






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年09月21日

有幸提前体验了iPhone 5的业界人士给出的评价惊人地一致。大家普遍认为,新款更轻、更薄、更大、更快,细节更出色。它继承了前辈的荣光,维护了苹果在智能手机领域至高无上的地位。


    斯图亚特•迈尔斯,Pocket Lint:迄今最好的iPhone?“它仍然是iPhone,但是又完全不同,这正是iPhone5的卖点所在。如果不是亲手把玩,就不可能有这种切身体会。买下它后,你才会真正发现它的与众不同之处。”


    吉姆•达尔林普尔,The Loop:iPhone5试用评价。“iPhone5给我的启发是,设计上的细小改进可以极大地提升用户体验。重要的是,从外观上看它变化不大,但从其内在来看变化显著。iPhone的每个主要部件都在某一方面得到了改进。”

    斯科特•斯坦因,CNET:我们梦寐以求的iPhone终于面世。“优点:4G LTE技术,更大更宽的屏幕,更快的A6处理器;那些iPhone4S未能给予用户的功能,在iPhone5上全都得以实现。全新的设计——简洁、薄巧,像羽毛一样轻盈。缺点:Sprint版和Verizon版不能在使用语音的同时存取数据。接口变小了,必须使用适配器才能插入现有的配件。没有近场无线通讯技术(NFC),屏幕大小仍然不能和特大型号的安卓机型相比。重点:iPhone5在新功能和新设计的框架上对iPhone系列原有机型进行了全新设计,解决了之前机型的主要缺点。它绝对是现阶段最好的iPhone,并且巩固了这一系列在智能机领域至高无上的地位。”


    马克•普里格,《每日邮报》网络版(Mail Online):“够炫,反应速度快,感觉良好。”“iPhone5支持4G极速上网。遗憾的是由于英国尚未开通高速网络服务,我们无法验证这一功能。此外,只有用一种新型的智能卡——微型智能卡(nanosim)才能使用这款手机。等到iPhone5上市时,多数经销商都会售卖这种手机卡。”


    约翰•格鲁布,Daring Fireball:iPhone5。“iPhone5的周边故事和一年前的iPhone4S一样:买家熬到半夜(有的在半夜起床)提前预定手机,一些科技媒体却对4S嘘声一片,两种反应反差巨大。史蒂夫•乔布斯在iPhone4S发布第二天后去世,争论最后消逝在对乔布斯的悼词之中。要说今年的情况和去年有什么区别,那就是反差变得越来越大。来自科技媒体的嘘声愈发响亮,同时消费者的热情也更加高涨。”


    Rich Jaroslovsky, Bloomberg: IPhone 5 Gets Bigger, Thinner, Faster."The result is a phone that's compact and feather-weight, yet, thanks to the materials used in its aluminum-and-glass body, conveys a sense of solidity and feels great in the hand. It also comes with newly redesigned headphones called EarPods that are the first ever from Apple that don't either immediately fall out of my ears, hurt or both."

    Stuart Miles, Pocket Lint: The best iPhone yet?"It's the same iPhone, but it's completely different. That's the main takeaway point for the iPhone 5's design. It's something you can't really appreciate until you get up close and personal with the new phone, but when you do, wow, you'll really notice that difference."

    TechCrunch's MG Siegler: With iPhone 5, Apple Has Chiseled The Smartphone To Near Perfection."You pick it up and it almost feels fake. That's not to say it feels cheap; because it doesn't — quite the opposite, actually. It just doesn't seem real. Certainly not to someone who has been holding the iPhone 4/4S for the past two years. It feels like someone took one of those devices and hollowed it out."

    Jim Dalrymple, The Loop: Review: iPhone 5."That has been my takeaway from the design of the iPhone 5 — small design changes that make for big user experience improvements. It's important to remember that while the changes on the outside may be small to the naked eye, the changes on the inside are huge. Every major component of the iPhone has been changed in one way or another."

    Scott Stein, CNET: Finally, the iPhone we've always wanted."The good: The iPhone 5 adds everything we wanted in the iPhone 4S: 4G LTE, a longer, larger screen, and a faster A6 processor. Plus, its top-to-bottom redesign is sharp, slim, and feather-light. The bad: Sprint and Verizon models can't use voice and data simultaneously. The smaller connector renders current accessories unusable without an adapter. There's no NFC, and the screen size pales in comparison to jumbo Android models. The bottom line: The iPhone 5 completely rebuilds the iPhone on a framework of new features and design, addressing its major previous shortcomings. It's absolutely the best iPhone to date, and it easily secures its place in the top tier of the smartphone universe."

    Luke Peters, T3: iPhone 5 Review: "Because various components have been reduced in size, the headphone socket has been moved to the bottom of the device, which comes with its pros and cons. On the plus side, your phone usually goes in your pocket nose first, which means the headphone cable has a clear run out to your ears. On the downside, the jutting jack interferes with your hand when holding it 'upright'. Not all apps will use the gyroscope to flip the screen 180-degrees, either, so you'll have to get used to that."

    Mark Prigg, Mail Online: 'Bright, responsive and it just feels right.' "The iPhone 5 is also able to support superfast 4G networks, but unfortunately we were unable to test this as they have not yet launched in the UK. You'll also need a new, smaller SIM card known as a nanosim to use the phone - but most operators should have these in stock when the handset goes on sale."

    Tim Stevens, Engadget: iPhone 5 Review."Thinner. Lighter. Faster. Simpler. The moment the iPhone 5 was unveiled we knew that it was checking off all the right boxes, folding in all the improvements and refinements people have been demanding over the past year -- yet plenty of folks still went to their respective social networks to type out their bitter disappointment. iPhone upgrade ennui seemed to be sweeping the nation, a sentiment that appeared to quickly dissipate when it came time for people to vote with their wallets."

    John Gruber, Daring Fireball: The iPhone 5. "The meta story surrounding the iPhone 5 is the same as that of the iPhone 4S a year ago: a gaping chasm between consumers so excited to buy it that they stay up until (or wake up in) the middle of the night to pre-order it, and on the other side, a collective yawn from the gadget and tech press. That story a year ago was lost amid the tributes to Steve Jobs, who died the day after the 4S was unveiled. If anything, that chasm is growing. The collective yawn from the tech press was louder this year; the enthusiasm from consumers is stronger."

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