
无论是建立初创型企业,还是小公司开始进行业务扩张时,项目管理都至关重要。以下我们推荐了13款很棒的项目管理工具。更棒的是,它们都是免费软件。现在就来看看吧。 |
When building a startup or scaling up a small business, project management is key. Here we offer 10 great project management software tools. Even better, all are free. Read on for the 10 best free project management software programs. |

1.Trello Trello采用丰田汽车前副社长大野耐一开发的项目管理系统。每个任务用一张卡片表示,这样用户就可以通过可见的方式来体现项目进展。这款软件的效果出人意料的好,而且免费,唯一的问题是只有10MB的存储空间。 下载地址:https://trello.com/ |
1.Trello Trello utilises a project-management system developed by a former Toyota vice president, Taiichi Ohno. Every task is represented as a card, which allows you to create a visual representation of what is happening with a project. It is surprisingly effective And free if you can live with only 10MB of storage. https://trello.com/ |

2.Freedcamp Freedcamp是较为传统的项目管理工具,非常适合企业进行扩张。作为免费软件,它对刚刚起步的企业来说性能完美,扩展成本非常低,并通过多种付费插件提供新功能。它有很好的行政管理工具以及车(船)队管理和客户关系管理功能。非常适于和同事及客户进行协作。 下载地址:https://freedcamp.com/ |
2.Freedcamp A more traditional type of project-management tool, Freedcamp is great for scaling up a business. It works perfectly well as a free tool for when you are starting a business, and costs very little to build on, with multiple paid-for bolt ons enabling new features as you go. It offers good admin tools, fleet management, and customer relationship management. Great for collaborating with colleagues and clients. https://freedcamp.com/ |

3.Producteev Producteev这样的软件很少见,因为它的免费版本并未对用户和项目数量进行限制。我们觉得没什么必要非得进行升级。如果大家想要的是长期免费的项目管理工具,而且既容易上手又很灵活,那就非它莫属。 下载地址:https://www.producteev.com/ |
3.Producteev Producteev is rare in that it offers unlimited users and projects even on the free version. We can see no good reason to pay to upgrade, so if you want a long-term free project-management tool that is easy to use and flexible, look no further.https://www.producteev.com/ |

4.GanttProject 这是我们推荐的第一款开源项目管理工具。GanttProject提供了大家可能用到的所有功能,不过多少有些复杂。但永远也不需要付费。如果需要一款能灵活适应自身需要的项目管理软件,我们的建议就是GanttProject。 下载地址:http://www.ganttproject.biz/ |
4.GanttProject Our first open-source project management tool, GanttProject offers all the features you could ever need, but has a reputation for being somewhat complex. You will never need to pay for it, however. And if you want project management software that can flex to your needs it comes recommended. http://www.ganttproject.biz/ |

5.Asana Asana由Facebook创始人达斯汀•莫斯科维茨设计,它的优点是社交网络等级的直观性和易用性。它既简单又有效,通过可视化方式帮助用户完成任务。但有用户认为它不像本文推荐的其他一些项目管理软件那样功能齐全。 下载地址:https://asana.com/ |
5.Asana Designed by Facebook founder Dustin Moskovitz, Asana benefits from a social-network-like level of untuition and ease. It is both simple, and effective, and offers a visual style that will help you get things done. Some users complain that it lacks the full feature set of some of the others mentioned here. https://asana.com/ |

6.MeisterTask 感谢blog.capterra.com向我们推荐了MeisterTask。这款免费软件功能齐全,而且能和在线存储系统、其他项目管理者以及移动应用很好地进行合作。 下载地址:https://www.meistertask.com/ |
6.MeisterTask We are grateful to blog.capterra.com for pointing us in the direction of MeisterTask. Free and full featured, it plays nicely with online storage systems, other project managers and mobile apps. https://www.meistertask.com/ |

7.2-Plan Team 2-Plan功能强大,不收费,但它的工作原理可能不太容易把握。其本质就是要让所有人都使用2-Plan Desktop,然后用2-Plan Team来构建项目。你用它不会感到后悔。 下载地址:http://2-plan.com/ |
7.2-Plan Team 2-Plan offers great features for no cost, but navigating the way the software works can be tricky. In essence, get everyone working using 2-Plan Desktop, and then merge up the projects with 2-Plan Team. You won't regret it. http://2-plan.com/ |

8.Bitrix24 小公司的理想项目管理软件。Bitrix24永久免费,前提是用户不超过12个。对小型办公室或居家办公而言,这款软件的其他优越特性包括能实现多地点通信并为项目提供免费云存储空间。 下载地址:https://www.bitrix24.com/ |
8.Bitrix24 Ideal for small businesses, Bitrix24 remains free forever, so long as you don't exceed 12 users. Other great small- or home office features include the ability to communicate across multiple locations, and free cloud storage for your projects. https://www.bitrix24.com/ |

9.BamBam! BamBam!同样得益于众多博客用户的推荐,再次表示感谢。该软件可供10名用户免费使用,不限制项目数量和存储空间。 下载地址:https://www.dobambam.com/ |
9.BamBam! Another tip for which we thank blog.capterra.com, BamBam! is free for up to 10 users, and allows unlimited projects and storage for those 10 users. https://www.dobambam.com/ |

10.Zoho Projects Zoho Projects不限制用户和项目数量,但免费版本只提供10MB的存储空间。 下载地址:http://www.zoho.com/projects/ |
10.Zoho Projects Unlimited in terms of users and projects, the free version of Zoho Projects is limited to only 10MB of storage. http://www.zoho.com/projects/ |

11.Evernote Evernote有网页版,也可在安卓、Windows和iOS系统中运行。它集成了一些应用,可以进行项目跟踪和网志发布,还有类似PPT格式的公开和私人“便签”。Evernote的用户每个月只能上传60MB的数据,但可以为其他免费项目管理软件提供非常好的补充。 下载地址:https://evernote.com/ |
11.Evernote Available for web, Android, Windows and iOS, Evernote provides integrated apps, task tracking, blog publication and public and private 'notes' formatted into a presentation.Evernote only allows its users to upload 60 MB of data each month, but it is a great supplement to other free project management programmes. https://evernote.com/ |

12.Harvest Harvest具有时间追踪、开具发票和生成报告功能。它免费为小企业服务,前提是后者每个月有大约四位客户或者两个项目。Harvest有网页版和移动版,还可以作为推特和Gmail插件使用。 下载地址:https://www.getharvest.com/ |
12.Harvest Harvest provides time tracking, invoicing and report creating capabilities. It has a free service for small businesses that have around four clients/two projects a month.Harvest is available for web, mobile and there is a plugin for Twitter and Gmail.https://www.getharvest.com/ |

13.Redmine Redmine可支持多个项目,而且有很强的定制能力。此外,它还有输入和提示系统,可进行事件和时间追踪,还提供了进行项目讨论的论坛。它的界面并不是最有吸引力的,但管理大型项目的能力很强。(财富中文网) 下载地址:http://www.redmine.org/ 译者:Charlie 校对:詹妮 |
13.Redmine Redmine can support numerous projects and is highly customisable. What's more, it offers feeds and notification system, issue tracking, time tracking and forums to discuss projects.It's not the most attractive user interface but is highly capable at managing large projects.http://www.redmine.org/ |