

Stephanie N. Mehta 2011年08月16日



    本次盛会的嘉宾中不乏科技神童,华裔女孩杰斯•李就是其中的一个佼佼者。她今年28岁,是一名电脑科学家,原本在谷歌(Google)任职,后来跳槽到知名网站Polyvore。Polyvore是一家赢利的网站,用户可以在把网络上的时装照片进行“混搭”,搭配成一套行头,然后通过Polyvore的合作伙伴 (如Zappos.com)进行网购。杰斯•李在香港长大,从斯坦福大学毕业(Stanford)后便留在美国,加盟了谷歌的产品副经理计划。这是一个两年制的精英计划,旨在把有前途的年轻人放在关键岗位上锻炼一番。前谷歌高管、LinkedIn的高级副总裁迪普•尼沙尔评价道,杰斯•李在谷歌展现出了“既能领导产品设计,也能领导产品研发”的罕见能力。在谷歌地图(Google Map)以及其它一些项目上工作了四年后,杰斯•李与三个原雅虎(Yahoo)人员共同推出了Polyvore。她说:“在原型阶段,我就爱上了Polyvore,无可救药地对它上瘾了。”现在她的工作就是确保各色时尚潮人也能像她这样想。

    ——杰西 •亨佩尔


    Even at an event filled with wunderkind tech stars, Jess Lee stands out. Lee, 28, is a computer scientist and Google alum who went on to help run Polyvore, a popular (and profitable) website that lets users mix and match pictures from all over the web to create outfits that they can then purchase through Polyvore partners like Zappos.com. Raised in Hong Kong, Lee stayed in the U.S. after graduating from Stanford and joined Google's elite, two-year associate product manager program, which places brilliant kids in key jobs. She exhibited a rare ability to "take the lead in product design as well as product development," says LinkedIn senior vice president Deep Nishar, a former Googler. After four years working on Google Maps and other things, Lee joined three ex-Yahooers in 2008 to introduce Polyvore. "I fell in love with the prototype and was hopelessly addicted to it," she says. Now her job is to make sure fashionistas feel the same way.

    --Jessi Hempel

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