

Verne Harnish 2012年03月06日
好吧,那就独立创业吧。下面是 5 种创业的办法


    在自家的车库起步创业或许听起来很有几分传奇色彩。但如果能利用当地的创业孵化器,会走得更顺。你能享受到会议室、前台接待和复印机等便利设施。孵化器的服务能让你的事业看起来更专业,同时还能得到很多有益的建议。曾在摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)担任投资银行家的埃德利兹奥•科鲁兹说:“(选择孵化器,)你能充分借助别人的力量。”他自己的电子商务网站Regalii.com就是借助一家孵化器来运作的。这家孵化器位于费城科学中心,接受康卡斯特电信公司(Comcast)的资助。


3. Find a good incubator

    Opening a business in your garage may be romantic in a startup sort of way. But start off at a local incubator and enjoy the conference rooms, receptionists, and copying machines. It also makes you look a lot more professional, and it's a great way to get good advice. "You really feed off other people's energy," says Edrizio De La Cruz, a former investment banker at J.P. Morgan. He runs his e-commerce startup Regalii.com from a Comcast-backed incubator in Philadelphia's Science Center.


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