游戏主机大战:索尼PS 4稳赢的5大理由

游戏主机大战:索尼PS 4稳赢的5大理由

John Gaudiosi 2013-07-09


    索尼公司(Sony)正昂首挺进新一代游戏业,状态之好,前所未见。这家拥有音乐、电影和电视网的日本公司一直以来就单靠一款PlayStation 4游戏机包打天下。索尼完全是靠与微软(Microsoft)在E3游戏展(E3,全球最受关注的游戏展会——译注)上的背道而驰的做法赢得重点早期客户的。它的售价比微软Xbox One的售价低100美元,同时允许游戏租赁、二手游戏回放及离线游戏。最终,微软迫于游戏玩家的压力,不得不改变政策,但已经造成了无可挽回的损害。

    在E3举行的这一周里,有更多游戏迷预订了PS4,此后索尼就一直饱受好评。索尼表示,娱乐功能将是PS4不可或缺的一部分,这就像它以前推广PS3时所说的一样,但是它已从过去的错误中吸取了教训。众所周知,PS3是个很难为其开发配套游戏的系统,这让Xbox 360早期的游戏占据了图形界面上的优势。但是像《美国末日》(The Last of Us)和即将发布的《超凡双生》(Beyond: Two Souls)这样的新游戏则充分显示了目前这个系统的实力。有马克•塞尔尼这样的游戏界资深人士在幕后主导PS4的硬件开发,它的过硬质量在展会首日就能通过《声名狼藉:第二子》(Infamous: Second Son)这样的游戏展现得淋漓尽致。下面我就为您分析一下索尼有望赢得新一代游戏机大战的五大原因。

It's about games

    Sony (SNE) has never looked better heading into a new generation of gaming. The Japanese company, which owns music, movie and TV networks, has focused solely on games thus far with its PlayStation 4 console. Sony has been able to win over important early adopters by doing the opposite of everything Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) did at E3, undercutting the Xbox One's price by $100 and allowing for game rentals, used game playback and offline play. Eventually, Microsoft was forced to change its policies after gamer backlash, but the damage has been done.

    More gamers were pre-ordering PS4s during E3 week and Sony has been riding a wave of positive buzz ever since. Sony has said entertainment functionality will be part of the PS4, just as it's been for the PlayStation 3, but the company has learned from past mistakes. The PS3 was known as a difficult system to develop for, which gave early Xbox 360 titles a graphical advantage. But new games like The Last of Us and the upcoming Beyond: Two Souls showcase the full power of the system. With game veteran Mark Cerny behind the hardware in the PS4, that type of quality should be evident day one with games like Infamous: Second Son. Here are five reasons why Sony will win the next gen war.


    400美元的定价对游戏迷的预算来说是很有诱惑力的。这样的话,再买一个手柄和一款首发游戏也还不到Xbox One的价钱。的确,索尼牺牲了PS4的摄像头,不再将其作为套装配件发售,这会影响很多游戏迷的使用,但最终多数人会觉得没有这个摄像头也挺好。而索尼借此就能用更低的价格卖出更多的硬件了。

The price

    The $400 price point will go a long way when it comes to gamers' wallets. You can pick up an extra controller and launch title before hitting the Xbox One price point. Sure, Sony sacrificed its PS4 camera by opting not to offer it as a pack-in, and that will impact how many games utilize it, but at the end of the day most gamers will be happy without it. And Sony will sell more hardware at the lower price point out of the gate.
