






专栏 - 向Anne提问


Anne Fisher 2013年04月22日

Anne Fisher为《财富》杂志《向Anne提问》的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于1996年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。



    那么,应该如何克服这个障碍?德鲁说道:“你必须对人际关系网络进行战略性部署。尽量在上级中找到导师和担保人,同时也要培养平级网络。”找几位能够为你提供诚实反馈的人,这样的反馈在“上司给你的绩效评估中”不可能出现。她建议:“在公司内部和外部建立一个私人的顾问团队。可以考虑把它建成你自己的‘老朋友’网络。”不知道是否是巧合,《财富》杂志最具影响力商界女性榜单(Most Powerful Women)中,许多女高管都表示,她们正是通过这种方式获得了信息和建议,帮助她们突破了中层管理的困局。



    你也可以进行类似的尝试。DiversityInc公布了一份年度排名,详细介绍了50家最多元化的美国雇主。【2012年排名前五的公司分别是:普华永道(PwC)、索迪斯集团(Sodexo)、凯萨医疗机构(Kaiser Permanente)、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)和宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)】。 你在目前公司的出色表现是你的卖点。如果你想更进一步,或许是时候做好准备了。



    Drew says that a big reason why there aren't more minorities at (or near) the top is that informal networks -- the kind companies rely on when filling executive jobs -- are usually all one color. She cites research showing that people "use family and friends to find the vast majority of the jobs they hold over a lifetime. The lack of diversity in those seemingly innocuous networks becomes self-reinforcing."

    Not only that, but the shortage of minority role models in senior management at most companies has a way of perpetuating itself too. Since people generally like to mentor people they view as similar to themselves, "diverse leaders often don't have the same access to mentors and sponsors [that white managers have]," argues Drew.

    A related hurdle: "There is a certain kind of feedback that white men give to each other that they are not comfortable giving to someone of color, or to women," she adds. "For example, there might be issues of personal style or 'executive presence' that could be holding you back, but that people feel awkward about telling you" -- often, ironically, because they fear seeming racist if they do. So you're left trying to figure out the unwritten rules (or the "secret handshake," as you call it) for yourself.

    How can you get past that? "You have to be strategic about your network," Drew says. "Try to find mentors and sponsors among higher-ups, but also grow your lateral network. Identify a few peers who will give you honest feedback you might not be getting" in performance reviews from your boss. "Develop a personal board of advisors, inside and outside of your company," she suggests. "Think of it as building your own 'old boys' network.'" Coincidentally or not, that is exactly how many of the executives on Fortune's Most Powerful Women list say they got information and advice that helped them rise beyond middle management.

    Other tactics you could borrow from them: Taking on tough (and highly visible) stretch assignments, learning how to blow your own horn in tactful ways, and working for the right company. On the first point, tackling challenges no one else wants to touch will help you stand out -- as will making sure that higher-ups know what you've done. "Hard work and excellent results are not, by themselves, going to be enough," Drew notes. "People above you need to be aware of what you've accomplished. It's crucial to learn to stand up for your achievements."

    Then, consider this: All corporate cultures are not created equal, so where you work matters. Several of the women on Fortune's list have mentioned in interviews that they advanced their careers in part by deliberately seeking out jobs at companies that already had women in high places.

    You could try something similar. DiversityInc publishes an annual ranking with detailed profiles of the 50 most diverse U.S. employers. (The top five in 2012: PwC, Sodexo, Kaiser Permanente, AT&T (T), and Procter & Gamble (PG).) Your solid track record at your current company is a marketable asset. If you really want to move up, maybe it's time to start looking around.

    Talkback: Do you agree that it's time for a Lean In-style conversation about race in the workplace? What would you add to it? Leave a comment below.

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