

Shelley Dubois 2013-05-21


    仅凭公司名称CHS,我们很难猜到它的主营业务。然而,CHS涉足许多盈利颇丰的行业,包括石化产品、食品和金融服务。CHS原名北太平洋谷物种植者联盟(North Pacific Grain Growers),自1929年成立以来,一直属美国农业合作社所有。2003年,公司名称从Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives改为CHS公司,旗下能源业务仍保留Cenex名称,并且为投资者提供优先股和无表决权股。


CHS, Inc.

    You can't tell by the company's name what it does, exactly. CHS Inc., however, has its hands in a wide range of lucrative industries -- petroleum products, chemicals, food and financial services. The company is owned by United States agricultural cooperatives and has been ever since it was founded in 1929 as the North Pacific Grain Growers. In 2003, it changed its name from Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives to CHS Inc., keeping Cenex as the name for its energy business, and offering preferred stock and non-voting ownership to investors.

    Today, the company is not necessarily the No. 1 player in any of the categories it's involved in, but sweeps in at second or third place in a variety of categories. CHS is the nation's third largest U.S. grain exporter, and the third largest U.S. propane retailer. It has a joint venture with Ventura foods, a major manufacturer of bulk margarine. And while it is by no means up there with the Exxons of the world, CHS sells more than 3 billion gallons of refined fuels such as gasoline and diesel.
