  • 财富箴言:今日发声——尤利西斯·布里奇曼

    财富中文网 2014-10-09 08:00

    What I tried to do was to get everybody to understand that we were a team. We worked together as a team, we win as a team, and we lose as a team. Onc...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——沃特•迪斯尼

    财富中文网 2014-06-13 01:00

    People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by workin...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:沃特•迪斯尼

    财富》(中文版) 2013-02-01 01:00

    People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——考尔特·沃里斯

    财富中文网 2014-12-02 01:00

    Entrepreneurs sabotage their success by not fully understanding that the world generally doesn't care about the product they are about to launch.——考尔特...

  • 我是一个假文章假文章假文章假文章假文章假文章假文

    精选 2020-08-11 02:45


  • 全球最大对冲基金揭秘

    Brian O'Keefe 2009-05-31 08:05

    布里奇沃特公司创始人雷·戴利奥严守原则的做法,使他在好年景和坏年景都能赚钱。如今,他正在准备应对真正艰难的局面作者:Brian O'Keefe当前的颓势仅仅是一次严重的衰退,还是我们即将面临大萧条卷土重来?这是眼下人人都在问的问题。可是,布里奇沃特投资公司(Bridgewater Associate...

  • Telegram决定上市,估值300亿美元

    精选 2024-04-08 08:30

    自 2017 年以来,Telegram 的创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫(Pavel Durov)就从没有接受过任何公共采访。直到不久前,这位神秘的亿万富翁接受了英国《金融时报》的采访,他向外界释放出了一个信号——Telegram 正在谋求 IPO。根据杜罗夫本人所说,成立 11 年,全球掌握 9 亿用户的 ...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——尼尔•沃尔利希特

    财富中文网 2014-05-16 01:00

    If there are too many bumps in the road, everyone will second-guess themselves.——尼尔•沃尔利希特(Neil Warlicht,Wahl & Case公司总裁) ...

  • 弗特沃思市的天然气大开发

    Peter Elkind 2008-05-09 07:50

    作者:Peter Elkind德克萨斯州弗特沃思(Fort Worth)市境内的州际公路上有一块巨大的广告牌,上面写着“如果你们那儿还没天然气井的话,赶快打一口吧!”在弗特沃思这座可爱的城市里(我恰好把家安在那儿),很多地方都有天然气井,不过这可是由不得居民选择的。弗特沃思有686,000人口,是德...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:里奇•巴顿

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-02-06 01:00

    Entrepreneurs have to be able to overcome fear and the petty criticism of others who will tell them ‘You’re crazy.’——里奇•巴顿(Rich Barton,在线旅游及房产公司创始人) ...
