

Poets&Quants 2014年02月17日
社交网站Poets&Quants 最近评出了40位40岁以下的商学院明星教授,上榜者包括多位顶尖学者和知名教师。我们今天介绍的8位就是他们的优秀代表。





    把自己的课程评估发到网上是个大胆的举动,除非你是凯瑟琳•塔克。她在自己的教师简介跟人们中分享了自己的课程评估。她出色的学生评价受到了外界的关注。她是麻省理工学院(MIT Sloan)第一位女性市场营销学终身教授,2014年被评为了商学院的“年度优秀教师”。此前,她还曾经三次获得这项荣誉的提名。2013年,她还获得了表彰优秀教师的贾米森奖。

    Catherine Tucker

    • Title: Associate Professor of Marketing

    • Age: 36

    • School: MIT Sloan

    It's a bold move to post your course evaluations online, unless you're Catherine Tucker, who shares hers in her faculty profile. Her outstanding student reviews have not gone unnoticed. MIT's first tenured female marketing professor was voted the B-school's "Teacher of the Year" in 2014, an honor she was nominated for three times previously. In 2013, she received the Jamieson Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

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