

POETS&QUANTS 2012年11月01日





    2008年当莎伦•奥斯特出任耶鲁管理学院院长一职时,使该学院获得了一笔100万美元的佚名捐款。为了纪念奥斯特与学生的良好互动,由这笔捐款设立了耶鲁管理学院奥斯特基金,旨在加强教职人员与学生之间的联系和互动。虽然这是对奥斯特教学能力最高调的认可,但这显然不是第一次。1988年,她获授耶鲁管理学院首届教学杰出成就奖(Award for Excellence in Teaching)。2008年,她第二次荣获该奖。

    奥斯特教授企业和管理学,尤擅竞争策略、微观经济理论、工业组织以及监管、反垄断和非营利策略经济学。她著述颇丰,并且素来愿意在研究成果中署上学生的名字。奥斯特的著作《现代竞争分析》(Modern Competitive Analysis)强调从经济角度看策略规划,在管理学院中被广泛使用。

Sharon Oster

School: Yale School of Management

Age: 62

Fun fact:Her husband, daughter, and son-in-law are all economists teaching at universities as well.

    When Sharon Oster started as dean of the Yale School of Management in 2008, her appointment inspired an anonymous $1 million donation to the school. In honor of Oster's unique ability to connect with students, the Oster Fund was created to maintain the business school's ongoing efforts to unite students with faculty. While this was the most high profile recognition of Oster's teaching excellence, it certainly wasn't the first. In 1988, she was awarded the first Yale School of Management Award for Excellence in Teaching. Then in 2008, she won the award a second time.

    Oster is a professor of entrepreneurship and management and specializes in competitive strategy, microeconomic theory, industrial organization, and the economics of regulation and antitrust and nonprofit strategy. She has published extensively and is known for including students in her research. Oster's book, Modern Competitive Analysis, emphasizes an economic approach to strategic planning and is used widely at management schools.

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