

Shelley DuBois 2013-01-08

    对于有些人而言,卡尔•罗夫就是美国共和党的大脑和灵魂。多年来,他曾为共和党诸多要人担任过咨询顾问。最值得一提的是他曾为乔治•W•布什设计了2000年和2004年的总统大选,并取得了成功。近期,他共同创立并帮助管理的超级政治行动委员会(PAC)美国十字路口(American Crossroads)与其他相关团体一起,为米特•罗姆尼的总统竞选筹集了超过1亿美元资金。

    罗夫也是一位公众人物。他为《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)撰写专栏,2012年大选期间还频频出现在福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)中。众所周知,在大选夜,罗夫在福克斯新闻频道上声称,切莫过早断言摇摆州——俄亥俄州会选择奥巴马,导致该频道空中连线自己的专家预测小组。

    日前,罗夫对话《财富》杂志(Fortune ),畅谈领导一个超级政治行动委员会(PAC)比打造一场政治竞选更容易的缘由,以及他对自己被神化的无能为力。











    To some, Karl Rove is the heart and soul of the GOP. He has a long history of counseling prominent Republicans. Most memorably, he designed George W. Bush's successful presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004. Recently, he co-founded and helped run the super PAC American Crossroads, which, along with affiliated groups, raised over $100 million for Governor Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.

    Rove is also a public figure. He writes a column for the Wall Street Journal, and was frequently on Fox News during the 2012 election. On election night, Rove famously told the network to be cautious about calling swing state Ohio for Obama too soon, which spurred the network to interview its own decision desk on air.

    Rove spoke with Fortune about why leading a super PAC is easier than building a political campaign and how he can't do anything about being a myth.

    An edited transcript is below.

    Fortune: Leading as an advisor is more behind the scenes than other kinds of leadership. What is it like to influence these incredibly powerful people?

    Karl Rove: Well, I'm not certain I would necessarily agree with the term "incredibly powerful people." I do think that whenever you give advice to political clients, political candidates, or business organizations, you have to understand how they go about making decisions and what's their ultimate goal. And then there just has to be an incredible amount of directness.

    Really? That's interesting. Because there's a general view that politicians dance around issues.

    Well, you know, people are capable of keeping conflicting emotions and conflicting opinions of things in their brains at the same time. So a political candidate or an office holder needs to understand the best policy and then what's the best way to explain that policy. But sometimes, even doing the right thing will not be well received.

    In retrospect, the surge in Iraq was the right decision for George W. Bush, but it was an unpopular decision at the time and it remains unpopular today.

    Do you think it was unpopular because it wasn't communicated correctly?

    No, look, sometimes people just don't have a good opinion about a particular policy. Now, ultimately they might look back and say, "That was the right thing to do," but particularly controversial measures tend to be controversial for a reason.

    You've worked with many different politicians over time. How do you reconcile the needs of one candidate with the needs of the entire party?

    Each political party is an expression of a large group of individual actors writing their own scripts. Generally, because our parties are, roughly, one center-left and the other center-right, the scripts tend to be similar.
