

财富中文网 2016年03月18日

Scripps Health公司






该机构在圣地亚哥市经营着一个昂贵的医疗保健体系,员工人数约为13281人。除了较高的平均工资,员工们还有额外津贴。Scripps Health设立的“成功分享”制度让普通员工和管理人员变得更平等。按照这项制度,让病人非常满意和达到绩效目标的非管理层员工可获得现金奖励。2007年实施以来,该机构已为此发放奖金逾6300万美元,其中2014年向12627名员工发放了500万美元奖金。2014年90%的员工都加了薪,平均工资涨幅为400美元。

Scripps Health

100 Best Companies Rank: 42

Average annual base pay: $126,090

Average additional cash compensation: $20,349

Total compensation: $146,439

Job Title: Manager/Director

This organization runs an expansive health-care system in San Diego, and for their roughly-13,281 employees, they enjoy a solid average pay that’s topped with helpful monetary perks. Scripps created their “Success Shares” program that promotes equality among staff and management by financially rewarding non-management employees for achieving high levels of patient satisfaction and reaching their performance goals. Since the program’s launch in 2007, Scripps has paid out more than $63 million in Success Shares bonuses, including $5 million to 12,627 employees in 2014. That year alone, 90% of staff also received an average award of $400.

First American公司







First American

100 Best Companies Rank: 94

Average annual base pay: $55,194

Average additional cash compensation: $84,911

Total compensation: $140,105

Job Title: Sales Representative

Business wins benefit both the company and individual at this financing company. Sales and service professionals that achieve top marks here could earn an all-inclusive trip to an exotic location, such as Bermuda. Those who work to receive perfect survey responses from customers receive additional cash compensation. Those considered innovators and service leaders within the company receive companywide recognition and reward gifts. And top of all this, all employees are offered profit sharing and bonuses based on the year’s results.

Atlantic Health System公司






作为新泽西州最大的医疗保健机构之一,Atlantic Health System在给予员工金钱奖励方面向来很大方。该机构的学费报销制度支持员工继续深造,不仅承担每年不超过5000美元的高等教育费用,还会通过个性化支持措施以及一对一咨询来帮助员工选择适当的课程提升自己。该机构还跟合作伙伴联手,让员工享受当地及全国性购物、餐饮、游乐园、音乐会和体育赛事打折优惠。

Atlantic Health System

100 Best Companies Rank: 79

Average annual base pay: $136,527

Average additional cash compensation: $2,593

Total compensation: $139,120

Job Title: Manager

One of the largest health care systems in New Jersey, the Atlantic Health System isn’t shy about providing its employees with financial charity. For any staff member looking to embark on further studies, the company’s tuition reimbursement program not only covers the cost of higher education up to $5,000 annually, but offers personalized support and one-on-one consultations to help staff members choose the right course for their growth. The organization also works with partners to offer employees discounts to local and national retailers, restaurants, amusement parks, concerts and sporting events.

Burns & McDonnell公司






这家工程公司里处处渗透着主人翁精神,最明显的就是员工持股计划。对于按时完成工作并达到预算和安全目标的员工,许多项目合同都会予以金钱奖励。公司还会将鼓励性分红纳入年终奖金池,并把分红转化成相应员工的新增股份。Burns & McDonnell在慈善方面也很慷慨。在Burns & McDonnell基金会的协助下,该公司为教育、社区发展、健康和文化艺术等诸多领域提供了资金和志愿服务。

Burns & McDonnell

100 Best Companies Rank: 16

Average annual base pay: $88,100

Average additional cash compensation: $48,260

Total compensation: $136,360

Job Title: Electrical Engineer

There’s a culture of ownership that permeates this engineering firm, starting with the employee stock plan. Many project contracts set financial incentives for staff members when they meet schedule, budget and safety targets. It also activates incentive payouts that go into a year-end bonus pool, and turns into increases in stock portfolio values for respective employees. The company is also big on giving—The Burns & McDonnell Foundation helps channel funds and volunteer hours into a range of areas that include education, community development, health, and arts and culture.









100 Best Companies Rank: 95

Average annual base pay: $124,830

Average additional cash compensation: $10,062

Total compensation: $134,892

Job Title: Software Development Engineer

Fun and work mix well at this web hosting company headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. With a highly competitive base salary of $124,830 for full-time salaried employees, workers here are also lavished with a good amount of goodies. The GoDaddy holiday parties are an annual highlight, with more than 5,000 guests attending the 2015 bash that included special guest artistes Daddy Yankee and Pitbull. Employees also receive fully-paid health coverage from their company, which also pays half of any dependents’ coverage as well.

Baker Donelson公司






这家律师事务所在美国东南部以及华盛顿设有19个办事处。除了工资丰厚,Baker Donelson还很关心员工的个人生活。作为鼓励措施之一,想过得更健康的员工可报销500美元的健康险保费。在较大的城市,Baker Donelson为员工报销公共交通费用,有车的员工可以免费使用停车场。该公司还鼓励员工为社区做贡献,符合条件的员工可以享受8小时带薪短假,用来服务邻居。








另一个例子来自美国游戏开发商Riot Games,公司鼓励员工去参加游戏界会议并与视频游戏的玩家面对面交流,交通费全额报销。2015年该公司员工主动离职率为7.9%。




Baker Donelson

100 Best Companies Rank: 32

Average annual base pay: $124,030

Average additional cash compensation: $4,778

Total compensation: $128,808

Job Title: Associate

A law firm with 19 offices across the Southeast and Washington, D.C., Baker Donelson pairs a healthy living wage with a concern for their employees’ affairs. For those who want to make healthier choices, the company offers a $500 health premium discount as an incentive. In larger cities, the firm picks up the tab on public transportation costs, and parking is free for those that have a car. The company also pushes employees to give to the wider community; those who are eligible receive 8 hours of paid time to serve their neighborhoods.

Perks Are Great—But They Won’t Make Employees Stay

Companies on Fortune‘s list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For are known for their outstanding benefits, strong employee development programs, fun workplace cultures, and much more. And, voluntary turnover at these companies is, on average, approximately 50% of that seen by their non-list industry peers.

However, of all the factors that comprise a great workplace, the ones that are most closely associated with employees’ belief that they want to work at the company “for a long time” are actually unrelated to perks, development opportunities, or even fair pay and profit sharing.

New research from this year’s list shows that an employee’s belief that “My work has special meaning: this is not ‘just a job’” tops the list of distinguishing factors associated with the desire to stay, followed by the belief that “I make a difference here,” and “When I look at what we accomplish, I feel a sense of pride.”

This tells us that when it comes to retaining talent, inspiring a sense of purpose and meaning at work are key issues employers should attend to.

While it can be challenging to inspire a sense of purpose and meaning across an entire company, the 100 Best Companies achieve this goal in many creative ways—one of which is to connect employees to the end customer.

For example, at Genentech, enormous banners featuring the patients who have a better quality of life—thanks to the drugs Genentech produces—grace the sides of buildings. These serve as visual reminders of the impact employees have as a result of their work. Genentech’s voluntary turnover rate last year was just 4%—a small fraction of the 25.8% average turnover rate over the same period in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In another example, Riot Games, which saw 7.9% voluntary turnover rate last year, sponsors trips to gaming conventions so employees can meet the players of the company’s video games face-to-face.

More than 40 years ago, Studs Terkel wrote inWorking: “Work is about a search for daily meaning as well as daily bread,” a sentiment that rings true as loudly today than it ever has. And as the workplace becomes increasingly remote and digitized, finding that daily meaning may prove to be more and more challenging. However, given the positive impact these efforts have, it’s a challenge that’s well worth taking on.

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