

POETS&QUANTS 2012年11月01日





    戈文达拉扬的研究专注于策略和创新。他坚持公司成长的唯一方式是通过创新。“能进行战略创新的公司可以用持续的增长吸引投资者,通过改变游戏规则让竞争者出其不意,”他在季度简讯《VG的创新季刊》(VG's Innovation Quarterly)中这样说。

    VG是他名字的首字母缩写,业界都这么称呼他。他和通用电气(GE)首席执行官杰夫•伊梅尔特共同撰写了《GE如何颠覆自我》(How GE is Disrupting Itself),刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上,引入了“反向创新”理念,即首先在发展中世界采用的任何创新。《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)将反向创新列为十年10大伟大理念之一。

    VG对商业世界的影响显著。他和超过25%的财富500强公司合作过,曾任通用电气首位驻校教授和首席创新顾问。他出了9本书,包括两本畅销书《战略创新者的十大法则》(Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators)以及《创新的另一面》(The Other Side of Innovation)。


Vijay Govindarajan

School: Dartmouth - Tuck

Age: 61

Fun fact:He's travelled to over 90 countries in six continents.

    Govindarajan's research focuses on strategy and innovation. He stands firm on the idea that the only way companies can grow is through innovation. "Companies that are capable of strategic innovation delight investors with sustained growth and surprise competitors by changing the rules of the game," he says on the website for his "VG's Innovation Quarterly," his quarterly newsletter.

    "VG" -- as he's known throughout the business world -- worked with GE's CEO Jeff Immelt to write "How GE is Disrupting Itself," a Harvard Business Review article that introduced the concept of reverse innovation -- any innovation that is adopted first in the developing world. Harvard Business Review has rated reverse innovation as one of the 10 big ideas of the decade.

    VG's influence on the business world is clear. He has worked with more than 25% of the Fortune 500 corporations and he was the first professor in residence and chief innovation consultant atGeneral Electric (GE, Fortune 500). He has published nine books, including two best sellersTen Rules for Strategic Innovators and The Other Side of Innovation.

    Recently, the professor has created a buzz for his proposed $300 house project, a global effort to rebuild impoverished communities across the world.

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