

Quora 2015年05月05日


    1. 好好看看下面的听众,你的准备应该让你感觉已经非常接近目标。走上讲台设置好麦克风之后,不要马上开始说话。暂停几秒钟,带着热情的微笑看看下面的听众[你会发现伟大的领导者在开始演讲之前都会这么做]。这是在向听众们传达一种信息:你是值得信任的。这短短的2-3秒钟非常关键。

    2. 用无伤大雅的自嘲让听众放下戒心,吸引听众。先拿自己开个玩笑。让听众们笑出声来。有一次,我在纳什维尔向一些有钱的南方人演讲,我嘲笑了自己的口音。听众们一直在大笑,而我也将自己的弱点变成了优势[在那之后,由于我的口音,他们变得更加专注] 。


    (1) 在两次非常重要的场合,我都用这个幻灯片开场,两场演示的听众均哄堂大笑,并且记住了那次演示。这是一位设计师朋友专门为我设计的。

    (2) 不要背对听众,要有一些动作。一位身体语言专家曾经培训过让听众信任的正确的移动方式。向前表示信任。所以,在讲述你的大创意或回答提问的时候,向前移动几英寸。这个向前的小动作可以传递出许多非常微妙的线索。向后则代表不诚实。因此,要避免向后移动[除非你在拿自己开玩笑],只能向前稍稍移动——动作要非常细微,听众们甚至都不知道你在向前走。避免将手背或后背面向听众——这些动作会增加不信任。

    (3) 注意停顿。对于非职业演讲人来说,这是最难的部分。戏剧大师们很清楚在何时停顿,进而形成冲击力。将你的大创意打到屏幕上之后,停顿一两秒钟,以达到戏剧效果。让听众们把注意力集中到你的演示上来。

    (4) 基础方面不出错——与大部分听众进行眼神接触,略微改变一下语调。





    During the presentation

    1. Have a good look at the audience and your preparation should have made you feel very close to that target. After you get to the stage and have setup your mike, don’t start talking immediately. Pause a couple of seconds taking a good strong look with a strong smile [you can see that great leaders always do that before they start their speech]. That is when you are conveying you can be trusted. That brief 2-3 seconds can be very crucial.

    2. Disarm and charm the audience with mild self-deprecation. Get your first joke on yourself. Let the audience laugh. While I was once presenting to a group of rich southerners in Nashville, I made fun of my accent. The audience were smiling the whole time as I turned by weakness into an advantage [they were more attentive due to my accent, after that point].


    (1) I opened with this slide on 2 different occassions [both very important] and on both occassions, the audience burst out laughing & remembered the presentation. A designer friend crafted this deck for me.

    (2) Don’t turn your back on the audience and look to move a bit. A body language expert once coached on the right way to move & make the audience trust. Coming forward conveys trust. So, when you are conveying your big idea or getting to the ask, move a few inches forward. That little movement forward can send a lot of subtle cues. Going back can send messages of dishonestly. Thus, avoid moving back [unless you are taking a joke on you] and always make a small movement forward – and make that movement so subtle that the audience doesn’t even know you are walking towards them. Also avoid showing the back of your hand or the back of the body – those all increases distrust.

    (3) Master your pauses. This is the hardest thing to do for non-professionals. Masters of drama know when to pause to give that impact. After your big idea got to the screen, wait a second or two to give that dramatic effect. Let the audience absorb the drama.

    (4) Keep your basics correct – making eye contact with a chunk of the audience, changing your tones a bit.

    As a parting note, give the presentation its due importance. Give the audience their due respect. A presentation can change your whole life. Thus, take it seriously and do the homework.

    Answer by Balaji Viswanathan on Quora.

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