

Robert Hackett 2014年11月06日

    《秘密》(The Secret),作者:朗达•拜恩(2006年)

    2006年,拜恩制作了一部类似《达芬奇密码》(Da Vinci Code)的视频纪录片,与希尔和“卡内基致富秘诀”使用的语言遥相呼应。这部纪录片声称解开了能够改变生活的奥秘。她很快便推出了同名图书,并因《奥普拉脱口秀》(Oprah Winfrey Show)的大力推荐而畅销一时。拜恩的理论基于“吸引力法则”:积极的思考会带来积极的结果。拜恩表示,宇宙吸引力和意志力能够带来健康、财富和幸福。她认为爱因斯坦、爱迪生和伽利略等都掌握了这一奥秘。借助这本书大获成功的东风,拜恩随后又推出触动灵魂的续篇《力量》(The Power)和《魔力》(The Magic),继续宣传自己的理论。(财富中文网)


    The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (2006)

    Echoing the language of Hill and “the Carnegie secret,” Byrne produced a Da Vinci Code-esque video documentary claiming to reveal life-changing arcana in 2006. Her book of the same name quickly followed, receiving a major popularity boost from The Oprah Winfrey Show. Byrne’s premise is based on the “law of attraction”: positive thinking begets positive results. Cosmic magnetism and will power bring health, wealth, and happiness, Byrne says. She cites Einstein, Edison, and Galileo as famous possessors of this secret knowledge. Building on her own success, Byrne has continued to spread the word in soulful sequels such as The Power and The Magic.

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