
湾区有不少很棒的办公地点。很多办公室里放满零食,到处有乒乓球桌,会议室的名称都脑洞大开。但真正优秀的公司可不只靠福利。咨询公司Great Place to Work与《财富》杂志合作调研了数千名雇员,给湾区公司按办公环境排名。挤进榜单需要符合哪些条件?榜单里的公司都采用全新方式做人力资源,领导层标准都非常高,而且最关键的是,一线员工跟高层管理者同样享受公司氛围。另外,对从事非工程岗位的人来说有个好消息,入围的可不只是科技行业。 金普顿酒店集团 员工如是说:“从入职第一天起,公司里所有人都很尊重我,让我感觉自己很特别。管理层让我觉得像家人一样。所有公司都会向员工强调‘有成长空间’,但这家企业说到做到,而且会确保机会来临时你能准备好!不管生活顺不顺利,我都非常期待上班!” “公司网站的活动页面上,是一对女同性恋拥抱的照片。我就是一对同性恋夫妇收养的女儿,所以心情非常激动。这家公司对所有人,而且是任何人都非常友好。我在公司交到不少好朋友,老板也都很棒,所以每天上班是件非常快乐的事。金普顿完美展现了酒店行业应有的热情。这不是一家普通的酒店企业,而是个像家一样的地方。我会在金普顿工作很长很长时间。” 美国雇员人数:8142人 行业:酒店 美国总部地址:旧金山 分公司:116个 Cooley公司 员工如是说:“Cooley的工作氛围特别强调团队合作优先。你可以随意走进会议室或参加同事聚会欢乐时光,不用担心要向高层合伙人请示,因为公司鼓励每个人表现自己,做有意义的贡献,努力实现共同目标达到客户要求。每个人都清楚自己的特定角色,公司文化绝不鼓励论资排辈和内耗。” “公司里似乎有条不成文的文化,即‘不欢迎混蛋’。这是我工作的第一家律师事务所,我从来没遇到混蛋。在Cooley似乎大家都默认业绩最重要,表现出虚假的自己不会让别人相信你成功。而且,对人性的强调别处少见。很明显的一点是这里的人们都愿意承认自己,真心欣赏周围人真实的一面。你可以安静、古怪,性格激烈,也可以有点懒散,不用担心摆出一副工作面孔。公司里充斥着多元的观点和性格、人们来自各个年龄段,背景各异,生活方式很多样,让人感觉氛围清新舒适,这也是公司成功的关键原因。” 美国雇员人数:1788人 行业:专业服务 美国总部地址:加州帕洛阿尔托 湾区主要办公地址:帕洛阿尔托,旧金山 分公司:10个 Intuit公司 员工如是说:“如果每天早晨醒来都可以做热爱的工作,又能充分发挥自己才能,是非常幸运的。我总是在Facebook上夸赞公司,就是因为我热爱公司价值观、领导层和同事们。这家公司的风格是说做就做,不玩虚的。我在这里工作的重要原因之一是可以坦率公布同性恋身份,全身心投入工作。之前根本不可能,每次走进公司前我都要仔细检查自己的言行。在这完全不需要,我整个人的感觉完全不一样。我感觉真心被接受而且受到尊重,我热爱自己的工作。” “我在Intuit工作的21年里,最明显的感受就是相互关怀和集体融入。公司文化是员工认真关心彼此,也关心客户,改进自身,也努力改进整个社区。我们都相信可以改变世界。” 美国雇员人数:6216人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:加州山景城 分公司:12个 赛富时公司 员工如是说:“这家公司极其关心员工、客户和社会。公司鼓励我们每个人回馈社会。我曾经协助很多项目,从煲汤厨房到摩洛哥的儿童医院,公司一直都支持我。我们有很多机会充分发挥职业所长,受到认可并努力进步。我发现自己也可以充满创意,为公司贡献推动成功的解决方案。最重要的是,我每天都很期待上班,跟诸多优秀的同事一同努力,完成令人满意的挑战性工作。” “我热爱公司注重回馈社会。在赛富时工作不仅是谋生。我感觉公司使命是让世界更美好,不管是业务上还是生活方面。绝不仅仅是家软件公司。我们的使命伟大得多。” 美国雇员人数:14410人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:旧金山 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:59个 Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe公司 员工如是说:“我一毕业就开始在Orrick工作,特别觉得公司就是我的家。同事之间关系都很紧密,有各种互助小组,而且既有各种资源都可以共享的小公司氛围,又有大公司的完善福利。领导层极为优秀、行事透明又都十分敬业,包括首席执行官米切。他特别希望公司里每个人都能进步。公司还要求每位合伙人抽出2%的时间选择参加改进公司的活动。” “公司同事都真心关心他人,需要帮助的时候总有人会尽力伸出援手。员工们像家人一样团结,而公司对待员工就像亲人一样。最近我父亲去世了,公司一直在支持我,父亲生病期间和去世后都不时询问我有什么需要。从来没有公司为我做这么多。我相信Orrick是我在美国工作过最好的公司。” 美国雇员人数:1440人 行业:专业服务 美国总部地址:旧金山 分公司:11个 Workday公司 员工如是说:“我工作这么多年从来没有人主动让我休假,而且休假时是真的放松,完全不用回复邮件或信息。休假期间完全不用管工作。我也从来不用因为抽时间陪伴家人感到羞愧。Workday相信家庭非常重要,我们努力工作,也努力休息。我超级热爱在Workday工作!” “这家公司的感觉是使命感非常强,像是组织员工开展运动。我们都很接受而且完全相信公司的理念,工作非常愉快。” 美国雇员人数:4557人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:加州普莱森顿 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:保密 Swinerton公司 员工如是说:“公司鼓励每个人充分发挥技能。不会有人跟在后面紧盯着,逼着你照他说的做。这里能汇集如此多有才华的人们,而且让人们通过合作产生化学反应,实在罕见。” “公司的独特之处在于向员工提供了与公司一同成长的机会,管理层总是非常乐意提供指导和支持。员工多元化程度也非常高;公司里有各种兴趣、背景和经历的员工。” 美国雇员人数:1447人 行业:建筑和房地产 美国总部地址:旧金山 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:15个 万豪国际集团 员工如是说:“之所以说万豪非常棒主要因为里面的人素质高。同事之间非常友爱,其实并不常见。就看我们部门吧,16个人在万豪工作的时间加起来有267年。我们是个团结的集体,尊重彼此的意见,共同为实现公司目标而努力。” “万豪的历史非常悠久所以很吸引我。一开始万豪是家族生意,最早是个艾德熊乐啤露树根啤酒摊,经过100多年的发展,成为全世界最大的连锁酒店公司。努力工作和付出真正实现了美国梦。管理层很愿意授权。我在万豪工作20多年间,做决策或提供建议时从来没担心受到批判或批评。员工们非常多元化,不管是种族、文化、性取向还是年龄,所以万豪是个特别友好的公司。” 美国雇员人数:100525人 行业:酒店 美国总部地址:贝塞斯达,马里兰州 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:741个 MOD披萨公司 员工如是说:“这是我工作过的公司里最言出必行的。管理层和老板总是说到做到,而且跟我沟通清晰明确。不到一年我就从基础岗位(洗碗工/收银员)升到经理,有了福利和奖金待遇。我非常感激MOD披萨给我的机会。我相信这是个看中业绩的公司,而且确实提供了很多机会。我跟公司一同成长,而且期待未来能继续为公司贡献力量。” “很多年来,给人们重来的机会以及认真培养新人都是业务中心,结果是整个公司都充满动力,人人都希望积极做贡献,尽可能多地积极影响别人。公司里经常分享励志的故事,所以大家都感觉跟公司联系紧密,了解到MOD如何鼓励其他人更好地生活。有时候励志故事是关于某个MOD员工的成长历程,有时是关于某个社区合作伙伴因MOD的贡献受益。能在一家眼里不只盯着利润的公司工作感觉非常棒。非常有意义而且很有成就感。” 美国雇员人数:3198人 行业:零售 美国总部地址:贝尔维尤,华盛顿州 湾区主要办公地址:圣荷西 分公司:152个 Indeed公司 员工如是说:“公司特别照顾员工,我们都能享受正常的科技公司福利(免费食物,健身房等等),但我觉得如果工作内容本身非常乏味无聊,或者管理层非常差的话,再多福利也没什么意义,其实福利就像诱饵。公司喜欢用各种福利诱惑潜在员工,但只要签了约就开始露出真面目。在这里不存在用福利勾引人。首先也是最重要的一点就是,工作内容非常有趣,有意义而且很有挑战性。” “我的主管领导,整个管理层以及管理风格都很激励人。我从来没感觉到领导指手画脚。Indeed还提供各种职业发展机会,提供各种工作帮助我们了解获得升迁和进步需要哪些工具。自从我进公司就没停止学习,这可能也是在此工作最好的方面。Indeed不管在文化还是思想上都非常棒。” 美国雇员人数:2310人 行业:专业服务 美国总部地址:奥斯丁 湾区主要办公地址:圣马特奥,旧金山 分公司:7个 奥多比系统公司 员工如是说:“我最喜欢公司的一点是,虽然没有大肆鼓吹,但企业很努力实现责任计划,即解决肤色和女性问题,以及科技行业和周围社会存在的不平等问题。我还喜欢的一点是公司的承诺是通过赚钱、提供工作和编程实现的。我们的绿色和可持续发展计划也一样。坦率地说,我就是喜欢奥多比公司代表的,身体力行并为创意科技公司定下的标准。” “我一直觉得奥多比的公司文化就是强调个人拥有和责任,即每个人能进公司都是因为胜任工作,具有创新精神且充满动力。我们对公司的贡献会受到认可,承认并能获得回报。” 美国雇员人数:6995人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:圣荷西,加州 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:11个 Slalom公司 员工如是说:“Slalom公司的领导关心每位员工。我们践行公司的价值,也决定了公司的价值,虽然分布在世界各地但是一个团队。