  • Michael Elliott

    财富中文网 2010-06-04 09:23
  • 盲人间的分歧

    Roger Parloff 2007-04-01 08:00

    改用大小不同的纸币,可能要耗资 2 亿美元以上作者: Roger Parloff2006 年 11 月,美国一位联邦法官裁定,美国的纸币违反触犯了《康复法》(Rehabilitation Act),因为盲人不能直接辨别它的面值。美国盲人理事会(American Council of the Blin...

  • 欧舒丹引导盲人消费

    Michal Lev-Ram 2007-02-01 08:00

    这家法国化妆品公司率先为视力受损者开发产品和项目,其中自有缘故作者: Michal Lev-Ram法国普鲁旺斯的欧舒丹公司(L'Occitane en Provence)创立者奥利维埃•博桑(Olivier Baussan)1996 年视察公司一家专卖店时,发现一位盲人妇女正在挑选香水。博桑看到她全...

  • Michael Moore takes on capitalism

    财富中文网 2009-09-09 05:10

    In his new film, the director of "Fahrenheit 9/11" delivers a provocative, ambitious look at the financial crisis.By Richard CorlissVENICE (Fortune) -...

  • 合成视觉有望让盲人复明

    Amy Serafin 2015-02-01 12:00

    一名患者戴着Pixium Vision公司的Iris系统。50多年前,当乔治斯还是个18岁的小伙子时,不幸患上了色素性视网膜炎。他被告知视力将逐渐退化,直至全盲。不出所料,到了50多岁时,他的世界变得完全漆黑一片。但是去年,就在一个按钮被按下的瞬间,乔治斯突然重新见到了光明。他惊呼道:“当他们通上电...

  • Behind Michael Jackson's mad money

    Richard Siklos 2009-10-28 09:24

    Was the King of Pop smart, lucky, or a little off about how he conducted his finances? Turns out, he managed to be all at the same time.By Richard Sik...

  • Michael Moore: 'Capitalism is anti-Jesus'

    财富中文网 2009-09-25 01:37

    In a Fortune interview, the flame-throwing director explains why his new film brings his religion into the picture for the first time.By Scott Cendrow...

  • Indra Nooyi and Michael Jordan: Just pals at a ballgame?

    Daniel Roberts 2010-10-27 01:39

    When TBS panned over to Michael Jordan during Tuesday night's Yankees-Rangers game, the most surprising thing to many viewers was the woman sitting ne...

  • 丰田自动驾驶巴士撞伤残奥会运动员,被迫退出比赛

    精选 2021-08-30 09:42


  • 私募大V“云蒙”又翻车了

    精选 2023-07-13 09:00

