  • 商务英语:今日热词——删除重复数据

    财富中文网 2018-05-21 01:00

    今日单词:单词de-dupe中文释义删除重复数据(及物动词,非正式)英文释义(transitive verb, INFORMAL) To remove duplicate entries from a list or database.例句EXAMPLE: My careful assistant...

  • 9月5日商务英语

    财富中文网 2008-09-05 08:00

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句kicks运动鞋(复数名词,当代俚语)(plural noun, CONTEMPORARY SLANG)Sportswear shoesEXAMPLE: My brother loves basketball and the only shoes he wears ...

  • 2月18日商务英语

    财富中文网 2010-02-18 08:00

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句gobs大量(复数名词,非正式用语)(plural noun, INFORMAL) Enormous quantities (NOTE: usually followed by the preposition "of")EXAMPLE: I eat gobs of ...

  • 5月14日商务英语

    财富中文网 2009-05-14 08:49

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句leftovers剩余物(复数名词,非正式用语)(plural noun, INFORMAL) Anything which remains, such as food from a meal served previously. (NOTE: always plu...

  • 3月1日商务英语

    财富中文网 2010-03-01 08:00

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句boondocks偏远农村地区(复数名词,俚语)(plural noun, SLANG) Remote, unsophisticated, rural country. (NOTES:from TAGALOG bun-dok, meaning "mountain";...

  • 气数的兴衰

    胡泳 2015-08-11 06:57

    《财富》(中文版)-- 在《三国演义》第六回,董卓对文武百官说:“汉东都洛阳,二百余年,气数已衰。”这所谓的“气数”,大概熟读中国正史野史的人,都经常听到它。这种神秘的事物,既可以用来描述个人力量和生命的有限性,也可以指代家国王朝更替的兴衰周期。例如,隋炀帝三征高丽,致国力受损,民起反抗。与萧皇后...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——乌合之众,群众

    财富中文网 2018-12-17 01:00

    今日单词:单词riff-raff中文释义乌合之众,群众(复数名词)英文释义(plural noun) Derogatory (or sometimes humorous) term for either ordinary people, or people from lower economic c...

  • 8月11日商务英语

    《财富》(中文版) 2010-08-11 08:00

    今日单词:单词means [mi:nz]中文释义财力(复数名词)英文释义(plural noun) Financial resources.例句EXAMPLE: The young man lacked sufficient means to start a new business of his...

  • 商务英语:今日热词——充满

    《财富》(中文版) 2008-02-26 08:00

    今日单词:单词jitters ['dʒitəz]中文释义紧张(复数名词,非正式用语)英文释义(plural noun, INFORMAL) A nervous, anxious psychological state, especially one that occurs before an im...

  • 11月3日商务英语

    财富中文网 2008-11-03 08:21

    今日单词:单词中文释义英文释义例句earnings盈利(复数)The income of a business (note: always plural)EXAMPLE: Decreasing overall expenses may increase annual earnings. 减少总开支可...