Slalom的公司文化是首先成为幸福的公司,这也是公司成功的关键。公司文化非常独特,而且一直主动保持和培养。” “在这里员工的成长和发展格外受关注。公司很关心员工,而且不仅是催着大家完成工作或达到收入目标。我们是‘Slalom大家庭’,因为不管工作内外同事们都非常信任。” 美国雇员人数:3890人 行业:专业服务 美国总部地址:西雅图 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:24个 Zillow集团 员工如是说:“虽然公司实现了指数化增长,但公司还是很注意保持创业之初就形成的文化。公司规模大了,但做起事来还是有小公司的冲劲。这样很好。” “我特别喜欢公司组织的黑客周活动。每年会有三次,内容是根据兴趣解决问题,而且是平时正常工作接触不到的。这也是个认识新朋友,与公司其他部门兴趣接近的同事合作的好机会。整个产品部门都会参与,非常愉快(也可以借机向客户推出更多有趣的功能)。” 美国雇员人数:2603人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:西雅图 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:8个 Dropbox公司 员工如是说:“公司非常信任员工而且敢于授权,管理层非常透明,比我之前的公司都强多了。结果是,每个人都感觉是成功集体里不可或缺的一份子。” “很多非常成功又快速成长的科技公司里有很多才华横溢的员工,但Dropbox的员工似乎格外优秀。员工们都极为谦逊。我很荣幸成为像大家庭的公司一员,这里的人们首先都是朋友,其次才是同事,工作中鼓励员工尽力发挥最大能量,而且充满了爱、关怀、投入和无私,我能想到唯一一个能形容的词就是‘神奇’。(听起来很老套,但都是我真实感受!)” 美国雇员人数:1286人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:旧金山 分公司:7个 威睿公司 员工如是说:“威睿基金会向员工努力工作和向公司做贡献提供了非常棒的机会。通过匹配捐赠,带薪志愿者假期,以及向选定慈善机构捐赠里程碑奖等等,威睿通过让员工与他人共享欢乐,体现出对员工的关心。” “我很自豪能在推动行业变革转型的公司里工作。虽然我们从IT行业小型创业公司成长为大型软件公司,但我们从未放弃公司的价值观,也从未忽略员工和客户的重要性。” 美国雇员人数:9202人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:加州帕洛阿尔托 湾区主要办公地址:帕洛阿尔托 分公司:51个 SAP美国公司 员工如是说,“我们真的想帮助世界变得更好,我最热爱公司的就是这一点。公司在全球各地都积极参与建设本地社区,驻扎在各地的专家一次可以抽出好几个星期休假服务社会。每个行业的顶尖企业都在使用我们的解决方案,努力保持领先。我为贡献自己的力量感到自豪。” “公司里有很多既聪明又专注的员工,但其成功的原因不止这些。比起其他同行,SAP的道德标准更高,对员工的关怀也超过其他企业。此外,公司也在努力回馈全世界的社区,经常向受灾地区和经济欠发达地区无私捐献。公司还积极挑战性别歧视,支持LGBT群体。我为自己在SAP工作而骄傲,我觉得再也找不到更好的公司了。” 美国雇员人数:13548人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:牛顿广场,宾夕法尼亚州 湾区主要办公地址:帕洛阿尔托,旧金山 分公司:58个 思科公司 员工如是说,“这是最无私的公司之一。管理层特别强调每位员工的学习和成长,我们觉得非常幸运,也获益良多。领导层会与每位团队成员合作,发掘并激发每个人的潜能,这里的信念是如果团队成员成长了,整个团队和公司也会同步成长。公司鼓励我们探索职业兴趣,即使有可能要离开现在的岗位转到别处。实际上,领导层还会提供职业建议和相应管理。” “如果有人评价说思科是家追求进取的企业,那么没说错。我在思科工作之前,从来没遇到这么关心员工的企业。我之前生过大病,在思科工作感觉就像有位大哥一直关心我的身体状况。心里一想到要回去思科上班,我就有了克服病魔的动力。总之,思科帮助我变得更好,我也会继续努力提升自己。” 美国雇员人数:37108人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:加州圣荷西 分公司:171个 史赛克 员工如是说:“在这里工作四年了,我敢打包票史赛克做每笔生意都严格遵守道德准则。这是我在医疗行业工作最自豪的一点,虽然监管已经很严,但医护方面还是经常遇到不道德的行为,医院的底线也屡屡遭打破。我每天穿上史赛克的工作服都很自豪,而且我认为所有同事和管理者都对工作110%地投入。这里的人们非常了不起。” “史赛克特别看中努力勤奋工作。医疗行业现状如此,也难免有起起伏伏,但不管外界怎样我都能感受到公司在支持我,承认我的努力。我努力工作,把该做的事做好,有时甚至会忘记在工作。管理层会在我成功时庆祝,失意时会给我精神支持。我很自豪地宣布为史赛克工作,也非常热爱这个品牌代表的权威性。” 美国雇员人数:13357人 行业:制造和产品 美国总部地址:卡拉马祖,密歇根州 湾区主要办公地址:圣荷西,佛利蒙 分公司:197个 纽格特超市公司 员工如是说:“在纽格特超市,我们的目标是面带笑容完成工作,享受一切。我们在公司里会做很多看似额外的事,看起来跟别的同行很不一样。从包装比赛,到店内派对,到漂流活动,到今年的快闪都是例子。这真的是一家很棒的企业。” “纽哥特确实让员工感受到受尊重。纽哥特意识到如果没有员工,就不可能在成立90年后的今天如此成功。我从来没见过别的公司能如此关心员工。每一周员工都能获得承认,能感受到如此被爱非常难得。感觉上班就像回家一样。纽哥特非常为公司大家庭自豪,每天都能感觉到。” 美国雇员人数:1818人 行业:零售 美国总部地址:加州伍德兰 湾区主要办公地址:瓦卡维尔,诺瓦托,索诺玛 分公司:19个 Cornerstone OnDemand公司 员工如是说:“不管你在哪或是什么职位,你都能感觉到公司很感激你的贡献。管理层和高管对待所有人一视同仁,不管是为他们工作还是在公司活动上跟他们打招呼。公司非常注重帮助和鼓励员工成长。在这里工作,共同做成大事的感觉非常有成就感。每个人都能感受到领导的信任,我愿意在这里长期工作。” “Cornerstone提供了影响到全行业的机会,而且可以根据需求开拓新创意。公司氛围是通过合作方式实现变革和寻求新思维方式。” 美国雇员人数:1187人 行业:信息科技 美国总部地址:加州圣莫妮卡 湾区主要办公地址:桑尼维尔,旧金山 分公司:3个 毕马威会计事务所 员工如是说:“我们合作的人都非常优秀,不管是团队成员还是客户,所以每天我都很有动力。我自己的职业生涯中遇到过很多贵人和榜样,他们不遗余力地培训、指导和引领我的职业道路,实现了我从不敢想象的目标。我热爱自己的工作!除了毕马威再也找不到能更好地实现职业成长的公司。” “我觉得毕马威是个好公司是因为他们聘请了我,一个超过50岁的黑人女性。他们尊重我的工作经验,并没有因为年龄歧视我。我总能感受到管理层的尊重和支持。” 美国雇员人数:30662人 行业:专业服务 美国总部地址:纽约市 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山,圣塔克拉拉,核桃溪市 分公司:92个 甫瀚咨询公司 员工如是说:“甫瀚咨询有些地方很特别,但最重要的是同事之间真诚关心彼此而且互相喜欢!办公室氛围很有趣,感觉对每个人都很开放。领导层经常跟员工交流而且很透明。你能感觉到他们关心员工怎么想,而且会迅速回应。” “管理层成功地营造出家庭的氛围。我自己的办公室氛围很棒,接触到其他地区的办公室时我惊讶地发现各处招聘都是遵循同一原则。我第一次见到其他办公室的同事立刻就感觉像认识多年的老友。” 美国雇员人数:未公开 行业:专业服务 美国总部地址:加州门罗帕克 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:34个 全球技术公司 员工如是说:“全球技术公司的神秘之处是无形的,但又很真实。我也曾为其他优秀的公司工作过,但全球技术公司有些地方很独特。特殊之处在于结合了做正确的事,践行核心价值,守卫公司文化等,而且每个人都愿意为了做好工作积极参与,体验非常好。” “首席执行官对公司的愿景也激励了我这个小员工。全球技术公司增长非常迅速,尤其是过去三年。在这个变革迅速的行业,领导层对公司未来成长的规划非常有远见,在变革迅速的行业指明了业务可行性,又非常明智地画出了实现的蓝图。在任何行业,追求利润和成长的同时保持优秀的工作环境都很不容易。但年复一年全球技术公司都做到了。” 美国雇员人数:3766人 行业:信息技术 美国总部地址:圣路易斯 湾区主要办公地址:普莱桑顿 分公司:38个 欧特克公司 员工如是说:“欧特克是家大公司(已经上市),但人跟人之间的关系感觉很像小公司。我们不是创业公司了,但工作环境更像个传统很深的科技公司。同事们关心彼此,管理者思路灵活,而且非常信任属下能将工作完成。” “人们都很有活力,很睿智,而且都为公司和品牌的成功努力贡献。我们敢于迎接任何挑战,团队成员会精诚合作克服困难。” 美国雇员人数:3958人 行业:信息技术 美国总部地址:加州圣拉斐尔 湾区主要办公地址:旧金山 分公司:32个 英伟达公司 员工如是说:“从首席执行官到一线主管,管理层都在努力让公司成为可以‘奋斗一辈子’而且改变世界的地方。我合作过的每个人都非常投入忙碌,而且都在齐心协力做大事。” “我很喜欢团队的活力——相互合作,团结友爱,而且尊重每个人和各自的才能。每次会议室里开会,我在工位都能听到捧腹大笑。很明显,这里人们都在认真工作,关系也很紧密。” 美国雇员人数:4882人 行业:信息技术 美国总部地址:加州圣塔克拉拉 分公司:13个(财富中文网)
译者:Pessy 审稿:夏林 |
