






专栏 - 财富书签


劳伦斯•A•阿莫尔 2012年04月11日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。


    每每看到带有感叹号的书名,我总是唯恐避之不及,但梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)编撰的《健康心脏好生活!》(Healthy Heart For Life!)一书却有许多值得称道之处。首先,这是一部真正让人感受良好的著作,其厚重、富有光泽的纸张不仅手感非常舒服,更让四色图表和照片显得栩栩如生。

    其二,每个篇章都介绍了一些与主题相关的鲜活个体,他们听从作者的意见,并最终从严重的心脏疾病中康复过来。最重要的是,这本书流淌着优良的血统。我曾经两度接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)安排,访问梅奥诊所【成果是《我和梅奥》(Me & The Mayo)和《检查,第二部分》(The Checkup, Part II)这两篇分别刊发于1997年7月21日和1998年10月26日的文章】。我的背部、关节和整体健康是这两次访问的主要受益者。当我从明尼苏达州罗切斯特市返回时,我确信梅奥诊所的医生们知道自己在做什么。从这本书来判断,他们现在依然如此。








    I usually go out of my way to avoid books with exclamation points in their titles, but Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart For Life! has a lot going for it. For one thing, it's a feel-good book in the true sense of the word, printed on heavy, glossy stock that's nice to the touch and brings the four-color diagrams and photos to life.

    For another, each chapter features individuals we can relate to who followed the authors' advice and bounced back from serious heart conditions. Most important, the book has outstanding bloodlines. I visited the Mayo Clinic twice on assignments for Fortune ("Me & The Mayo," July 21, 1997 and "The Checkup, Part II," October 26, 1998), and my back, joints and overall health were prime beneficiaries. I came away from my trips to Rochester, Minnesota convinced that Mayo doctors knew what they were doing. Judging from this book, they still do.

    Healthy Heart For Life! Delivers the obligatory quick-start program with a catchy title ("Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8"). It goes on to explain why eating five or more veggies a day, exercising for 10 or more minutes daily and getting eight hours of sleep a night are good ways to begin the battle against the leading cause of death in the U.S.

    Major takeaways: Close to 80% of heart disease cases are preventable, and even small lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Dr. Martha Grogan, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist who served as the book's editor-in-chief, puts it this way: "Moving even 10 minutes a day for someone who's been sedentary can reduce the risk of heart disease by 50%."  

Along the way, Dr. Grogan throws out another factoid that resonates: "Because more people have been able to identify and treat their risk factors, deaths from heart disease have fallen 50% in the last 30 years."

    The heart is just one part of a very large story, of course, but it's key. When you lower your risk for heart disease, the book tells us, you lower your risk for everything from dementia, cancer, and diabetes to kidney disease, erectile dysfunction, and blindness.

    The authors offer useful tips to take the drudgery out of eating and living right. When it comes to diet, for example, there's no need to become a vegetarian or embrace everything in the produce department. Simply find the vegetables and fruit you like and stick to them. Another: Make it easier on yourself by going for food that requires little or no preparation, things like baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, grapes, bananas and apples.

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