their value has skyrocketed since.

Brink told me that the company is working on a marketplace that will allow users without enough funds to borrow NFTs from other gamers, which will be subject to a revenue-share in which they’ll pay some of the crypto they earn from using the NFT to its original owner and retain some for themselves.

The cheapest way to start earning crypto within Town Star is to buy the gold membership, which costs about $50 in either the company’s native crypto, Gala, or the popular cryptocurrency Ether.

You can also join the competitive weekly challenge for building the most efficient and advanced town. If you rank among the top 400 users in this challenge at the end of the week you get a prize in Gala tokens that can be converted to dollars.

The game has an element of addiction that involves both strategy and design, said Brink. Those that like management games and world creation enjoy it, he said. Its weekly and monthly challenges also introduce a level of competition that helps you compete against other players.

“If you get to earn [crypto] while doing this, all the better,” Brink said.