There are a lot of great places to work in the Bay Area. It's an economic hub replete with free snacks, ping pong tables, and whimsically named conference rooms. But it takes more than perks to sort out the truly great workplaces from the so-so ones. Here, consulting firm Great Place to Work, partnering with Fortune, has crunched the numbers on thousands of employee surveys to create a new ranking of the best companies to work for in the Bay Area. What does it take to get on this list? These companies are thinking about HR in a new way, they get high marks for ethical leadership, and crucially, they're just as popular with their frontline employees as they are with upper-level management. Plus—good news for non-engineers—they're not just tech. 1 Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants Employees say: "Since day one, everyone in this company has treated me with respect and made me feel special. Everyone in management has always made me feel like family. Companies often say that 'there is room for growth' for their employees, but this company really delivers, and they make sure that you are ready when that opportunity comes! I always look forward to coming in to work no matter what is going on in my life!" "Our website events page has a picture of a lesbian couple embracing each other. As an adopted daughter to a gay couple, this was so inspiring to see. This really is a safe workplace for any and all types of people. I have made some of the best of friends working here, and I've worked alongside amazing bosses who make it exciting to come to work every day. Kimpton embodies everything the hospitality industry should be about. This is not just another corporate hotel, this place is a FAMILY. I will be with Kimpton for a very long time." Number of U.S. employees: 8,142 Industry: Hospitality U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Number of locations: 116 2 Cooley Employees say: "Cooley is truly a team-focused environment first and foremost. You could walk into a conference room or a happy hour and not be able to tell the staff from the most senior partner in the sense that everyone is encouraged to be themselves, contribute meaningfully and drive toward the common goal of meeting our clients' needs. While everyone knows their particular roles, hierarchy and in-fighting is antithetical to our culture." "There seems to be a sort of unwritten 'no jerks' rule. It's the first law firm I've worked for where I've never run into someone being full-on jerk. Cooley seems to recognize that your work speaks for itself, and that presenting a pretentious persona isn't what makes others believe in your success. Also, the emphasis on being human here is something that's unparalleled in other firms. It is clear that the people here are truly comfortable being themselves, and that they appreciate the same in the people around them. You're free to be quiet, or quirky, intense or laidback, without the pressure to conform to a company persona. The diversity of opinion, personalities, ages, backgrounds and lifestyles is refreshing and welcoming, and a key reason why we're successful as a firm." Number of U.S. employees: 1,788 Industry: Professional Services U.S. headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: Palo Alto, San Francisco Number of locations: 10 3 Intuit Employees say: "To actually get up every morning knowing that I get to do a job I love, and go to a company where I can do the best work of my life, is a blessing. I am constantly on Facebook singing the praises of this company because of its values and the leaders and the people that live them daily. This isn't a company that doesn't walk the walk. Being able to be openly gay and bring my whole self to work is one of the reasons I love working here. I worked at a company where that wasn't possible—I had to check that part of me at the door. I don't have to do that here, and that makes a huge difference. I feel accepted and valued, and I love what I do." "Throughout my 21 years at Intuit, the one thing that clearly stands out for me is the sense of caring and community. The company has a culture of truly caring for each other as employees, for the well being of our customers, for the betterment of individuals, and for the health of our community as a whole. Ultimately, we fundamentally believe that we can make a difference in the world." Number of