

Stephen Gandel 2013-02-08


    Libor fixing and a spate of other recent cases against financial firms have once again raised the question of whether the culture of Wall Street is corrupt. It may not always be clear, but what's obvious from the legal complaints is that Wall Street's cultural references are behind the times.

1. Talking Heads乐队

    美国司法部在针对标准普尔公司(Standard & Poor's)的民事诉讼中称,标普某分析师在审查了标普对2006年抵押债券的评级后,改编了Talking Heads乐队一首名为《烧毁房子》(Burning Down the House)的歌曲,以嘲弄这家公司评级甚高的次贷抵押债券。歌名为《推倒房屋》。第一段是这样的:







    Weird Al(以诙谐改编同时代音乐作品著称的美国原创歌手——译注),你的饭碗不会丢

1. Talking Heads

    According to the DOJ civil suit against Standard & Poor's, an analyst at the firm, after reviewing S&P's ratings on 2006 mortgage bonds, wrote a parody of the Talking Heads song "Burning Down the House," mocking the subprime mortgage bonds that the firm rated highly. The title: Bringing down the house. First verse:

    Watch out

    Housing market went softer

    Cooling down

    Strong market is now much weaker

    Subprime is boi-ling o-ver

    Bringing down the house

    Weird Al, your job is safe.
