

Eleanor Bloxham 2011年09月20日

    随后,在2月13日《圣何塞信使报》(San Jose Mercury News)的一篇报道中,莱恩又重回他先前所讲的要点,“董事会的首要职责将是支持李艾科……为惠普制定全球竞争的战略。”








    埃莉诺•布罗斯罕是价值联盟和公司治理联盟公司(The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance,http://thevaluealliance.com)的首席执行官,该公司是一家董事会顾问公司。


    Then, in a February 13 report in the San Jose Mercury News, Lane flipped back to his previous set of talking points. "The board's top priority will be supporting Apotheker … in developing a strategy for HP to compete around the world."

    HP's corporate governance guidelines say the board "oversees HP's strategic and business planning process," which includes "a Board review of HP's updated Corporate Strategic Plan."

    Many boards are confused about their role in determining a company's strategy. A recent survey by McKinsey shows that many boards take a passive role. Based on the survey, however, and my own conversations with a wide spectrum of board members, U.S. independent directors are eager to change their passive roles and contribute to the formation of corporate strategy.

    The McKinsey survey shows that North American boards currently take a more passive approach to strategy than their European and Asian counterparts. Almost 60% of directors surveyed at North American companies say the role of their board is to "review and approve management's proposed strategy." By comparison, this relatively low level of involvement in strategy can be found in fewer than 40% of European companies and slightly more than 30% of Asia-Pacific companies.

    Reviewing, approving, and supporting a company's strategy unfortunately represent an all too common approach among many boards: rubber-stamping strategy by boards without testing underlying assumptions and reviewing alternatives.

    Did HP's board "support Leo" as Lane initially outlined? Or did they adequately test the assumptions of the strategy and review alternatives to it? Did they identify potential communications issues to make sure the strategy would be clearly understood by investors, customers and employees?

    Based on the aftermath of the announcements last month, if the board did ask questions, they were not of sufficient depth. Of course, all of this upheaval could have been predicted from Lane's mixed statements concerning the board's role in January.

    As other boards use HP as a case study and learn from its trials, perhaps it's time for HP to also re-examine the board's level of involvement with the company's strategy -- before the company presents their ideas to the public. Hiring new board members will do a company little service if they do not put their best talents to work.

    Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance (http://thevaluealliance.com), a board advisory firm.

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