U.S. employees: 6,216 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Mountain View, Calif. Number of locations: 12 4 Salesforce Employees say: "This is an extraordinarily special place that really cares about their employees, customers, and community alike. We are strongly encouraged to give back to the community. I have helped on projects from working in a soup kitchen to working in a children's hospital in Morocco, all supported by the company. We have many opportunities to do the best work of our careers, be recognized for it, and advance. I feel I can be creative and offer solutions that really help the company be successful. Most importantly, I look forward to coming to work everyday, working with our wonderful community, and doing satisfying challenging work." "I love the focus on giving back to the community. Working at Salesforce is more than just a job. I feel like our mission is really to make the world a better place both in business and in life. It's not just a software company. We have a greater mission." Number of U.S. employees: 14,410 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 59 5 Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe Employees say: "I have been with Orrick since the start of my career and very much feel that this is my work family. We have a close-knit, supportive group, and a small firm atmosphere with all of the resources and compensation of a big firm. We have a top-notch, transparent and dedicated leadership team, including our CEO Mitch. He truly wants everyone in the firm to make it a better place. All partners are charged with spending 2% of their time on an initiative of their choosing to make the firm better." "People at this company truly care about one another and they will do almost anything they can to help you in a time of need. The employees truly bond together like one big family, and the company itself treats their employees as if they were relatives. I recently lost my father and this company was there to support me and check in on me during his time of sickness and, even more, after his passing. I have never had another employer do so much for me. I would gladly recommend Orrick as one of the best places to work in the country." Number of U.S. employees: 1,440 Industry: Professional Services U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Number of locations: 11 6 Workday Employees say: "I have never in my entire career been told to take some PTO time—and when I am on PTO, I'm really on PTO. I'm not expected to respond to email or messages. It's truly time away from work. I'm never made to feel guilty about taking time for my family either. Workday believes family is important and we work hard to play hard. I absolutely LOVE working at Workday!" "This company feels like it is on a mission—part of a movement. We are all bought in and believe in it, and we have so much fun." Number of U.S. employees: 4,557 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Pleasanton, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: Confidential 7 Swinerton Employees say: "This company gives you the ability to utilize your skills to the fullest. There is nobody breathing down your neck and forcing you to do things a certain way. The ability to put talented people together to foster chemistry is like nothing I have ever seen." "This company is unique because it provides employees the opportunity to grow within the organization, and management is always willing to mentor and support employees. The diversity of people is also unique; we have a wide range of people with different interests, backgrounds, and experiences." Number of U.S. employees: 1,447 Industry: Construction & Real Estate U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 15 8 Marriott International Employees say: "What truly makes Marriott a great place to work is the people. There is a sense of camaraderie and longevity among Marriott employees that is not common. Observing just my department, we are 16 strong with 267 combined years of Marriott experience. We work as a cohesive team, valuing each other’s opinions and working together to achieve company goals." "Marriott’s history is legendary and fascinates me. It started as a family business—the first A&W root beer stand—and over the span of almost a century has evolved into the largest hotel company in the world. Hard work and dedication resulted in the true American Dream. Management empowers their associates. In the more than 20 years of my career, I have never been empowered to make decisions or offer suggestions without fear of being judged or criticized. The diversity of all the associates—their race, culture, sexual orientation, and age—is what makes Marriott a unique and welcoming place to work." Number of U.S. employees: 100,525 Industry: Hospitality U.S. headquarters: Bethesda, Md. Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 741 9 MOD Pizza Employees say: "This is one of the few companies I've had the pleasure of working for that is true to its word. Managers and my bosses have always followed through on what they say, and made sure to communicate clearly throughout my time here. In less than a year I've grown from an entry-level position (dishwasher/cashier) to a fully-salaried General Manager with benefits and bonus opportunities. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity that MOD Pizza has provided me with. I believe this is a company where performance counts, and they have provided plenty of opportunities for me to seize. I've grown with this company and look forward to continuing my career with them in the future." "Over the years, the idea of giving people second chances or fresh starts has really become a focus for the business, and as a result it feels like the whole company is motivated and inspired make a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible. Stories of inspiration are shared throughout the company on a regular basis, so we feel connected and aware of how lives are being improved by MOD. Sometimes the stories are about an individual MOD Squader's journey, or sometimes we hear about how a community partner has benefited from MOD's contribution. It is awesome to work at a company that has a purpose beyond just profit. It is a meaningful and rewarding place to work." Number of U.S. employees: 3,198 Industry: Retail U.S. headquarters: Bellevue, Wash. Major locations in Bay Area: San Jose Number of locations: 152 10 Indeed Employees say: "The company takes care of employees—we get all the usual tech perks (free food, a gym, etc.)—but I think this stuff is meaningless if the work is tedious or boring, or the management is of poor quality. At my last job, the perks were a bit of a bait-and-switch. They dangled them in front of prospective employees, but treated them badly once they were onboard. Here, they are kept in perspective. First and foremost, the work is interesting and meaningful and challenging." "I'm particularly inspired by my managers and the overall management style of the company. I never feel micromanaged. Indeed allows a ton of career advancement and provides tools for us to know what needs to be accomplished for promotions and movement. I have not stopped learning since I came here, and that is probably the best part about working here. It is a rich place culturally and intellectually." Number of U.S. employees: 2,310 Industry: Professional Services U.S. headquarters: Austin Major locations in Bay Area: San Mateo, San Francisco Number of locations: 7 11 Adobe Systems Employees say: "I admire the fact that we are dedicated to corporate responsibility initiatives that are not heavily branded, that target people of color and women, and that address issues of inequity within tech and our larger communities. I also admire the fact that this commitment is reflected with dollars, jobs and programming. Similar things can be said about our green and sustainability initiatives as well. To be blunt, I love that Adobe embodies, defines, and sets the standard for being a creative tech company." "I have always felt that Adobe's culture emphasized individual ownership and accountability—and that we are all hired because we are competent, innovative, motivated employees, and our contributions to the business are appreciated, acknowledged, and rewarded." Number of U.S. employees: 6,995 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: San Jose, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 11 12 Slalom Employees say: "The leaders at Slalom truly care about each person in the company. We live our values, we define our values, and we are one team worldwide. Our Slalom