

Jonathan Vanian 2021-07-02

曾经因为性别而被拒绝成为宇航员的先驱飞行员沃利•芬克,将加入亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫•贝佐斯的火箭创业公司——蓝色起源(Blue Origin),即将开启一段新的太空之旅。

7月1日,蓝色起源公司表示,美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)的第一位女性督察玛丽•华莱士•芬克,将成为7月20日“新谢泼德号”(New Shepard)火箭发射的“贵宾”。该公司称,82岁的芬克将成为有史以来进入太空的最年长的人,打破现任纪录保持者约翰•格伦。纪录保持者格伦曾经是一名宇航员,后来成为参议员,在77岁时进入太空。




芬克是一名航空飞行员以及教练员,曾经是“水星13号”(Mercury 13)的成员。“水星13号”是一个由13名美国女性组成的团队。该团队在20世纪60年代初接受过正式的宇航员训练。尽管进行了紧张的准备工作,但女性还是被禁止成为宇航员,因为根据当时美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的要求,她们只能接受军事战斗机飞行员成为宇航员,而这一飞行员职位完全被男性垄断。

“新谢泼德号”即将发射之际,蓝色起源、维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)和埃隆•马斯克的SpaceX等公司的激烈竞争正在进行,致力于将人类送入太空。




曾经因为性别而被拒绝成为宇航员的先驱飞行员沃利•芬克,将加入亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫•贝佐斯的火箭创业公司——蓝色起源(Blue Origin),即将开启一段新的太空之旅。

7月1日,蓝色起源公司表示,美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)的第一位女性督察玛丽•华莱士•芬克,将成为7月20日“新谢泼德号”(New Shepard)火箭发射的“贵宾”。该公司称,82岁的芬克将成为有史以来进入太空的最年长的人,打破现任纪录保持者约翰•格伦。纪录保持者格伦曾经是一名宇航员,后来成为参议员,在77岁时进入太空。




芬克是一名航空飞行员以及教练员,曾经是“水星13号”(Mercury 13)的成员。“水星13号”是一个由13名美国女性组成的团队。该团队在20世纪60年代初接受过正式的宇航员训练。尽管进行了紧张的准备工作,但女性还是被禁止成为宇航员,因为根据当时美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的要求,她们只能接受军事战斗机飞行员成为宇航员,而这一飞行员职位完全被男性垄断。

“新谢泼德号”即将发射之际,蓝色起源、维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)和埃隆•马斯克的SpaceX等公司的激烈竞争正在进行,致力于将人类送入太空。




Pioneering pilot Wally Funk, who was denied being an astronaut because of her gender, is joining Amazon founder Jeff Bezos on an upcoming space voyage by his rocket startup, Blue Origin.

The nation’s first female Federal Aviation Administration inspector, whose formal name is Mary Wallace Funk, will be an “honored guest” for the July 20 launch of the New Shepard rocket, Blue Origin said on July 1. At 82, Funk would be the oldest person to ever reach space, the company said, shattering the current record held by John Glenn, the astronaut-turned-senator who went into orbit at 77.

Other New Shepard crew members include Bezos’s brother Mark Bezos and a yet-to-be revealed auction winner who is paying $28 million to be an astronaut.

In a video on Instagram, Bezos asked Funk what she will say when they eventually return to Earth after spending four minutes in zero gravity.

“I will say, ‘Honey, that’s the best thing that ever happened to me!” Funk said before hugging the tech tycoon.

Funk, an airline pilot and instructor, was a member of the “Mercury 13,” a team of 13 American women who went through formal astronaut training in the early 1960s. Despite the intense preparation, the women were barred from becoming astronauts because of a then-NASA requirement to only accept military fighter pilots, a position held exclusively by men.

The upcoming launch of New Shepard comes at a time of intense competition by companies like Blue Origin, along with Virgin Galactic, and Elon Musk’s SpaceX, to blast humans into space.

Virgin Galactic, for instance, said on July 1 that its founder, Richard Branson, will join a July 11 spaceflight in an attempt to beat Bezos to launch.

Branson recently told Fortune that he’s “waited since the moon landing to go to space, and I’m itching to go.”
