

Elaine Pofeldt 2012-03-01

    艾拉厨房(Ella’s Kitchen)vs. 嘉宝婴儿食品(Gerber)


    他们的故事:45岁的尼克儿童频道(Nickelodeon)总经理保罗•林德利和他44岁的妻子艾莉森总想让他们幼女多吃些蔬菜和水果,时间一久,他们便萌生了开办婴儿食品营销公司“艾拉厨房”的念头(没错,他们的女儿就叫艾拉)。他们的思路是:美味可口的有机食品,外加足以激发儿童食欲的包装,比如软袋包的水果沙冰之类。他们是如何付诸实践的?2006年,夫妇二人申请到了30万美元的次级贷款,聘请了数名营养师和一名生产专家。他们同意尼克儿童频道参与销售收入的分成,以此为条件,拿到了该频道的广告时段,开始了他们的销售业务。成绩如何?去年,他们的销售额增长了一倍,达5,000万美元。艾拉厨房如今已经推出了70款产品,并成功打入了大型零售连锁店如塔吉特百货(Target)和全食超市(Whole Foods)等。


    Ella's kitchen vs. Gerber

    The challenge: In a world full of baby food brands, how do you separate yourself from the pack?

    What they did: After trying day after day to encourage their baby daughter to eat fruits and veggies, Nickelodeon general manager Paul Lindley, 45, and his wife, Alison, 44, came up with the idea for baby-food marketer Ella's Kitchen. (Yup, Ella is their kid.) The idea: great tasting organic foods in packaging that turns kids on, such as fruit smoothies in squeezable pouches. How'd they pull it off? In 2006 the couple took out a $300,000 second mortgage and hired a posse of nutritionists and a manufacturing expert. They kick-started sales by giving Nickelodeon a share of revenue in exchange for commercial time. The result? Last year sales doubled to $50 million. Ella's Kitchen makes 70 products now and can be found in retailers like Target and Whole Foods.