culture is paramount to our happiness as a firm and the key to our success. It is unique, and passionately defended and nurtured by the company." "There seems to be a genuine concern for the growth and development of people in the organization. The company cares about the employees themselves, and is not just chasing consulting work or revenue targets. We are known as the 'Slalom Family' because of the trust put in us by people inside and outside of the workplace." Number of U.S. employees: 3,890 Industry: Professional Services U.S. headquarters: Seattle Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 24 13 Zillow Group Employees say: "While we continue to grow exponentially, the company focuses on maintaining the culture that has been cultivated since the early days. We are a large company executing like a small one—that's a good thing." "I love our Hack Weeks. We have them three times a year, and they provide opportunities to work on something that you're really passionate about but that might otherwise be outside of your regular work. It's also a great opportunity to meet and work with other people across the company with similar interests. The entire product team gets involved, and it's a ton of fun (plus a great way to get even more great features out to our customers)." Number of U.S. employees: 2,603 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Seattle Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 8 14 Dropbox Employees say: "The amount of trust and responsibility given, along with the transparency from executive management, is unparalleled compared to all my previous employers. As a result, everyone feels like an integral and unique part of the success that is being generated here." "There are talented people at many of the successful, growing technology companies, but Dropbox seems to have attracted a very particular type of crowd. There's an overwhelming sense of humility among employees. I'm truly honored to be a part of a company that feels like a family; a place where I refer to my peers as friends first, coworkers second; a place that I can wake up every morning and get excited about going to; a workplace environment that empowers its occupants to produce their absolute best work; and a place that is full of so much love, care, dedication, and selflessness that the only appropriate word that I can think of to describe it would have to be 'magical'. (This all sounds very cliche, but it's how I truly feel!)" Number of U.S. employees: 1,286 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Number of locations: 7 15 VMware Employees say: "The VMware Foundation provides awesome opportunities for employees to give back to the causes and organizations that matter to them. Through matching donations, paid time off to volunteer, and milestone awards to donate to the charity of your choosing, VMware shows their devotion to their employees by inviting them to share the joy of giving back to others." "I am proud to be part of a company that is a major force for change and transformation in our industry. As we have grown from a small startup to one of the largest software companies in the IT industry, we have not lost sight of our company values and the importance of our people and customers." Number of U.S. employees: 9,202 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: Palo Alto Number of locations: 51 16 SAP America Employees say: "We truly want to help the world run better, and I love that about my company. We are heavily involved in local community activities around the globe, including many social sabbaticals that donate weeks at a time from our experts in different areas. Our solutions are used by the best in each industry to be best that they can be. I like being a part of that." "I believe this company has more than its share of bright and dedicated employees. It has a stricter ethical code than its peers. It shows greater care for employees than its peers. And it shows greater care for communities worldwide, often donating generously towards disaster relief and the economically disadvantaged. It is aggressively attacking gender bias and supports the LGBT community. I am very proud to work for SAP and don't see another place I would rather work." Number of U.S. employees: 13,548 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Newtown