






专栏 - 向Anne提问


Anne Fisher 2011年12月28日

Anne Fisher为《财富》杂志《向Anne提问》的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于1996年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。


    2. 展示灵活的管理方式。斯隆建议:“人们普通认为,50岁以上的求职者思维已经固化,不愿意做出改变。所以,要介绍如何调整方法,从而适应不同的形势和各种企业文化。此外,你还可以提到如何应对突发问题,例如产品召回、失去主要客户或应对政府出台新法规等。”关键在于,要证明自己和35岁的管理人员一样能解决问题,甚至还能稍胜一筹。

    3. 介绍辅佐年轻老板的成功经验。招聘人员和经理经常担心,50岁以上的高管在向年轻老板汇报工作时会有障碍,而年轻的经理们也许会担心你抢他们的饭碗。梅斯建议:“面试时要举例说明过去帮助年轻一辈的老板取得成功、实现发展和提升职业目标的经历”。


    4. 降低起薪,放长线钓大鱼。“如果你要求的起薪比年轻的求职者低,但要求较高的绩效奖金或权益,这样你就能占据有利地位,”斯隆表示。“公司更愿意雇佣那些愿意首先证明自己能力的高管。”






    Instead of being defensive about your age, make it an asset. In cover letters, on your resume, and especially in interviews, "describe the abilities you've gained from experience that will give you an advantage over younger, less experienced candidates," he says. One example: Problem solving. "At age 50-plus, there are probably few business challenges you haven't faced," says Mays.

    2. Describe your flexible management style. "There is a perception that over-fifty job seekers are set in their ways and reluctant to change. So talk about how you modified your approach to fit different situations and varied corporate cultures," Sloane suggests. "You can also mention how you responded to unanticipated problems like a product recall, the loss of a major client, or a new government regulation." The point is to show that you can roll with the punches as well as, or better than, any 35-year-old.

    3. Cite past success at working for a younger boss. Recruiters and hiring managers often worry that executives over 50 will have problems reporting to someone younger, and young managers may wonder if your experience means you're after their jobs. "During interviews, give examples where you enabled a young boss to succeed, grow, and advance their careers," Mays advises.

    "If you're interviewing with a prospective boss who is younger than you, ask what his or her greatest challenges are, and tell how you believe your skills and experience can make their mission easier," he adds. "You'll be less likely to be perceived as a threat if you show that you respect their authority and are as committed to advancing their career as your own."

    4. Be flexible about pay. "You'll have a significant advantage over younger candidates if you're willing to accept a lower base salary up front, in exchange for greater performance-based bonus or equity," says Sloane. "Companies prefer to hire executives who are willing to prove themselves first."

    Decide what minimum salary you need and then, when asked about your pay requirements, "mention that once you learn more about the job requirements and the company's full compensation structure -- including salary, bonus, profit-sharing, perks, and equity -- you'll be in a better position to answer."

    Among OptiMarket's clients, Sloane says, "reducing initial salary requirements is often the key reason they get an offer. And in most cases, they end up making more money in the long run, because of deferred compensation they earn for great performance."

    Here's hoping it works out that way for you.

    Talkback: If you're over 50 and job hunting, do you think your age is an obstacle, an advantage, or a bit of both? If you've recently found a new job, what do you think helped you clinch the offer? Leave a comment below.

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