

Jennifer Alsever 2021-07-10



然而,我们对这种攻击模式并不陌生。2013年感恩节的前一天,塔吉特公司(Target)旗下1797家门店曾经遭到大规模攻击。2020年圣诞节前夕,SolarWinds公司遭到网络攻击,诸多《财富》美国500强公司、成百上千所高校,乃至美国军方分支机构的网站都被迫关闭。据微软(Microsoft)和美国网络安全与基础设施安全局(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)称,在刚刚过去的阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)假期的周末,“SolarWinds”事件背后的黑客组织再次出手,向350个组织发送了恶意电子邮件,只是这次攻击基本以失败告终。



由于黑客攻击事件在假期屡次出现,总部位于费城的Xact I.T. Solutions公司的首席执行官布赖恩·霍尔农上周在其主讲网络安全话题的YouTube频道警告称,7月4日美国独立日期间或将发生黑客袭击事件。他指出,俄罗斯黑客对美国文化及行为方式颇有研究,会选择在大家不经意的时间发起攻击。“企业当前采取的措施不足以阻止他们(发动攻击)。”霍尔农说。

2020年,勒索软件攻击事件呈爆炸式增长,增幅达150%。根据安全公司BlackFog发布的《勒索软件攻击状况》(State of Ransomware)报告显示,今年,由网络犯罪造成的损失或将从2015年的3万亿美元增长至6万亿美元。安全专家称,网络攻击不会偃旗息鼓,为保护自身利益,IT人员不在岗时,企业应该使用各种工具来监控网络的异常情况,并且应当对员工进行定期培训,使其了解黑客最新的网络攻击伎俩。霍尔农说:“所有企业,无论规模大小,在不久的将来都免不了要与勒索软件交手。”(财富中文网)





然而,我们对这种攻击模式并不陌生。2013年感恩节的前一天,塔吉特公司(Target)旗下1797家门店曾经遭到大规模攻击。2020年圣诞节前夕,SolarWinds公司遭到网络攻击,诸多《财富》美国500强公司、成百上千所高校,乃至美国军方分支机构的网站都被迫关闭。据微软(Microsoft)和美国网络安全与基础设施安全局(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)称,在刚刚过去的阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)假期的周末,“SolarWinds”事件背后的黑客组织再次出手,向350个组织发送了恶意电子邮件,只是这次攻击基本以失败告终。



由于黑客攻击事件在假期屡次出现,总部位于费城的Xact I.T. Solutions公司的首席执行官布赖恩·霍尔农上周在其主讲网络安全话题的YouTube频道警告称,7月4日美国独立日期间或将发生黑客袭击事件。他指出,俄罗斯黑客对美国文化及行为方式颇有研究,会选择在大家不经意的时间发起攻击。“企业当前采取的措施不足以阻止他们(发动攻击)。”霍尔农说。

2020年,勒索软件攻击事件呈爆炸式增长,增幅达150%。根据安全公司BlackFog发布的《勒索软件攻击状况》(State of Ransomware)报告显示,今年,由网络犯罪造成的损失或将从2015年的3万亿美元增长至6万亿美元。安全专家称,网络攻击不会偃旗息鼓,为保护自身利益,IT人员不在岗时,企业应该使用各种工具来监控网络的异常情况,并且应当对员工进行定期培训,使其了解黑客最新的网络攻击伎俩。霍尔农说:“所有企业,无论规模大小,在不久的将来都免不了要与勒索软件交手。”(财富中文网)



Long weekends are becoming the choice time for cyber criminals to attack, and the Kaseya ransomware attack over the July 4 holiday weekend is just the latest example.

Businesses around the globe scrambled to handle the cyber attack by a Russia-connected group called REvil that targeted the customers of software vendor Kaseya—an incident that researchers say could be one of the broadest ransomware attacks on record, with up to 1,500 businesses affected and a ransom demand of $70 million.

This is a familiar pattern. The massive breach of Target’s 1,797 stores in 2013 came the day before Thanksgiving that year. The SolarWinds breach in 2020 came just before Christmas, taking down the websites of many Fortune 500 companies, hundreds of colleges and universities, and branches of the U.S. military. And the SolarWinds hackers showed up again this past Memorial Day weekend, sending malicious emails to 350 organizations—although the attack was largely unsuccessful, according to Microsoft and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Cyber criminals from nation states target U.S. holidays for a reason: IT staff will likely be out of town, and it’s more difficult to react and react quickly to an attack making its way through a corporate network. Thieves know they’ll have more time to try various passwords and usernames and extend their reach to more devices. Companies may often need to call in an outside expert to deal with the hack. “They know that the organizations are operating with skeleton crews,” says James McQuiggan, a spokesman for KnowBe4, a Clearwater, Florida-based company that provides security training for businesses.

Meanwhile, attackers will shut down a company’s operations and demand ransoms that increase every day. Companies may be more likely to pay quickly rather than wait out the holiday weekend—which would mean more business lost and quite possibly a larger ransom to pay, said Demi Ben-Ari, CTO and cofounder of Panorays, a New York-based security risk company.

The familiar pattern of holiday hacking prompted Bryan Hornung, CEO of Philadelphia-based Xact I.T. Solutions, to warn on his cybersecurity YouTube channel last week that there would likely be a Fourth of July hack. Russian hackers, he said, study U.S. culture and behavior, and they strike when people aren’t paying attention. “Companies aren’t doing enough to stop them,” he said.

Ransomware attacks have exploded, growing by 150% in 2020. Damages from cybercrime may hit $6 trillion this year, up from $3 trillion in 2015, according to the State of Ransomware report by security firm BlackFog. To protect themselves, security experts say companies should employ tools to monitor their networks for anomalies when IT workers are away, and they should implement regular training for employees on the latest cyber tricks used by hackers—attacks they expect to continue. Said Hornung: "All businesses, regardless of size, are going to have to deal with ransomware in the very near future."