Square, Pa. Major locations in Bay Area: Palo Alto, San Francisco 17 Cisco Employees say: "This is one of the most unselfish companies. As employees, we have the luxury and benefit of working for a management team who makes learning and growing a top priority for the individual contributor. Our leadership works with each team member to discover and grow individual talent. The belief here is that if the teammate grows, our team and our company grows. We are encouraged to explore our career interests even if that means we might leave our current team for another position. In fact, our leadership provides career advice and management." "To say that Cisco is a progressive company would be understating things. Before I worked for Cisco, I had not encountered a company that cares for its employees this much. I have had some critical medical issues and, working for Cisco, I felt as though I had a big brother who cared for me as my health changed. Knowing I was coming back to work at Cisco helped me cope with the issues I had. All in all, Cisco has helped me be a better person, and I continually strive to better myself here." Number of U.S. employees: 37,108 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: San Jose, Calif. Number of locations: 171 18 Stryker Employees say: "After four years with this company, I can honestly say Stryker takes and teaches the ethical and moral position in all business transactions. That is something I am proud of in an industry where, despite the best efforts of governing bodies, unethical decisions often affect patient care and hospital bottom lines. I am proud to wear the Stryker logo on my chest every day, and I think that my coworkers and managers all put in 110% to get the job done. It is a special group of people. " "Hard work and dedication are extremely highly valued at Stryker. With the medical industry the way that it is, there are a lot of highs and lows, and through these times I feel that all aspects of our company supports me and my efforts. I do not ever feel like my job is on the line as long as I'm working hard and doing what I'm supposed to. Management celebrates my wins and supports me during my losses. I feel very proud of the fact that I can call Stryker my company, and I also love the level of prestige that comes with the name." Number of U.S. employees: 13,357 Industry: Manufacturing & Production U.S. headquarters: Kalamazoo, Mich. Major locations in Bay Area: San Jose, Fremont Number of locations: 197 19 Nugget Market Employees say: "Here at Nugget Market, our goal is to get the job done with a smile on our face and have fun. We do so many extra things within our company that I know sets us apart from others. That's anything from the Bag Off contest, to store parties, to whitewater rafting, even to a flash mob that we are doing this year. This really is an amazing place to work." "Nugget definitely has a way with making its associates feel appreciated. Nugget realizes that without us they wouldn't be so successful after 90 years. I've never worked for a company that really truly cares about its people. Every single week associates are recognized, it's incredible to feel so loved. It really feels like you are coming home when you come to work. Nugget has pride in family and you can see that every day." Number of U.S. employees: 1,818 Industry: Retail U.S. headquarters: Woodland, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: Vacaville, Novato, Sonoma Number of locations: 19 20 Cornerstone OnDemand Employees say: "No matter where you are or what position you are in, you truly feel appreciated for what you do here. Management and Executives treat everyone the same, whether you are working with them or mingling with them at a company event. It is a special place that helps and encourages employee growth. It is a rewarding experience to be here and to get to accomplish greatness together. With trust from the top down, I personally would like to stay here for a long time." "Cornerstone offers opportunities to influence our industry and create new ideas based on industry needs. They foster an environment of change and unique thinking with a cooperative approach." Number of U.S. employees: 1,187 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Santa Monica, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: