

Bruce Booth 2013-02-20
成长为一名优秀的风险投资人往往犹如当徒弟。师傅带进门,修行在个人。入行之后往往要经历长时间的历练,才能积累足够的经验。现在,生命科学投资公司Atlas Venture合伙人现身说法,总结了自己在生物科技领域实施初期投资的一些宝贵经验。

    • 无论聘请多少律师和会计,医药行业的结构性投资都会有较长的酝酿时间。不要认为你能大大加快这一过程。如果一家大型医药公司告诉你他们正在剥离一部分资产,而且让你看了初步清单,你可以认为,这项工作需要10-20个月左右才能完成,特别是在资产剥离涉及整合细节复杂的结构性回购的情况下。在酝酿过程中还需要和手续繁杂的大型政府机构打交道,同时建立复杂的交易结构。


    作者布鲁斯•布斯是信息科技和生命科学投资公司Atlas Venture合伙人。他的博客地址是www.lifescivc.com。


    • Structured deals with Pharma have a long gestation time, no matter how many lawyers and accountants are in the room. Don't assume you can speed them up too much. When Big Pharma XYZ tells you they are spinning out some assets and they show you the initial list, assume it's going to take something in between a human and a pachyderm pregnancy to get to the closing, especially if there's a structured buyback with complex consolidation details included. This gestation just comes with the territory of large bureaucratic organizations and complicated deal structures.

    While we've had no major "Ah-ha" moments in reviewing our Lessons Learned (wish it were that easy), we do find that revisiting and updating them every few years is helpful. And during our champion and challenge process for new deals, we do bring up these lessons to gently bludgeon each other once in a while.

    Bruce Booth is a partner with Atlas Venture. He blogs at www.lifescivc.com