Sunnyvale, San Francisco Number of locations: 3 21 KPMG Employees say: "We work with the best people, both team members and clients, and that inspires me every day. In my own career, there have been countless sponsors and role models who have gone out of their way to coach, mentor, and guide my career to levels I never dreamed possible. I love my job! I can't think of a better place to work and build a career." "I think KPMG is a great place to work because they hired me, an African American woman, who is past 50 years of age. They respected my experience and didn't judge me because of my age. I feel respected and supported by management at all times." Number of U.S. employees: 30,662 Industry: Professional Services U.S. headquarters: New York City Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco, Santa Clara and Walnut Creek Number of locations: 92 22 Protiviti Employees say: "There are several unique things about Protiviti, but the most important is that our people genuinely care about one another and like each other! Our office environments are fun and just feel open to everyone. Our leadership team communicates regularly and is very transparent. You can feel that they care what is on employees' minds and they react accordingly." "Management does a great job creating a familial atmosphere. While it is great at my local office, when I gained exposure to employees in other locations I was impressed with how consistent the hiring fit is everywhere. When first meeting employees in other locations I immediately feel like we have been friends for years." Number of U.S. employees: Confidential Industry: Professional Services U.S. headquarters: Menlo Park, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 34 23 World Wide Technology Employees say: "The World Wide Magic is intangible but very real at the same time. I have worked for other good companies, but there's something that makes WWT unique and special. Its a combination of doing the right thing, living our core values, being guardians of our culture, and the willingness of everyone to get involved if it means getting the job done and providing an exceptional experience." "Our CEO's vision for the company inspires me as an employee. WWT has experienced rapid growth, over the past three years especially, and the trajectory our leaders have laid out is forward-thinking enough to cultivate a sense of business viability in a transforming industry, and tactical enough to give us a blueprint for achieving it. The ability to stimulate profitability and growth while maintaining a great place to work is uncommon for any business. WWT has done this year after year." Number of U.S. employees: 3,766 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: St. Louis Major locations in Bay Area: Pleasanton Number of locations: 38 24 Autodesk Employees say: "Autodesk is a big company (publicly traded) but still has that small-company kind of feel to it when it comes to developing relationships. While we're not a startup, the environment makes it feel more like one than an old-world legacy tech firm. People care about each other, managers are flexible, and they trust their employees to get the work done." "The people are dynamic, intelligent, and truly committed to the success of our company and our brand. I know we are poised to take on whatever challenges lie ahead, and we will work as a team to overcome them." Number of U.S. employees: 3,958 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: San Rafael, Calif. Major locations in Bay Area: San Francisco Number of locations: 32 25 NVIDIA Employees say: "From the CEO to first-level supervisors, management strives to make the company a place where you can do your "life's work" and make a difference in the world. Everyone I work with feels involved and engaged, and pulls together to make great things happen, fast." "I enjoy our group dynamics—the teamwork, the camaraderie, and the respect for each individual and their unique talents. Whenever there is a meeting in the conference room, I can hear the belly-laughing from my cube. Clearly, work is getting done there, but it's also about personal connections. " Number of U.S. employees: 4,882 Industry: Information Technology U.S. headquarters: Santa Clara, Calif. Number of locations: 13 |